"We will rotate warpgate ownership next GU"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zaik, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Zaik


    There you have it. Hopefully we'll be flipping between them once a month or so from now on, or at least from now until they find some way to make SE Indar less of a terrible place.

    I'm looking forward to being in the SW, that's the only warpgate I've never fought my way out of. It's a lot more colorful than N and SE.
  2. Dr.Destro229

    the purple tide comes...
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  3. Darthsebious

    I have no issue with this. SEWG was fun and so was the NWG. Change of scenery never hurt anyone.

    I'd like to say I experienced the other warp gates on Ammerish and Esamir but... well... we don't go there anymore...
  4. Dr.Destro229

    with the server merges coming I hope this will change
  5. DukeFlash

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  6. Glass

    Run for your lives!!!11one11!

    Meanwhile, all that is red will vanish.
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  7. Arkha3

    I don't know about this, I was just starting to get used to the silly terrain of the TR warpgate. I liked the idea of 3 month rotation :confused:
  8. FXRiot

    VS population rises again
  9. Dr.Destro229

    Watch the TR pop drop like a rock
  10. Oreo202

    Purple will be even more fabulouuuuuus!
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  11. huller

    Oh sh*t, we'll get the old NC WG!111!11!!!

    I do hope the WG positions ocasionaly stay fixed for a while in a certain position, like the old configuration sticking around twice as long as the others. Gives a sense of bellonging. So that you know which WG is yours, even if it isn't yours at the moment...

    Also, the rotations should occasionaly alter direction so the TR for example know how it feels when the VS push on scarred messa from the west...
  12. Dreadnaught Wrex

    TR will still push out into the other faction's areas. Like we always had, just because the north isnt ours anymore doesnt mean a victory for the others.
  13. FXRiot

    Enjoy our lovely, lush green grass NC :(
  14. NightmareP69

    I wonder how TR will perform in the old NC warpgate, VS has been doing sorta okay in that position at least in the Ceres server. Anyway, looking forward to the North warpgate. Always wanted to see why it's so loved.
  15. Ronin Oni

    I love the SE personally.... So lol cause I'm happy :p

    Those canyons are my home.

    I also like attacking out from there, and there's always great battles at Zurvan & Tawrich.

    C'mon TR... lets show these purble and blue scrubs that it isn't some cursed location!
  16. Ronin Oni

    I can't stand the North...

    I hate the entire north with a passion. It's really god awful IMO.

    The only reason it's "better defended" is nobody wants to fight for that barren wasteland, so it remains untouched until the South is won and someone pushes north.
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  17. TheEvilBlight

    TR: If you're better at D than we the VS were (at least on Soltech), then you may enjoy the SE. Otherwise, get camped a lot.

    Your best bet is to crawl along the south to Regent Rock and threaten Peris and Tawrich: then take the other canyons to Rashnu, Tawrich and Zurvan. Getting beyond that little corner will be tough, though I've seen VS attack as far north as Mao tech plant from Rashnu and beyond Peris to the south.
  18. Mogi67

    This will be fun. I haven't played the North Indar warpgate since I first got into beta in August or September...or whenever it was. It will bring back memories. I like the SE warpgate with the canyons and cliffsides and such, cool scenery. I feel bad for whever gets stuck in the SW corner though, **** that.
  19. Dawgpound12

    Thank God. The SW corner looks great with the canyons and all of that but it is a terrible strategic location.
  20. Sowahka

    I'm eager to see how many TR start saying the other factions are OP.