MAX Anti-Infantry Questions

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Xdeath121, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Xdeath121

    I've recently been upgrading my class, having load-outs fitting a situation as it comes. I have the anti-vehicle and Anti-air figured out, but anti-infantry i need a couple of questions answered:

    1. What would be the best weapon to use? (I was thinking the Nebula for it's firing rate)
    2. What would be the best certs to equip? (I was thinking the auto-repair, as the kinetic doesn't offer a large boost)
  2. Dreadnaught Wrex

    I cant answer number one since I dont play VS but I believe its the cosmos as they are called.

    But number two I can answer. Auto repair is probably the best for you. It may not give you the AoE protection or the extra "health" the other two give you. But kinetic is only useful when you have a pet engineer with you. Otherwise it really isnt. Cant tell you how many times I have watched engineers walk right past my near dead MAX suit. Nano is the way to go if you only want to cert into one ability. I can count a plethera of times nano has save me because I am not a MAX who fights to the death. I like longevity in my suits.
  3. irishroy

    i don't know a lot about vanuguns, but don't take the selfrepair. where you are there should be always an engie running around.
    so drop some certs in the flakarmor.
    but just take a look at the "MAX Breakdown-thread". it's quite a new thread with a good MAX-guide.
    i don't know how you can ask such a question ;)
  4. Serval

    It might be worth waiting until the MAXs get their balance addressed, as right now half the weapons are worthless.

    Eg. The VS Blueshift is meant to be accurate, but it's the least accurate of the VS weapons because the high-capacity Cosmos has stolen the Blueshifts accuracy, the Nebula took the Cosmos' accuracy and gave its sh*t accuracy to the Blueshift. The 'fast firing' Nebula with its supposed low accuracy would standing to reason, be the most damaging, but it's worse than the others (the Quasar might do less dps, I forget.)
  5. Cryptek

    It's pretty simple: try a TR MAX out

    If you absolutely love stock cyclers, get Nebula, because they're almost identical.

    If you like the Quasar, but wish you had twice the accuracy and 25 more bullets, get the cosmos.

    Stats wise the cosmos is superior in every way, since the Nebula does less damage per bullet (and the effective amount of bullets you need to connect puts it either 0.1 second in favor of the Nebula or Cosmos, depending whether or not people have health upgrade) So the TTK is negligible, however the extra ammo and accuracy is not.
  6. Matthew Clark

    let me break it down for you. Flak armor increases damage taken from splash but not direct hits. Kinetic gives you 3333 more health against infantry weapons, but doesn't protect you against splash. Nano armor regen is only basically useful when the engineers around you are ******** or you're alone.

    Honestly, it depends on what you do and get hit by the most. If you often find yourself the target of rocket jockies who can't hit anything, flak. Regular troops with their laughable guns, Kinetic, and if you are that one forever alone guy, then Nano regen.
  7. AccelPrime

    I have a 12 minute video on my channel (link in my sig!) which covers the entire MAX unit. Cert upgrades + weapons included. Kinetic Armor is probably significantly better than you think ;).
  8. Sieve

    1. Best weapon would be the Cosmos hands down since they are a straight upgrade from Quasars (Larger mag and more accurate) while the Blue Shifts and Nebulas are straight downgrades/major downgrades of the Quasars
    2. I find the armor accelerator to be insanely useful since engineers seem to forget that they can repair MAX suits most of the time, so with Armor Accelerator I'm back in the fight in a minute or 2 while without I'm running around trying to find an engineer for 10 minutes until someone pops up and finishes me off. Plus, it tends to be the difference between going into a firefight with ~75% health, and going in with 100% health. Though the resistance for kinetic isn't as bad as you think, SOE just messed up the description. Instead of giving you 1% bullet resistance at each level, it adds to the 80% bullet resistance on all MAXs, so at rank 5 you'd have 85% bullet resistance instead of 80%
  9. Phebus

    What sieve said except I would advise you to trial the weapons. Personally I prefer the Nebulas, Blue shift are a waste of time and cosmos is OK, to be honest none of them are great because they don't do tons of damage and they're all fairly inaccurate.
  10. MaxDamage

    Nano armour regen is for fools and the bastard offspring of fools.
    Kinetic for AI, Flak for AV & AA.
  11. Tungsten

    I pity the fool who thinks nano regen is for fools.
  12. Xasapis

    Personally I'm saving certs for the max revamp. 3k certs saved so far. I reckon I'll buy two guns if they introduce flamethrowers plus cert to maximum whatever special they end up giving to VS.
  13. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    They hinted at Grenade Launchers and Flamers; here's hoping we get a Lasher Variety.
    Still hoping to get an improved version of the Closed Beta Lasher instead of a boring old Flame Thrower.
    Then there might be Meteor AT, maybe a rapid fire Comet, and I fear the rebalancing might end up being a slight nerf to everyones favourite weapon the Cosmos.
    If Blue****s finally get the accuracy they were advertised to have, I'd buy some; Also hoping for Silencers for Max suits, because imagine the awesome.
  14. Sieve

    If they do nerf the Cosmos I would be most displeased, since it's their own error that they are the 'go to' weapon for the VS MAX

    Whatever happened to "every weapon's a sidegrade"? Now we're stuck with "2 weapons are downgrades and 1 is an upgrade, have fun"
  15. kukuman

    1: hybrid ( nebula+comet ) beats dual anything ai by 0.235 faster
    2. i use auto repair systems to extend my life buffer.
  16. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Well, complaining about the latter and complaining about the former hardly goes well together, don't you think?
    That's why I hope for half strength laser sights as an upgrade option; They'd be able to allow it for the Cosmos, and despite a ~15% accuracy nerf, I'd still be the same, albeit at 500 certs more investment.
    Or they do what was suggested in another thread, and give the blueshift a quirk to make it weak in cqc, so it's out the competition.
  17. SinerAthin

    I recommend either:


    I started using the Cosmos, but eventually switched to the Nebula. The reason behind my decision is that the a high ROF is very important in close quarter combat.
    Infantry have a much harder time bunny hopping around me when I use the Nebula, I enjoy a slightly faster TTK than the Cosmos, and shots nor registering(aka hitting but not actually damaging the target) is less than an issue with the Nebula than with the Cosmos.

    But, if you are going to fight at medium ranges, I strongly recommend the Cosmos.

    Nebula - CQC
    Cosmos - Medium range

    Just bear in mind though that the VS MAX is inferior at the moment to the other faction's MAXes, and you should avoid direct confrontations unless you got a complete tactical superiority or advantage.