Just got One-Shot-Killed....with Max Health/Armour + Resist Shield on

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HyperMatrix, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. HyperMatrix

    I don't know if I've never noticed it before or if it's something new...but I saw a sniper shooting. So I just activated resist shield and stood still to let him shoot me so I could see where he's shooting from then medkit/run. He shoots me. I die. One hit. Again, I don't remember this happening before. Is it at all possible for someone to have, let's say...2000ms ping time because they're playing from China through VPN, me hitting my shield, but their client not knowing I have a shield on, shooting me, and I die? 2 seconds after I've activated my shield? Or does resist shield simply not work against high damage from sniper headshots?

    EDIT: Some data regarding Headshot from Bolt Action Sniper and Health/Damage reduction from shield:

    In theory the max damage from a Bolt Action sniper on a headshot is 1600(?) damage. Resist Shield is supposed to reduce incoming damage by 45%. Meaning...that 1600 damage should only do 880 to me, which is below my 1000 combined health/armour.
  2. Hosp

    I believe this has been brought up in another thread way back when. No, resist shield doesn't protect from headshot snipers.
  3. Sakai

    You can survive a headshot only if you have nanoweave armor 5 i believe. As a HA with shield on of course, in other cases headshot from a bolt action will kill you.
  4. Dusty El Lion

    What? A accurate sniper shot killed me? Who would have thunk it?

    I think the SOP if your being shot at by a sniper is to NOT stop moving. Any bolt action can one shot kill to the head, otherwise they would be pretty useless.
  5. Rhinzual

    Way to go and miss the whole point.
    • Up x 3
  6. HyperMatrix

    Because of a bug? Or simply as an intended limitation of the shield? Because "in theory" 1500 damage from a headshot shouldn't be an issue if I have 500 Health + 500 Armour, since Resist Shield is supposed to reduce damage by 45%. Meaning...that 1500 damage should only do 825 to me, which is below my 1000 combined health/armour.
  7. GamerOS

    A sniper rifle does about 750-800 damage, so about 1500 or 1600 damage on a headshot.
    Without any upgrades all classes got 1000 health total (infil got 900)

    Anyway, I believe resist shield only reduces damage of bullets/explosions doing 200 damage or less, sniper rifles do obviously a LOT more then that.
  8. Sinoby

    Lag in this game may result in lot's of interesting moments . On these weekend Miller was lagging pretty badly, I had a duel in biolab - I see the opponent shooting me, I shoot him back. At one moment I realise that he is not dealing any damge. I thought - wow this guy sucks... And then I instantly died. Several seconds later the guy died to my bullets ;)
  9. HyperMatrix

    That can't be true. I use resist shield to walk through anti-personnel mines (along with my 50% flak armour) which means I take very very little damage. And anti-personnel mines do over 1000 damage.
  10. UrMom306

    as others have said, resist doesn't stop bolt actions, one of the downsides to it, but I def like it better than the other shields.
  11. Hosp

    I think it was an intended limitation on the shield. Someone else had caught this same issue and brought it to light. But also remember, head-shots do what? 1.5x or 2x damage? (unless I'm mistaken on the mechanic). So that 1500 is suddenly 2250. 2250 after 45% resist is 1012. Just enough to drop you.
  12. SpankyH

    The resist shield has a breakpoint of around 400-500 or so. If you take more damage than that from a single hit, the resist shield does nothing.
  13. GamerOS

    Either way I'm sure there is a damage limit on it where it stops resisting or there are certain damage sources that ignore it, some clarification on what and how much exactly from the devs would be nice tough.
  14. HyperMatrix

    That'd be incorrect. 1500 or 1600 (whichever it is) is already with the 2x multiplier. The base shot only does 750 (or 800 as some have said). So the total damage would be 1500 or 1600. Not more than that.
  15. HyperMatrix

    You're thinking of the regular shield. Not the resist shield.
  16. HyperMatrix

    Would be nice to have clarification on this. If it's intended to work this way, then it is what it is. But if it's bugged, then obviously need to bring more attention to it. Since there has been no mention of any limitations on the shield by the dev's or on the tooltip, more clarification is certainly needed.
  17. Sakai

    It is intented to work as it is. You can survive a headshot, as i said, if you have nanoveawe armor 5 and shield on, but that's it.
    • Up x 1
  18. stabbystabby

    if you don't want to get 1 shot head shot by bolt-action snipers, get nano-weave IV + i have it all all my classes 20% flat HP buff at IV 25% at V
  19. Hannabelle

    I think you've managed to confuse yourself.

    The regular shield stops a certain flat total amount of damage. Once you take X damage, the shield is gone.

    The resist shield has a break point. If you take more than X damage from a single direct hit, it doesn't get resisted.

    Works like this: Say (for sake of arguement, because I don't have the actual numbers) that the breakpoint is 400 damage. You get hit for up to 399 damage, resist shield takes 45% off. You get hit for 400 or more, then resist shield does nothing, and you take 400 or more damage.

    This issue came up in a previous discussion a few weeks ago, regarding the fact that besides the bolt-actions, there are a few NC weapons that hit hard enough to bypass the Resist Shield on headshots.

    To the person who mentioned AP mines, that's splash damage, which we already know that the game has different functions to account for. A rocket or tank shell, for instance, is an instant kill on infantry if you get a direct hit, no matter what level of Flak Armor they have equipped. But Flak armor will be effective against the same rocket if it explodes nearby, even if "nearby" is as close as "the floor 2 inches away from my foot".