Meta-Game. Again. I don't understand why it's not in-game yet....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duke, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Duke

    I told you guys I would complain about this until they either banned me or the game shut down. I am not complaining now..... I am pleading; I am begging. Please stop allowing Planetside 2 to be a meat-grinder....

    I don't know how else to ask for it, I don't know how else to beg on my knees with words. If it wasn't so important, I promise I wouldn't be so absurdly adamant about it..

    Please guys, agree or +1 or something. We need more than just a simple BF3/tank-air spam/ Cert farm game....

    I can't give up on this and I don't ******* know why...
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  2. SgtBreastroker

    Don't go to the Crown and surrounding areas and you will be fine.
  3. Shasbot

    But I enjoy Crownside2.
  4. OneRedBlock

    I've never played, is it any good? I spend most of my time on Lockonside 2, but Crownside 2 sounds like a game I'd want to check out.
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  5. Daewoot

    Not quite sure what people screaming for meta game are expecting.. Currently as it stands it takes a coordinated effort by several outfits and the faction at large to lock down a continent.. Is that not a large enough objective above and beyond just mindless battles?

    Granted the incentive and perhaps reward could be better, but how to do that without making it stupidly OP for the winners?
    Surely you don`t require a great big WELL DONE message and shiny medal just to feel like you achieved something..

    Possibly with the inclusion of a continent lock it may well add a sense of urgency to the fighting when trying to lock a continent, but beyond that i really am curious as to what people want to see for this much talked about and vaunted Meta game
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  6. Kristan

    I'd say continent lock is not the thing worth fighting for. Territory and base benefits - that's what matters. Nobody wants to protect territory because they bring nothing but resourses I get enough because of subscription bonus. Yesterday I saw like people got stuck on Ti Alloys while each of our four bases had "Enemy platoons" alert. That means people are only intrested in pew-pew... Yet PS2 is not meant to be pew-pew game.
  7. CHC999

    Pew pew...


    /point disproven
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  8. Dusty Lens

    I don't think you understand what you mean when you, and others, push the big blue button with the word "metagame" on it.

    I see a lot of people pushing that button. Then these threads appear. Then a bunch of people say they too pushed the button and want to know what the hell.

    I've seen a lot of these threads. A lot. I am somewhat new to Planetside. I am somewhat new to FPS games. I have no idea at all what it is that you people want. Maybe it's good. Maybe it's stupid. I don't know. There is never any content in any of these threads. It's just some person who got it into their head to write up a post with the word metagame in it. I know what the word means structurally. I don't know what it means contextually.

    Maybe if I walk away from one these threads knowing what you're talking about, rather than walking away thinking that somewhere out there a seal is pushing a button and getting a fish, it would also help some of the people on high.

    Just saying.

    In the meantime, enjoy the fish.
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  9. CHC999

    I don't really understand what that mean by meta-game. I come from EVE Online where meta-game is no joke.

    Players would infiltrate a corperation (outfit), stay there for weeks (even months or years), gaining trust, rank and privileges, then one night steal everything (equivilant of thousands of dollars of real money), disband the corporation, steal the name, hack the forum. And thats not the end, oh hoho no, they will then sit in TS or whatever voice channel and wait for players to find out what happen and record their reactions. Post it on all the public EVE Online forums and have a good laugh at how stupid they are. Major alliances with thousands of people literally collapses overnight.

    Theres been rumors of a player going to an enemy leader's house and cut his power line during an important battle. There has been deliberate mass private chat spam that crashes a player's client. There has been deliberate overloading of the server by mass logging into a vital system.

    Report them you say? Forget it Devs says its part of the 'game' but they will sound real nice about it but they are really just laughing because you will spend another 6 months (with subscriptions) to rebuild everything.

    Is that the meta-game you guys are speaking of? You call it cheap, dirty tricks. Practically criminal in some cases. EVE players call it sabotage, stratagem, tactics, the meta-game. Anything goes as long as you win, as long as crush them until they break down and cry and you lap up their tears and dance around their corpses. You think MOBA games are toxic, you just don't know the dark side of EVE Online.
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  10. khord

    I think that would just about do it. With some kind of decent reward to gain if won or lose if lost. Something to make the casuals, the zergs and the sun tzu's to fight together towards a more common goal other than to 'beat the other guys faces in'
  11. Littleman

    Yes it is. We'd all be playing Risk if it didn't have the pew-pew. Everything works in layers, and the most basic layer must be solid for the next layer to work. If the FPS portion is crap, the land grab metagame will be crap too, if because few would be playing.

    And to be fair, few actually cared to protect bases in PS1, it was simply a matter of they had to to make forward progress. When there's only one base an army can assault from the base they're staging an assault, there isn't a work-around route to circumnavigate the enemy zerg like we see on PS2's Indar, the defending army had to hold their base and flip the forward momentum against their enemies. If another base they owned was getting hit hard, the zerg seldom bothered to respond, simply because it was both inconvenient to travel across the continent to get to it, especially as one had to cert into even pulling a flier, and there was no guarantee enough people would respond to the attack to not make it an impossibly lopsided fight.

    Both of these elements are partly why no one bothers to respond to a ghost hacking zerg on Amerish or Esamir. One to four guys isn't going to do much to stop them.

    If there's one thing to take from PS1 as gospel, it's how masses of players react to global situations. Defending a base literally needs to be convenient and darn near forced before the zerg really makes an attempt to do so. Indar has too many territories, making the act of defending an area even as a great staging point seem both worthless and inconvenient, because the enemy could just back off if they can't get a sunderer into the area and find another way around. Then we have a bunch of bored defenders that just press forward only for the enemy zerg to circle back around and take what WAS being held uncontended.
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  12. Sakai

    +1 :). When people say that there's not much incentives to capture bases, what do they mean by that? Isn't winning and not losing nowdays are not enough of incentive, lol? You say, OP, we need more than just BF3, yet people like you play the game exactly like it is. Staying at the crown 24/7.
  13. Duke

    I Guess I'll write another one next week. Also to the above post, I don't play anymore. I want to.... I want to a lot... But there's no reason to..
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  14. TheArchetype

    It's on the way.
    Meanwhile, go to Amerish and walk around for an hour on Ultra settings, take a deep breath and look at all the pretty sights.
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  15. MxRacer

    Of course the satisfaction of winning isn't enough, you know why? Because its a ******* video game and there is no satisfaction if you aren't advancing, and winning a base in planetside 2 means having the enemy Zerg take it back in 5 minutes or having it be ghost capped by people at 3 in the morning. Aka nothing at all was accomplished, that so called win was less significant than the people farming the crown
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  16. Aisar

    I am hoping meta-game will come some day but I don't think it will be anytime soon. Some bad design decisions were made, it's unfortunate but it won't change within the time limit you are thinking. Take a good long break and come back when things are better. I don't think threads like these will really make it come faster. They have a very large amount of work to do and things to add and it's going to take a year+ before a lot of people can pick up this game and have fun for an extended amount of time. Solo play is pretty much pointless in this game and something else they might think about improving.

    Bottom line they have a lot of work to do and threads like these are just...meh. They know, you don't need to remind them.
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  17. Dam187

    You want the metagame fixed-the only way this can happen is they start adding some elements from RPG. Otherwise PS2 is staying the way it is and since the community is against anything none fps even though ps2 being an mmo in itself already screams rpg---ps2 is a cert farming mmo if you want ps2 to stay fundamentally an fps with no rpg elements it stays a cert farming mmo.
  18. Xae

    The "meta-game" of Planetside one didn't stop the game from being Gunuku-side on Cyssor much like we have Crownside on Indar.
  19. Hoki

    I'm guessing the systems design devs don't even know what a meta-game is and never understood why people played PS1.
  20. Sakai

    You do realise that games are 100% meaningless regardless of what they have? You're not "advancing" anywhere, you're just killing time. :) That said in an MMO ANYTHING you conquer will be eventually reset, because you know why? This is an MMO! When they release continet lock, i bet people like you will still be saying "oh who cares! it only locks for one day (or whatever), i better stay at the crown and continue with my farmville". So don't try to blame the game when the problem is in you. For me there's planety of motivation to actually do things right.