Let's talk about XP gain balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tnsr, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Tnsr

    Now that we have the player stats page we have to talk about the obvious problems of PS2 to provide fair XP gain for all classes. Not as if it was obvious before the player stats page came, but I have:

    Infiltrator: Score/Minute 72
    Medic: Score/Minute 144
    Engineer: Score/Minute 107 (though I had not a single Cert invested into this class)

    Sup, SOE, will Infiltrators finally see some fair XP balance?
    More XP for hacking? Headshot sniping kill bonus based on the range of the kill? BF3 has shown how it works. More XP for spotting enemies? Sniper tool showing all enemies around on the minimap and everyone killed gives us XP?
    I mean... easily DOUBLE the XP with Medic than with hard effort with the Infiltrator. Something's wrong.
  2. Daioh

    i don't see how they could fix it without opening themselves up to mass abuse
  3. Optrex

    No need to encourage more Infiltrators, theres enough already and its more of a selfish role than a support roll like the other 2.
    • Up x 3
  4. Being@RT

    Doesn't seem like a big issue to me as all the exp gains go into the same pool. Only if certs earned on a class were only usable on that class would we have a problem, imo.
  5. Tiedemann

    It works in the sense that there are boat loads of useless camping sniper kids who don't do crap for the team, so no thanks.
    • Up x 4
  6. Tnsr

    Is that a problem of Infiltrator players or a problem of SOE game design and what Infiltrators can do for the team?
    Right, the latter.
  7. Sturmwaffles

    Yes, hacking turrets, disabling their terminals..selfish.
  8. Dubious

    The good thing with PS2, is that you can play any class, with same character..

    I play Infil cause its fun
    When I just want to XP farm, I pull vehicles
  9. Xind

    Most of them are too busy sniping to facilitate the few seconds of teamwork to deny the enemy and give allies a resupply station.

    Sidenote. I believe Medic revives should be scaled based on the level of medic tool instead of the flat value they currently use. The current value would only apply to revives from a MAXIMUM level medic gun and would scale lower proportionally.
  10. Optrex

    Depends how you look at it. If you give a player multiple options, how that player uses those options to the lesser advantage of their team is not fault of the game.
  11. Sturmwaffles

    Cheaper CQC weapons would help! 100certs, much like the bolt action for VS/TR.
  12. MacLargehuge

    You are comparing a non-support class to two support classes. They said they were giving the support classes more xp gain to make playing them more attractive. You should be comparing your infiltrator to say your light assault. I do believe they need to remove the max xp for hacking, though. Not only is that a support role, which as stated above, is supposed to be higher xp for incentive, but if it was put in to prevent exploitation there are 100 other ways to exploit xp. Why punish this one class's support role when no others are?
  13. Tnsr

    Sounds a little bit like dreaming. Infiltrators can do nothing than hacking for the team, SOE didn't give them more useful things to do. We don't get enough XP for it and moreover terminals to hack are limited and serious hard work to get to in a big fight. Dumb players constantly dying for the medic to revive them will never be short, just stand in cover and use your medic gun like it is an LMG and XP fly by.
    I don't have a problem with support classes doing important things get the deserved XP for it. But not double the amount.
  14. Lorim

    They said it, but didn't do it.