Any other TR who bought the first SMG feel shafted with the release of the second?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scalia, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Scalia

    I was an early adopter of the SMG. But with the latest release, I wish I was not.

    So I've been trying to talk myself into feeling better about the 700SC and 300 certs that I have dumped into my Armistice. Now with the Hailstorm released, I feel completely shafted. Why? While statistically the two SMGs are different, in the actual field they handle identical - except the Hailstorm has twice as much ammo and the lack of having to choose between a laser sight and additional ammo.

    I trialed the Hailstorm and wow. Both have the exact same damage, a non-noticeable RoF change, a non-noticeable recoil difference, and a less than a half millisecond difference in time to kill, but that does not matter since you have twice the ammo. The bottom line is they handle and feel exactly the same.

    So do any other TR (or NC or VS for that matter) feel shafted? And to SOE: was releasing a SMG and then a month later releasing a SMG that handles and feels identical tot he first, except its more of an upgrade, intentional or accidental?
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  2. Inzababa

  3. TeknoBug

    Welcome to the market of bait & switch.

    NC's first SMG is pretty good but the second one is a much more viable CQC SMG, same goes for the VS one.
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  4. CrashB111

    GU4 will include a new AV turret for Engineer that coolsdown 2 seconds faster.
  5. Tnsr

    Welcome to PS2.
    It was obvious this gonna happen even before the first SMG was released.
  6. Haterade

    It's what happens with early adopters. Does it suck? Yeah, but I'm not going to cry over it.
  7. Outreach

    Nope I don't feel shafted at all, because I waited for both smg's to be release before I made a choice. They said from day one there were going to be two smg's, you don't have anyone to blame but yourselves for not waiting.
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  8. Dictatorfish

    SOE never forced you to buy it and you always knew they had to have some way of making money out of a F2P game, even if it feels underhanded to the customer. But don't worry, faction specific launchers are coming out soon and SOE can't possibly be evil enough to do the same trick twice, right?
  9. Metritirodogiy

    TR pretty much got shafted the most with this, since the armistice was the CQC Spray'n'Pray of the three original SMGs, and then the next gen ones had that exact design philosophy.

    Regardless, the current gen TR SMG does 200ish less DPS than the Armistice, but the ammo capacity means that you get a free rail option and thirty extra ammo, giving it an insane amount of sustainability. I don't feel cheated, but I do figure why you would. It's a much more efficient infiltrator and weapon for other classes, despite not having the came cqc battle potential.
  10. Buntfunk

    Way to go SOE. Sometimes I feel like their company is run by little children who are incapable of thinking longterm. I can't believe they would pull a ****move like that. Goes to show they are just chasing the easy bucks now before the ship is abandoned.

    Stupid business decisions like that are the reason the forums are so hostile. SOE is simply awesome at inviting anger towards themselves.
  11. Arbite

    Compare and despair.

    As someone else already pointed out, they announced there would be two SMGs from the start and that we would have to wait for the second. I impatiently waited for the second to be released, then trialed one. And then waited until the next day (What is the point of this restriction, SOE?) to trial the second. Then I settled on the Hailstorm because... well, it's amazing.

    Maybe we should just be grateful we rolled a faction that has access to this awesome weapon?
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  12. CHC999

    Man (or woman) of foresight and discipline. I commend you. They did say they were going to release 2 sets, should've wait for both to be out before purchasing. But some people just want the gun "right now"and it is a risk they commited willingly.
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  13. Scalia

    I can cite proverbs as well. But that is not the point. When simultaneously released or close in time released weapons are upgrades as opposed to side grades, that just isn't right.
  14. Jacale

    For those of you saying "you should have waited, they announced they where releasing two and you took the risk" - Where was this announcement? I don't follow Facebook or every tweet and I only occasionally log onto the forums here. Unless it was somewhere on the actual store page (WARNING: This weapon will be redundant within a week) and I missed it then this is a poor excuse.
    Even the concept of RISK in purchasing a weapon shouldn't exist, how does this benefit the store??? It just makes the smart consumer hold onto their money, while making considerably less profit from the ignorant, gullible or impulsive. Bravo.

    This was an intentional sly tactic in my opinion, if not then why were they both not released at the same time? My guess is because then the first one would not sell at all. It's either that or the team working on these new weapons is completely incompetent, either way its a poor show.

    To the OP, I feel shafted as well to be honest, I'm usually one to just suck it up if I make a mistake and waste a bit of coin on a purchase but this move just made me feel cheated. I won't be spending any more cash on Planetside 2 that's for sure.
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  15. Rean

    i was happy with 1st smg. now they release 2nd which is clearly superior. despite feeling awful and cheated, i still want to buy it (its an awesome gun to have after all), but i wont because i fear that it will be nerfed next week. i'd like to spend some SC but i just cant because there is very little trust and stability in those things lately.
  16. Sifer2

    Actually the TR have the least reason to complain as their 2 SMG's are probably the most balanced alternatives. Of the new batch of high capacity mag SMG's TR's is probably the weakest compared to the original SMG. So it's the biggest trade off for more ammo. Where as if your NC/VS it's a no brainer to get the new one's so your not pigeon holed into having to take extended mag. But for the most part yes it feels like bait an switch.
  17. Rean

    are you insane? having advanced laser sight for free (you are forced to use extended mags on 1st smg) along with 30 more ammo for slightly worse ROF and bullet speed? i'll take that any day lol.

    new TR smg is the best improvement over the old one out of 3 smg's that were added. NC and VS have reduced damage among other tradeoffs (they are down to 124), while TR has the same dmg as the first smg (same 124).
  18. TheBlueMagician

    I feel a bit annoyed, but not necessarily cheated. I got a lot of good play time out of my old SMG, and like it for what it provides for my Infiltrator. I find it annoying that the new SMG is not a sidegrade, but a clear upgrade, but it isn't enough to make me even think of wanting a refund.

    Really all I want them to do is change the new TR SMG so that it feels a bit more like a sidegrade, instead of the same gun with better ammo capacity and better accuracy.
  19. cfnz

    It doesn't really pay to be an early adopter sometimes. In this case I was fortunate enough to have watched FNO (I think) and knew a second SMG was coming out. As it stands I'm not spending any more of my station cash outside of daily deals until I have a better idea of the future content of the game or what account wide unlocks will offer. I already kind of regret buying a shotgun as it's range is woeful, an SMG may have been a better option for me.
  20. FA_Q2

    Yes and here is why -

    SOE has stated a thousand times that they don't want these weapons to be upgrades. they are 'side grades.'

    That is no longer true. They purposefully released the weaker one first to get the money and then released a superior one after. All that does is ensure that I will not spend money on this game anymore.

    I expected the second SMG to be better in some regards and worse in others. That way it would not be the clear choice. There would be tradeoffs. Now I know that such things are outright false and I cannot trust them anymore. Without trust in my chose product it becomes far more difficult to justify the purchase. This is going to cause them to lose money in the long run.
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