ATTN: Mattherson and Soltech

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dinglebuttz, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. ProfessorHobbes

    I never saw you guys dominate Indar at that warpgate location either. In fact, you guys were pathetic before the warpgate rotation. We are doing better there than you guys ever did, and we even have a frequent population disadvantage. I don't remember the NC EVER capping Indar until they were moved to that north warp gate, and even then they only managed to cap Indar once. I remember a while back the Vanu held Indar for a solid 2 or 3 weeks, something the NC never did.
  2. Dinglebuttz

    Well, I must say that my rifle is finely tuned and calibrated. Heads will roll, Mattherson. Heads will roll.
  3. Needin

    Hell, if it actually lets me see another continent, I'd merge with Mary's School of Girls. By the way, next patch the Crown should turn into a glowing pile of glass for about 3 months.
    • Up x 1
  4. Doom721

    Oh man this will be good, I hope the Soltech VS talk as much trash after the transfer. If they start messing with the TR and poking/prodding them ... well there will be retaliation. Anything the combined VS can muster will surely take a beating from them.

    That isn't even counting the fact that right now aside from the few good outfits on VS, the general threat ranges from laughable to moderate. So it will be a good balance since the ratio of pop is more like 2:2:1 of NC:TR:VS on our server atm, seems 2:1:1 VS:TR:NC on Soltech just about.

    You can't push on Mattherson without it pushing back, I'll let you know that. No one faction on this server takes a beating for long, there is always a heavy heavy counter attack regardless of who is getting pushed. So when the TR/NC see the VS pushing out HARD its going to get roflstomped back into the canyons. So very glad those canyons are gone for us.

    On a flip note, lets see how things go off Indar since its going to fill up with all of us there! Oh and no one has capped Indar in a while, so it would be interesting for the new VS to take that crown.
  5. Dr.Destro229

    oh the blood of the TR and VS will flow!
  6. somePS2dude.

    I don't think you remember vs was constantly pushing tarwich. It's something that the tr hasn't really done because they keep pushing north to fight nc, who seem to be considered more of a threat to the tr. Of the times, i recall nc pushing west in the prior warpgate, tr would push south towards rashnu. Now there seems to be an unofficial agreement that no one will cont lock Indar anymore. This was demonstrated when tr and vs pushed simultaneously north limiting their engagements with each other and focusing primarily on the nc.

    Also the nc has some more buffs now, so they seem to be holding their own a lot better. Tr was somewhat always good but now they are a little too good since they are just now discovering the non default weapons.

    To be fair, the nc really doesn't have any strong outfits and will continue to do so after the merger.
  7. siddar

    If VS on Soltech is as strong as they claim then I expect major conflict between them and TR after merge.

    The primetime on off TR VS agreement to only attack North on Matherson will end.

    Anyway Soltech should expect massive 100+ infantry battles inter spaced with giant suicide 50+ vehicle spamage that gets cut down like flys but normally sweep through a few hex's before they all die.

    Infantry battles have hit critical mass on Matherson. The result is vehicles and air simply cant counter the shear size of the infantry masses before they are all killed. Vehicles and Air are used more as a surprise attack option.

    Server lag can get bad sometimes even pre merge so it will be much worse after merge.
  8. Vindrel

    Don't be fooled by the VS claims to superiority, however; I will admit that before GU2 they were the ones holding Indar, before that TR held it for a good month straight, and before that NC held it for a month straight. Now we fight an endless stalemate as no one has capped the damned thing in over a month. I rather like it this way to be perfectly honest. Shows that the game lacks meta/strategy.
  9. Cyridius

    You a'int in Kansas anymore.
  10. Landtank

    Worth mentioning that you had extremely overpowered tanks and infantry weapons for the first four months, so yeah everything you just said is pretty much moot. For all of your alien technology you Vanu aren't very bright.