New Bullet Hose SMG - Flankers Best Friend

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Khorne25, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Khorne25

    Ive been using the new Blitz SMG for the NC for a bit now and I have come to the following conclusion that the new SMG is the flanker's new best friend. What do I mean by this? Using this to run around enemy towers hacking turrets and killing their occupants and causing havoc within bases is what this weapon is optimised for. Literal point blank bullet hose. Its cone of fire limits accurate engagement beyond 10m even while firing 3 round bursts but its reload time (comparable to the LC3 Jaguar), good ADS accuracy and hipfire accuracy make this a run and gun CQC weapon supreme. By extension it also makes a very good short range infiltration weapon to be used indoors. I base this conclusion off the following observations and stastical facts:

    - Increased magazine capacity
    - Increased ammunition reserve (so crucial to stay in the fight while behind enemy lines)
    - Excellent hipfire and ADS accuracy
    - Decent reload (its not that bad at all, use Nano Armour Cloak and even Hunters will keep you alive long enough to spewing more bullets)

    I have not yet done much experimentation with the attachments but the foregrip/laser dot + suppressor is definately a good choice. Soft Poiint as always but I am still divided on using any sights, IR/NV perhaps or a 1x but as it stands the iron sights are sufficient at point blank.

    EDIT: For your information the VS and NC new SMGs are stats wise identical but the TR SMG does the same bullet dmg as the Armistice. Consider the Hellstorm boss.
  2. FlyingScorpion

    Only difference is I wouldn't use the laser sight and instead would get the ammunition cert (increased range/slower bullet velocity)

    I'm not a fan of taking the risk of being spotted by the laser, and prefer to aim down sights.
  3. MadGelo

    smg got better hipfire accuracy than ads
  4. Timeraider

    Blitz does not have extended mags. You can choose from laser sight/flashlight and forward grip
  5. RAQemUP

    You can disable the laser light by using the toggle attachment hotkey L. You still get the benefit of having the targeting laser equipped, it just disables the light.
  6. FlyingScorpion

    From what I've read online, people can still see it, even if you turn it off.
  7. Scan

    So.... how does this weapon compare to the Cyclone? Does it have faster RPM? Bigger mag size? Why would I use this over the SMG we just recieved two weeks ago. In shorts, why is it worth spending another 700SC on it?
  8. Weirdkitten

    Much higher rate of fire mainly. It feels a bit over the top to be honest, when I tested it today I was deliberately playing stupid and still ended up with someting like 20:10 kd (which is above average for me).
  9. Lavalampe

    I tested it with my manticore. You are the only one who can see the laser. My outfit comrades didn't saw it.
    I've also never saw an enemy laser and i play since beta (but on low settings).
  10. Khorne25

    I used both Cyclone and Blitz. Blitz is quite niche, its point blank but with the Cyclone you still have a bit of range flexiblity.
  11. FlyingScorpion

    Okay I'm down this this.
  12. flipmoomonkey

    Sorry, but this is just wrong.

    I've killed plenty of people trying to sneak into rooms by noticing their laser preceding them through the door and can see my squad-mate's lasers all the time, I can only assume your outfit not seeing it was a bug or something to do with Low settings.
  13. FlyingScorpion

    That's what I was thinking. I've heard more people say this than otherwise.
  14. Kingofthesky

    if i am correct the new NC and VS SMG has higher ROF then the TR SMG
  15. iller

    Why's this posted here if every other class gets them too?

    Against WHO? Pistol users? Battle Rifle users? Your credibility took a massive dive with this statement.
    ...also Grammar :rolleyes:
  16. Khorne25

    Does it matter against who? You will always encounter that situation whereby you need to use NAC or Hunters to fall back to reload.

    And yeah terrible grammar, it was written in a rush.
  17. giltwist

    I dunno... no matter how good this is... I played a medic for the first time today... Cert gain was higher, shotgun was better for CQC, self-heal made life-span way longer and c4 works on sundies...holy crap. Short of hacking.... *weeps bloody tears*
  18. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Just saw this thread. Whole-heartedly agree with op. The new SMG is so good that I actually with I had never bought the AF-4 Cyclone.

    This is coming from someone who owns all the NC LMG's, and doesn't regret one :)
  19. Timeraider

    Still totally prefer Cyclone. If people are standing more then 10m away the dmg gets horrendous... I mean, with cyclone at least like minimal 125 dmg survives up to like 20m (without soft point) but with Blitz its like freaking 50 dmg left XD thats 20 bullets if everything hits.
    And sure, people say its better for biolab fights and hacking/infiltrating enemy bases.
    In my opinion (and i droppod on massive amounts of enemy towers after which i kill alot of guys, hack all turrets and then continue to shoot them using those turrets) Cyclone is still better for that if you can aim.
    The high reload time will be your death, ambushing people really works better with high dmg per bullet and even though you are running around in 1 tower, sometimes the dmg ranges and how much the dmg drops off is waaaaay more inportant then people think.

    My conclusion:
    do you prefer to meet the enemy head-on? Do you prefer hipfire at all times? Do you prefer attacking big groups by running into them and either die or hope you can retreat again within time?
    Blitz is the best choice.
    Do you prefer looking at the back of the enemy? Do you like hacking towers and bases and quickly dispatching turrets/snipers/rocketlaunchers? Do you prefer taking out solo people or awaiting small groups to ambush alone instead of going into a fight where one of the empires has a zerg at their side?
    Cyclone is still yours to wield.
    • Up x 1
  20. IntergalacticYoghurt

    How have you certed your Cyclone out Timeraider?