NC Camo Recommendations?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sinist3r, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Sinist3r

    Anyone have any NC armor camos that they think look really nice? I tried a few but they all look like crap/too boring.
  2. Hosp

    NC Urban Camo is good for Esamir. Digital Camo I wouldn't get though. It is neither digital looking, nor does it camouflage you very well, and it glows in the dark a little. And i say don't get it cus I got it w/o looking for a preview first.
  3. Morpholine

    I hear Giraffe camouflage makes you invisible.
  4. infinite loop

    There isn't a good NC camo. /thread
  5. Sinist3r

    Any other suggestions? I bought urban which looks ok I guess, and Indar Scrub which I like
  6. GamerOS

    Amerish Scrub is pretty dark and is nice around dark rocks, inside facilities and at nights.
  7. Sinist3r

    Yep I have that one too.. its better than most camos I tried albeit its a bit boring
  8. GamerOS

    Yeah, it's not flashy, nor imaginative, but it does what it's supposed to do.
  9. xNPCx

    I don't know, I heard your neck grows 3 sizes longer...

    The previewer is said to be on the way, might be a good time to hold out on camo until then.
  10. itzCujo666

    As a VS, I find it much harder to see NC when they equip the flash light.

    My considered advice is go for flashlight. :D
  11. Snotgurg

    I have Amerish Scrub on my NC Infiltrator (plus a skull helmet) and I get TK-ed regularly without cause.
  12. RF404

    I have tried plenty of (waay too many infact) camos for NC and I agree with this. Amerish Scrub is my hands down favorite. It looks good and it gives almost the same night-time advantage that VS have and it works great in both green, dark and in door areas.
  13. Kujo

    I have Amerish Scrub and I love it. It works well in a ton of areas, day or night. Here's a couple pictures of it on my Light Assault and Heavy Assault:

    • Up x 1
  14. the pestimist

    Is that composite armor?
  15. Kujo

    Yeah. They both have composite armor on. Although with the Heavy Assault, I think the camo looks better without the composite armor. If I didn't have the armor on, the upper legs would be pants with full camo instead of those ugly yellow stripes, and the lower legs would still be full camo as well. I just use the armor because I bought it. I love the composite armor combined with this camo on the LA though.

    No Composite Armor:
  16. TheBloodEagle

    Just wait until the next patch, they are adding in better previews for the market place. Be patient.
  17. Vreki

    Yes, Giraffe makes you look like a Vanu trying to look like a NC. So basically, everybody will shoot you.
  18. IMTasty

    Giraffe and Zebra camo.

    Nah, but I do love the look on anything NC when they have some sort of desert camo, the other ones I find pretty ugly in comparison to the other factions.
  19. Linedan

    I like Desert Scrub v2 on Indar. I do have a camo picked up for Amerish, I think it's Arid Forest, but after looking at those screenshots I think I'm going to drop the Smedshekels(tm) on Amerish Scrub instead. That looks really good. (And then I'll take the composite armor off my HA. Gotta love those big blue and yellow "SHOOT HERE FOR FEMORAL ARTERY" stripes.)
  20. Morpholine

    If it makes you feel any better, when I wear it everyone shoots at me, too.