Patch is 170mb

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bloodmyth, Feb 21, 2013.

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  1. Bloodmyth

    well whatever they call this it can't be GU03 at 170mb surely, we'd appreciate an update on the roadmap features please, there is 1 week left of this month, so you never know maybe they can stick to the plan.
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  2. Arquin

    At no point have they stated that GU = Roadmap Features
  3. Dusty El Lion

    It's larger then a hotfix usually is. While it sucks they seem to be behind on the roadmap some patches are better then no patches at all.
  4. Bloodmyth

    they didn't, but the GU02 had the January features from the roadmap, and no following "January Roadmap Patch/update" followed, so seems fairly obvious that's what it's linked to?
  5. Arquin

    I know, I was expecting that to be the case too, but in that case, what is GU01?
  6. skull4squadron

    is anyone getting a error 99?
    i cant play after this update.
  7. Jacobbs

    Servers are still in maintenance man. Look on the forum index.
  8. Bloodmyth

    as far as I can recall it didn't exist, my best guess was that when they were late (albeit 2 days into Feb i think) they decided not to call it Roadmap January or whatever, so well GU02 was a good compromise, i'm more confused than ever now lol!
  9. Kon

    i wouldn't expect feb roadmap features till second week of march
  10. zizeff

    smaller patches more often less major gamebrakers lol
  11. skull4squadron

    k thanx :)
  12. BlackKobra77

    Game Update 1 is the forgotten patch. XD

    It was a significant patch though. A lot new weapons were added and most notably to me at least, is that the Tech Plants got their outdoor shield generators. Before that, the SCU shield controlled all shields.

    I think they label a patch "Game Update" when it is a long list of changes, fixes, and content is added since "Hot Fixes" are supposed to be only a handful of things being slightly altered or fixed.
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  13. Shasbot

    Umm, no. Not all patches are automatically good. Many are intrusive, unnoticeable or even game breaking. Avoid OCD thinking.
  14. Dusty El Lion

    OCD thinking? That's a pretty big non-sequiter from "I'm happy SoE is at least making some progress". I truly have very little idea of what you mean, the ignorance and lack of any sort of logic befuddles me.

    This game could just as easily be like Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty with very minor "emergency patches" being the only real development on the game after release besides paid DLC. So forgive me if I think it's good that SoE is patching this game and maintaining developement at all.

    It does SUCK that they are behind on their roadmap. It REALLY sucks that they have questionable community communication, but the fact is they are a developer who is sticking with their game, which is a LOT more then most developers can claim.
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  15. Slyguy65

    well GU2...kind of set the stage for us to expect NUMBERED the new content ya.

    Pretty sure we all know their 6 month plan was never going to be six months, it was always the year long plan.
  16. Ash87

    The last roadmap update was at the end of the month, beginning of the following month, this was meant to be a large series of fixes and a few guns.

    ...Why are you surprised about this, didn't you read the thing they put out about this patch yesterday?

    I'd wait until mid March to get the Feb roadmap, if it meant it'd be less buggy.
  17. TintaBux

  18. DG-MOD-02

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