People you always see in PS2 but wish you didnt! (Humour)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xericor, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. TheBloodEagle

    Dead on haha hilarious post. +!
  2. untilted

    great. so you gain another 50XP or so.
    who cares anyways about spawning an AMS sunderer in the enemy base or the infiltrator that wanted to switch to medic/engineer?
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  3. drNovikov

    I always set sunderers to locked or squad only. I don't want some random guy to randomly shoot and attract enemy attention.

    I wish I could lock the spawn function too. Stupid lazy random people take the shortest path from AMS to battle and they make its location obvious to enemy.
  4. Lorim

    I don't follow the major zergs, and always bring my own sunderer. If you are, why is there a major assault without an AMS sunderer or 20?
  5. Xericor

    Mr Oblivious Test Driver - War is raging at the Crown (again :p), infantry are pinned at both sides of the bridge, hugging what cover they can, emptying clips at each other and not really making much progress. Meanwhile at the Vehicle Spawn Show Room down the road, Mr Oblivious has just picked up the keys to his new tank and is going to take it out for a test drive. 30+ allied Infantry watch as he sails by down the road towards the enemy. 30+ enemy smile as he rounds the corner into their position....
  6. Vortigon

    The flip side of that is the 'NOOB SUNDIE GUNNER' guy.

    He is the one who jumps in your sundie, grabs a gun seat, and then while you are trying to make a subtle covert approach to an enemy base thinks it would cool to fire on every damn enemy within a 10 mile radius - alerting the entire faction to your presence and destroying any hope of getting your sundie into a strategic position unseen by the enemy - no wonder sundie drivers set their access to squad with those fools around.
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  7. MrMurdok

    The 'Dange Close' Guy:
    So there you are, leaping over a rock, flanking the 4 guys lobbing rockets at your friendly sundy, the supperssor works great, you take out the first one without anyone noticing, while shooting the second one, you get carried away, the CoF expands and a bullet hits the third guy, who turns around, spotting you and alerting his friend. The dance begins, moving side to side, shooting, you manage to kill the third, the fourth already swapped to his machine gun, your SMG clicks dry and you whip out your pistol-

    -To be smeared all over the rock by a friendly tank shell.

    Mr 'Turrets Make Great Practice':
    This Heavy Assault has had just about enough of missing all those tanks that are driving around and killing his friends. Getting his priorities right, he decides those five Magriders are not really worth of his attention and instead, takes careful aim at that unmanned turret on the enemy tower, yep, you guessed it, the same turret you're trying to hack at this very moment.

    'I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost':
    This guy has his sh*t together, he knows where it's at, he knows that if you see ripples on your screen, it's an enemy Infil-sniper-trator, because why would a friendly Infil-sniper-trator be *inside* an enemy building and running up with the friendlies? Silly enemy Infil-sniper-trator, you can't use your sniper rifle at this range. So he does him a favor, whips out his Skill- err, I mean NightHawk and pops him one up close, wondering why did he get a friendly killed.
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  8. Prolefeed

    I just blow up locked sundies. Especially if they booted me out halfway to where we were going.
  9. Hannabelle

    As a regular engineer player, BOTH of these have happened to me, although the rocket launchers are so big and obvious that I don't actually get as far as pulling the trigger when I thought I could repair something. If the repair tool ever becomes a big over-the-shoulder device of any kind though, people are gonna be in trouble.

    The second one is really irritating. You drop an ammo pack, you automatically swap back to your primary weapon, you hit '3' because the MAX you were repairing 2 seconds ago still hasn't stopped yelling for help, and left-click. Except nope, because your ammo pack has actually spawned at last, so you've swapped back to your primary again. You can use lead as solder though, right?

    I know it happens. I know why it happens. And I still forget myself and try to repair a half second after dropping ammo packs. I only forget in really heated battles, but that just means that it only happens during the only time my mistake might actually result in a dead MAX, instead of just a minor irritation that I'm about to patch up anyway.
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  10. tastyBerryPunch

    An overly proud faction agitator. This guy is so proud his faction is holding the Crown or some other highly defensible position with multiple platoons. He can't help but share his pride over /yell and tell the 2 other factions how bad they are for not taking that place. He doesn't even care that their other territories have been captured. leaving his side with only 3 regions left.
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  11. bodmans

    the ''i got steady fingers''-guy/girl/thing

    this type of soldier can usually be found playing the medic, infiltrator or HA class. whilst in combat or whilst assisting teammates the player hastily presses a button somewhere in the middle of the keyboard. his aim was on F mostly, but 1 out of every 2 times he hits G. instantly throwing a grenade at your feet whilst expecting a heal/flanking that MAX/randomly walk in an enemy base
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  12. Fantom_17

    This is totally me:

    Day late and a dollar short dude: your piloting your lib through enemy territory trying to doge lock on missiles, maxes with bursters, sky-guards, etc, when you find an ESF on your tail. You begin frantically weaving, trying to evade his fire while giving your tail gunner a chance to inflict damage.... wait where did that sucker go? your flying an empty lib! After your untimely end you give him a piece of you mind with /tell. his excuse? I THOUGHT I PUSHED R.....
  13. bodmans

    the ''i can do this'' lone wolf - this is what happens when two lone wolfs meet in a random base. #1 just capped it whilst #2 just arrives, clearly #2 outskills #1 and he kills him. now #1 will try to kill the guy untill the base has been capped by #2(or the guy runs out of ammo, whatever happens first).

    anyway, #2 ends up with tons of xp and #1 with hurt feels
  14. PaladinZERO

    Short Range Commando - You have guns that can shoot a distance, Mr SRC insists on charging into knife range before shooting. It doesn't matter that his 5 buddies have already opened fire and he is crossing in front of them, he's got to get closer.
  15. Craith

    The Sniper who hit the target 500m away - great shot, to bad it was a friendly
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  16. TheBloodEagle

    The Helpful Tank: You're 2m away from an enemy, firing away at him, and friendly tank next to you yells, "DON'T WORRY, I'VE GOT HIM!!!". Well, he didn't lie, he kills him....... and you.
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  17. hostilechild

    I get TK'd at least 5 times a day like this. Guess i shouldn't were Zebra camo for ***** and giggles. Even in an NC max suit they will TK me. Even had one say cheater how did you get in our spawn room. (reply: dumba s s as i unload hacksaws on him after rez.)

    Mr.Iwillhelp - Yes the tank that can see you are fighting an enemy 1v1 but things he can help by blasting you with his HE round. Thanks for the new nanite suit.

    Mr.DumbEngi - Plants c4/tankmines on the steps by his own MAX so he can stop enemy maxs that rush in?? Like it will last that long with all the explosion spam.

    Mr.Speedbump - The infantry that things its smart to run in front of a hackmax while he is blasting his way into a room only to waste your ammo.
  18. Dinglebuttz

    I'm going to go ahead and Say ThreatLevel0 on Soltech server. I run into that guy everytime I play and he kills me...usually repeatedly :(

    I don't mind dying but I see his name pop up and I get all "FFFFFFFffffffffffffffffffffffff." Every **** time I log in I run into him and die lol.
  19. Chowley

    This is brilliant
  20. Chestor

    Mr Run Away! - This tank driver seems to lose all reason when an enemy infantry gets inside his firing range. They will attempt to flee the HA firing rockets into their backside, driving ahead in a straight line, never once realizing that backing up 5 ft over said attacker would have also solved the issue. Instead they choose to die firing HE rounds over their heads.