Light Assaults.. would you be interested in an LA-only outfit?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DJPenguin, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. DJPenguin

    *please don't move this to the outfit recruiting forum as this isn't actually recruitment for an outfit

    While there's a lot of outfits out there, i rarely see ones that advertise as being specialists but are rather generalists seeking anyone and everyone. What i may create is a light assault-only outfit specializing in the use of just that class. Unless there seems to be general dislike for such an idea which is what I'd like to find out from you, the public.

    Would you, as a Light Assault enthusiast, be interested? Obviously there'd be slightly more to it but this is the meat and gravy.

    Also, how important are things like a website and a seperate VOIP server to you? Would you be content just using the one in game(which is by all means high-quality for a built-in VOIP program)?
  2. DJPenguin

    shameful bump. surely someone can chime in
  3. Paperlamp

    Should probably ask on your server's forum. It also depends on what the outfit would do. I'd definitely go for an outfit that galaxy drops LAs on bases to wreak havoc.

    Though any outfit can always just create an LA squad or even platoon, without limiting itself when other classes are needed.
  4. DJPenguin

    Yes, the plan would be to utilize gals and flashes for quick transportation to compliment the fast-attack aspect of the LA. And yes any outfit can create an LA squad but I'd be surprised if any of those outfits would/does literally train their members for such a purpose, let alone screen potential recruits. This wouldn't be an "everyone and anyone is welcome" outfit, rather a smaller elite specialized unit meant to do 1 task exceptionally well. A certain BR (to show some experience) w/ certain LA certs would be requirements, among others.
  5. GamerOS

    Al tough an interesting Idea... it lacks flexibility, you'd be limited to only a few kinds of fights and not much else.
    I think an all LA division inside an outfit might work, but on it's own....
  6. Eclipson

    The main issue with this, though I primarily play LA, is that you couldn't do much with an LA only outfit. You need medics to keep the push going, and you need engineers to keep sundies up. Running one class only would limit yourself to much. Now, having a few LA only squads in an outfit would be cool, but an LA only outfit would get nothing done.
  7. DJPenguin

    if we're playing alone, correct. as such we'd be reliant on our team for, if anything, a steady flow of sunderers. which isn't a big problem for nc waterson as they're usually on top of it. but realistically speaking unless we're ghost capping (which i loathe and wouldn't promote) we'd have support regardless of what the squad's makeup is. lack of medics for instance wouldn't be an issue anyway.. they wouldn't be able to reach most rooftops to revive and scale tower walls with the rest.
  8. Bigpapasquatch

    We run a lot of LA in [Wild], and while I consider our guys to be pretty good at the class, an effective outfit requires all of the classes to really be ready for everything that comes at us. Still, a heavily focused LA platoon is very effective in most situations, I'm sure you guys would do fine after you worked out the kinks and kept the 'LA only' requirement as a suggestion as opposed to the rule.
  9. ShomerShabbos

    Outfits should be self-sufficient, IMO. My answer is the same as the guy below's answer. Yeah, most outfits probably don't have or train a LA strike team, but that's their fault and not the fault of the class or of outfit design.
    Hell, you could just pitch the idea to an outfit on your server that you'd like to be a squad leader looking to train interested members for a dedicated LA force.

  10. GSZenith

    no we don't need more braindead LA's ruin the game with shotgun thank you very much.
  11. Cinc

    if shotgun armed LA's are consistently sneaking up on you... i think your the braindead one.

    Really, while there jetpacks make them good, there not that good. Not to mention that, unless your ghost capping, you should have someone watching your back anyway.
  12. GSZenith

    you are funny, i like you wanna be my friend?
  13. DeadLamb

    yeah but that's not how the better outfits roll. The whole point of an outfit is coordination and in most cases it's going to be "You guys take this base, we will take that one and then we meet up here" etc.. They need to be self sufficient down to the squad level with in the outfit platoon and that pretty much only comes from a good mix of classes.

    plus you have to figure that even the best outfits only have a percentage of their members online at any given time. An outfit with limits on classes, BR limits, cert limits etc is just going to run into huge problems fielding more then a handful of players at any time.

    I think we will always see outfits with a pure focus on Air or Armor but there are a lot of good reasons we don't tend see it for certain classes, too limiting in not only membership numbers but also in what that outfit would even be able to do.
    Ah but don't get me wrong, I think one could set up a squad of "this class only" at almost any time. You sit at the warp gate and ask if anyone one wants to start a LA only squad.. Then set it to open with something like "Squad for LA only please" and see what happens.
  14. DJPenguin

    Fortunately for you this wouldn't be a light assault-making factory. Unfortunately for you this means I'd only allow qualified LA players, more than likely the ones who are already ruining your game.
    • Up x 1
  15. DJPenguin

    That's the goal actually. Perhaps I'm sending a conflicted message. I don't want to be running a large number of players, like literally only 1, no more than 2 full squads. We'd be the smaller team that attaches to a larger group/outfit. While they bring the armor, and air and footsloggers, we're on the roofs, towers and balconies. a swarm of bees of sorts. But yes, I'll have to give starting "pug" squads of just LA a shot.
  16. GSZenith

    Sorry but i'm the one doing the ruining :< hotdrop crown, run around for 30min, get bored, suicide go somewhere else for some nade spam.
  17. DeadLamb

    no no I get the plan. Your first post was sort of asking in a round about sort of way why we don't tend to see class bases outfits. I still think it's mostly due to the lack of numbers that outfit would be able to recruit. Newer players don't want to be locked into one class and a lot of higher BR sort of players already have found an outfit.

    That makes it hard to find and lock up outfit wise a bunch of players who only want to do "this one thing"...

    plus keep in mind you only get a fraction of any given outfit online at any given time. So one might need 100+ to get say 25 in game at some given hour.. Tough numbers to get when the outfit start out with a lot of limitations to membership.
  18. Sapare

    Don't listen to these neighsayers, I would totally be interested in this and we should get into contact about this.

    My current problem is that I already more or less own an outfit on Jeager and am in no position to abonden it.(it is infactive but we are present in other games and it be awkward for me to leave my own clan) As such I am considering making a new account for this, so I be ok with other servers too.

    So yea, I think the most vital part is, what server and side are you considering?
  19. DJPenguin

    thanks for showing interest. I'm nc on waterson. however, this is just a thought at this stage.. literally barebones. although i wouldn't want you going out of your way to making a new account just for this.. sounds like you already have an obligation. But either way, If/When I'm ready I'll throw up a recruitment thread in the respective forum and I'll let you know.
  20. Sapare

    Well, I wouldnt be deleting my TR(you rebel scum) Jeager account as it is anyway. And as it turns out I do have a barly played BR 11 NC character on Waterson. Maybe we should consider killing some TR and VS sometime.