Truly a beautiful game in all aspects

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Craig1287, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. KRE8R125

    I love it. Thanks for the vid.
  2. OLDGamer

    Well done video and love the Music, May I ask where that is from?
  3. riker

    where do we insert this list?
  4. Craig1287

    BF3 wins in the sound design for sure. With the Physx enable, PS2's explosions look fantastic. Chunks of the ground get scattered all around and when more explosions go off, new chuncks get scattered around as well as the older chunks getting further scattered.

    I have the song listed in the video's description (as with all my videos that use music) but I'll post it here:

    Ludovico Einaudi - "Divenire" - As performed at the Palazzo Te in Mantova, Italy on July 14th 2007

    From the game's launcher, there will be a wrench icon in the bottom leftish area, click on that and then click on 'Open Game Directory'. Scroll down till you find a file called 'UseOptions' (the file type should be Configuration Settings). Once that is opened with notepad, you can see all the settings and you will paste that list into there over the original stuff or you can change them individually. It is smart to make a copy of that UserOptions file and paste it onto you desktop or somewhere else so that if you need to resort back to the default settings, you can just past it back into that folder. If all else fails, simply delete that UserOptions file and boot up the game. It will recreate the default file and all will be good again. I hope all that made sense and helps.
  5. omega4

    Yes, that's true. But something has to be said for how BF3 looks better WITHOUT the use of Physx enabled, whereas PS2 needs Physx enabled to meet or exceed the looks and "feel" of explosions and the like.
  6. Jex =TE=

    Good music, i forget the name of the artist but I have one of his albums. :)

    Good vid, nice to see it on full settings.
  7. Craig1287

    You're very welcome. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Yes, BF3 does look great with out GPU assisted physics. I've heard that BF4 (still let down that it wasn't BF2143) will be for PC and the next-gen consoles. Without the ancient current-gen console hardware holding back multiplatforms games, it will be interesting to see what BF4 can do.

    I love his music. So much. If you watch other videos on my channel, you will see that almost 95% of the background music I use is instrumental, classical, and orchestral. I hope that others like the musical selections as well.
  8. omega4

    I also hoped that BF4 wasn't going to revisit the modern warfare genre again, as I'm a little "burned out" with it. I was hoping more for a WW2 genre since it's been a while since that genre was visited.
  9. Alexandurrr

  10. RomulusX

    Fix the looks of the guns...the TR ones at least.
  11. Reloaded

    It certainly has it's moments where you think to yourself, "what happened here?" like with some textures. As already mentioned though, I understand that this game is absolutely massive, and honestly, I'm amazed it looks as good as it does sometimes.

    There are STILL plenty of times in my 270 hours of play that I stop and stare (and usually die). Some things are just awe-inspiring. And that's without PhysX enabled.
  12. MarlboroMan-E

    Sometimes when I'm flying I just coast and ... look. It's fantastic. I've never been a graphics guy, but looking at the terrain and stuff in the distance is awesome.
    • Up x 1
  13. Cpu46

    My GT 620 pretty much just barely scooted by on low/medium. As a joke I set the graphics to Ultra (no PHYSX enabled) by editing the .ini file just to see what it would look like and my performance actually INCREASED from 20-30 FPS to 30-40 FPS. No clue why but I am not complaining. The game looks freaking gorgeous even though the new graphics level is really throwing my game off. Not used to so many details.
  14. Craig1287

    Flying around Esamir is a treat for sure.
    • Up x 1
  15. Lucidius134

    me and my partner refer to it as "eye jelly vision" because it feels like my eyes have been glazed like a donut.
  16. Lucidius134

    Dont forget the sound.
  17. AtroposZero

    Having played EQ2 for 5+ years from it's initial release in 2004, I'll say this: SoE builds MMO's that look *fantastic* compared to their peers. However, they do that by consciously choosing to "future-proof" the graphics, i.e., you need computer hardware that isn't really feasible for most people ($$) at the time of the game's release to max everything. Room for growth is good, though.

    My only complaint is that I've always had huge monitors... 21" CRT, then 24" LCD, and now a 30" Dell monitor since it first came out in 2006 (no dead pixels - still going strong!), and while gaming is fantastic at 2560x1600, it tends to bring GPU's to their knees. I prefer to just turn graphics (shadows usually fixes it, heh) down a bit rather than dropping the resolution. I've been through no less than 5 generations of high end Nvidia cards during the life of this monitor, and games just keep increasing in image quality right along with the GPU processing power.

    God, I love this monitor. I might even commit the sacrilege of playing in a 1080 window just to enjoy full-ultra graphics once in awhile.
  18. omega4

    Great point.
  19. AtroposZero

    Also, to OP: I notice you have flora turned off. Any reason? Trying to keep the framerate up for the video, or do you think it detracts from the beauty of the game?
  20. GruntOne

    Go watch CrushBoss's videos. He makes them look really really nice and shiny by running on ultra and by zooming into the screen to magnify parts and never really showing the original resolution.

    Here's one, find his others: