The Turret Transforms Into An Ammo Pack If You Hit 'B'.

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Yautja, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Yautja

    This really should be stickied. Most Engineers under BR 30 don't seem to be aware of this and it's not public in game.

    Steps to use this:
    1. Switch to your Turret. It doesn't matter if you have the ammo pack equipped.
    2. Press "B" to toggle to your turret ammo pack.
    3. Place it like a regular ammo pack.

    Notes: The turret ammo pack as of a recent patch is always the same level as your certed ammo pack.
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  2. EngiNC

    Rank 30? Really?

    I was BR 31 till I saw this on the forums :
    i was like:
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  4. Rusky

    It does need to be made more clear. Perhaps a list of possible uses should be added to the ACE tool description.
  5. flipmoomonkey

    I think the mockery is a little harsh, especially considering we've had threads made in the last week by people who clearly didn't know this was the case.

    I also second that this be stickied.
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  6. Compass

    It's okay, guys. The BR99 (now 100) on our server, was completely blown away when we told him about it. He was like WHAAAAAAAT?
  7. GruntOne

    We should lobby for an "F"-action to deploy ammo. Every other class has this key set to do something, we haven't and the current way of always have to press B first after a death is a bit clumsy.
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  8. Zinus

    this. would make it more clean and easier to understand.

    But if they want to keep the F slot for something that will come later on... the hit B for ammo pack should be put somewhere visible so people know about it :eek:
  9. flipmoomonkey

    I've reported the thread so hopefully this will catch a mod's attention enough to sticky it.
  10. TomoB

    I bought mines and suddenly everyone around me was screaming for ammo like never before and I was the only engineer within 100 miles. "Sorry guys, I don't have my ammo pack right now..." OR SO I THOUGHT, thanks devs for this weird undocumented feature I learned about just now! So #(%(#% logical to have slot for ammo pack and then hide another one with the turret.
  11. siiix

    its like magic, im 31 and i only heard about this at 27
  12. siiix

    because if you wasting the spot for ammo , you can actually put down 2 ammo packs, and cash in 2x as much xp
  13. SolLeks

    its not new, its been like this since release ^_^
  14. TomoB

    Yeah, except that they removed that for some reason and I can only drop 1 ammo pack, apparently it was too easy to get XP so now that feature is just dumb.
  15. Kevin12

  16. Nintyuk

    I learned this earlier than most because I main engy and I was surprised to learn about it when complaining about the issue it causes if you want c4/mines/healthkit/anythingWithUtility but don't want to be gimped as a class. The first thing I did was make sure it was put on that wikia site planetside 2 has. I'll see if I can find it.
  17. Nintyuk

    It Seems that My additions were lost In a revamp at some point But I have rewritten the engy page(specifically the Ability's section) now so this is more apparent.