Higby says quick and easy fix instead of hard ones!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ProGamerGov, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Cl1mh4224rd

    I don't see how that invalidates my point. The top 1% aren't royalty, or gods. Everyone has their own opinion about how a game should be played. These players really only know what would keep them interested in the game, and that's it.

    Also, most of the top players likely don't have a very broad experience, as it would slow down their march toward the "top", which generally makes them poor sources of wisdom on how the game at large should work.

    The devs should listen to the top 1% as much as they listen to everyone else.

    the top 1% of players dragged tribes: ascend, the latest sequel in a storied franchise, into the ground. "competitive" gamers, in their infinite wisdom, seem to have forgotten what videogames are all about: fun.
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  3. Exigo

    Wow, just wow....

    You do realize that there are players out there that make your $600 rig look like a Playstation 1 and that they have performance issues. I'm glad you got to stroke your internet ego but take a look around before throwing out claims like that.

    There are many reasons for people leaving but some of the "performance" issues like culling isn't something you can fix by throwing money at it as a consumer. But performance was one of the reason I took a break and are waiting for SoE to fix it, if they can.
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  4. Perditi0n

    That must suck.....I guess they should have spent $600 on a Playstation 1 instead......I learned my lesson years ago about throwing thousands into a rig.....

    While the issues that were created for everyone with GU2 are machine ignorant, as far as "optimization" goes, I don't think there are that many outstanding issues that should warrant optimization being the priority as the person I was responding to suggested :)
  5. Vikarius

    Try DX11 or multi core threading, I'd call those so needed "They should have been done in design phase"
  6. Nepau

    So as a question?. How does Directx Help improve performance when the Majority of stuff needs to be done on a CPU and not the graphics card? Does DX11 somehow Optimize the physics workload that the CPU does because I've been under the Impression that what DX does is interface the GPU with your computer for shinny graphics, where as the Main issues are related to the workload that they need to do though the CPU and can't just toss it to the GPU to do and get back.

    I ask this since They have posted a few times about how DX11 will not actualy solve the performance issues that people complain about.
  7. Perditi0n

    From what I have heard, I don't actually know if its true or not, but i've seen a few rants on the forums and reddit about this game only using a single core regardless of whether you have a duo core or a 16 core , if thats true, then absolutely that should have been fixed in beta (and probably would have gone a long ways in preventing the "render issues" we have today)

    however outside of that, I cannot think of any enormous glaring issues after the hotfixing of the crap they broke in GU2, and I've not heard any major outcry in game or on the forums since the hotfixes either.
  8. ShomerShabbos

    It isn't off-topic, but it IS wrong. Knowing how to use the system to your advantage denotes a level of understanding about that system. Having a deeper understanding than the average person (in many situations, not just video game mechanic-related ones) about a system is usually intertwined with an ability to spot "incorrect" things in the system and brainstorm solutions to flaws by applying critical thinking and evaluating one's own experiences.
    Of course a person's bias will factor into their view on things. I understand that this is why you believe that a top player (in any game) cannot be relied upon to help balance things or give their input on a system or mechanic, but you need to trust that that player has enough intelligence to stymie his bias and evaluate things from all angles.

    I don't know if you read the post(s) BCP made, but a lot of it was urging the developers to make things more interactive and engaging for new players (read: the 99%), going so far as to suggest reworks to some things his outfit "uses to their advantage" such as instant drop.

    As for the twitter reply: I doubt Higby even had the time to read BCP's posts in full before being tweeted for a response. I'd bet that the tweet was the first time this thread was brought to his attention. For people to post a knee-jerk reaction to a knee-jerk reaction THEY PROMPTED is really stupid, doesn't matter if you think Higby is a great dev or a horrible one.
  9. Perditi0n

    While this is absolutely fair to say, as a key public figure for this game, if he hadn't taken the time to read over BCP's thread (it was quite long) he should have held off posting anything about it until he had. Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying anything at all, and if your described situation was accurate, this would be one of those times.
  10. TheInferno

    All he said was that it's not ideas that are in short supply, it's choosing a good set and getting them done that's a tough one. While it seems easy, there are entire processes that business goes through in order to get the best idea and apply it, with ridiculous spreadsheets and everything that make sense once explained, and making sure it actually worked. You can't just say "Oh hey, let's go ahead and do what this guy says!" The most you can do is get a meeting of the senior staff scheduled and say "Look at this guy. He knows what he's talking about and these are good ideas, what do you say we try some." This continues and perhaps the ideas get into the game, perhaps they get changed, who knows.

    Business is weird. I don't think they'll be ignoring what BCP says though. I just think they won't jump and set everything the way he wants it to be right away. Honestly, I don't think he was expecting them to. He just wanted to get his opinion out, and I think the devs heard him.
  11. exLupo

    Time to do things * Things to do = Hours required to please everyone
    Hours required to please everyone > Hours in a day

    Pick your battles.
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  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    Earlier in the conversation, he indicates that he had read the post.
  13. Perditi0n

    then it was a poor response........and another example of why twitter is a horrible platform for dev to community interaction, I'd like to think he would have elaborated more on his thoughts from BCP's thread if it weren't twitters pathetically limited character count.
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  14. Cl1mh4224rd

    Well, he may be the Creative Director, but he's still part of a team. I've rarely seen anyone of their team outright "approve" or "disapprove" of a suggestion[1]. Whether Higby himself personally likes or dislikes an idea is fairly irrelevant.

    [1] The only one that comes to mind is Luperza (Margaret Krohn) stating her like of a suggestion to make game lore accessible through the unused terminals currently in the game.
  15. Purg

    The farmer lost his tools? To me, that's a good thing for the longevity of the game.
  16. the pestimist

    I wish someone could post an idea no one can reply they can only up or down vote it if it is very well supported they should consider it.
  17. Fox234


    T:A was dragged down by Hi-Rez and Hi-Rez alone. SOE knows better than that though. They know better than to disrespect source material and alienate fans by telling them their ideas are better and then milking them for cash.

    Oh, wait.
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  18. Kurreah

    Why? Discussing amongst a group of other people may help refine an idea, or highlight issues to fix.
    Thus it becomes a better idea, and more likely to be upvoted.
  19. Kurreah

    Are you sure that you are quoting the correct conversation? Couldn't see anything there about "quick and easy fix instead of hard ones".
  20. Cl1mh4224rd

    Not a good idea. As Kurreah said, you need discussion for refinement. An up- or down-vote lacks the necessary detail for potentially complex ideas. Is an idea getting a poor response because of a specific detail, or is it a terrible idea all around? Should someone re-post their idea with minor revisions? Are these revisions taking the idea in the right direction?
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