Render distance fix implementation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Big Cyz, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Big Cyz

    Quick thread - any more said about when they are rolling out the fixes they're testing on Miller and Connery? I've literally stopped playing on Briggs because of how much better it is on the other servers.

    Can't wait to see SOE push it out to all servers, it's a real game changer and for the better.
  2. Yautja

    I think at the end of this month or the beginning of next month.
  3. Iksniljiksul

    They rolled back the render changes on those servers and it's currently a horrible mess. In larger fights people stop rendering as they did before these changes, making fights over 10m very boring.

    They need to stop everything that is not related to bug fixes until rendering, hit detection and other serious long standing issues are eliminated from this game. It is just no longer fun to participate in this game any more. I don't give a **** what features they add, change, or balance with these bugs being a core of the system.
  4. Big Cyz

    I'm sure it's not all that bad man. I had a blast on Miller when SOE asked us to hop on and test / provide feedback. It was a million times better with zero FPS loss.

    I did hear they increased it again after the first change, so maybe they found the limit. They really should be doing this sort of thing on a test server instead of on the live ones LOL oh well. At least it's getting done.

    As for the core bugs. The game-breakers get fixed instantly, and every single update contains loads of fixes for bugs as well as new content.

    Anyway, here's the render changes are soon. Almost everyone I know mentions that when I asked why they stopped playing the game.
  5. QuantumMechanic

    This is pretty much exactly how I feel about this game. And because of it I only play a few hours a week at most.
    • Up x 1
  6. Deavonere

    You can't do it on test server, because they need to roll stress test and you need substantial amount of people involved.
  7. iller

    All it did for me was increase how far I have to move AWAY from large fights to get playable FPS again.
  8. Soylent

    I'm pretty sure Ceres had this fix implemented before Miller and Connery. The jump in render distance was very noticeable at some point. Not sure if they rolled them back like on Miller yesterday.
  9. Gisgo

    Aahahahahah... nice one ;).
    THIS is Ceres:

    At this point im not even sure the DEVs know the difference between "rendering distance" and "culling".