Station Cash cost in US and Europe?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Melihor1, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Melihor1

    So how come that Americans get 1000 SC for $10 but Europe gets 1000 SC for 10 Euros?
    Euros and Dollars don't nearly have the same value.
    My currency= 7,6 Euros and 5.5 Dollars.
    How is that fair to Europeans?Why do we have to pay more?
  2. Zotamedu

    When I bought my station cash, I paid in my own currency (SEK) and it was the American price I got.
  3. Flix

    Because **** europeans..And that seems to be the policity of ALL publishers. The prices are ALWAYS cheaper in US compared to EU..ALLWAYS. The Joke is that buying a game in UK is normaly cheaper even with shipping then buying it for €. Because we pay it anyway I assume.
  4. Nature

    In the land of the free there are no such things as health care or a functional education system to pay for. So they get SC and steam games for a few dollars less. No offense yanks.
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  5. Melihor1

    You are from Sweden and you got the American price? How?
  6. IMTasty

    Everyone knows that all Europeans are filthy rich and drive Mercedes' while throwing money out the windows.

    At least that's what I always do.
  7. Sturmwaffles

    No offense taken, mate.

    Maybe someday...someday we'll learn. *dreamcloud*

    With regards to the SC costs, it's pretty ridiculous. It's practically scamming Europeans of 3 €...and that's just not something that slips by marketing I doubt, I assume it's quite intentional. The only way it changes is to make a big deal, but, for the mean time, it's a terrible deal. :c.
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  8. ChaosRender

    Are you unable to convert euros to dollars and then use the cheaper dollars?

    I have a US SOE account because I created it during beta and I get charged £8 for 1000SC.

    $10 = £6.44 but if you add 20% VAT it comes to £7.73. I don't know if SOE adds anything else to it but I am happy with £8.
  10. whiteshadow2000

    It really sickens me that SOE think it's ok to charge us more than players in the US.

    I didn't realize Europeans were there to subsidize American players.

    No offence Americans either, just SOE and their pricing policy.
  11. Zotamedu

    I went to, pressed some button to buy Station Cash. Pressed the button that would give me 1000 SC, chose to pay with Visa and it gave me the American price but it my own currency.
  12. Chipskream

    See, America is a poor country. A poor country indeed, look at all these illiterate, fat, dumb americans. America has blown all its money out the window on pointless wars and now theyre broke which leads to them paying less for SC. You should be proud that you can afford to pay more for your SC.
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  13. Vreki

    A large part of it is VAT, so start by blaming the greedy EU governments.
  14. IMTasty

    Exactly, see? Someone understands. We must be respecting, understanding and supporting to all these poor people in our west, south and eastern direction.

  15. Rima596

    You do realize that America is not a poor country right? So placing your negative opinions about us on the internet does not make it true. Nor does stereotyping us. We are diverse people, just like most countries. In regards to the station cash, Americans have higher tax and usual game prices so they get the same amount of money from us anyway. :) have a wonderful Yankee-filled day because we are a sexier people :D
  16. kadney

    Did you watch the date of the last post?
  17. Luke15g

    One American stereotype is:

    You kind of walked into that when you responded to a thread that's over 1 year old and then claimed that you pay higher tax rates and pay more for video games.

    To the end of your post:

    Yeah, I don't usually buy into stereotypes but you didn't make it very hard...