[Higby] Okay okay call Magriders absurdly OP but...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sheherazade, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Sheherazade

    Can you guys at least bother to fix the bugs or something?

    Like it's great that you think the Magrider was absurdly OP (hey that's what Higby said) but in it's current state it's not only ridiculously unfun to drive them...in certain situations they're being outperformed by the other 2 tanks now where it doesn't make sense.

    AD Hovering - Now extremely unresponsive and slow. Making the dodging way harder (this may be intentional)
    Going up hills - Of course climbing was always the Mags big strength...but in certain up situations the other MBTs actually can get UP better than the Mag
    Magburner - My main grief here: When I'm trying to climb something and the Mag can't quite do it anymore I used to just press my Magburner and I could get over it. But now the Magburner won't do **** anymore when Im trying to use it to go up.
    WHY would that be the case....it's a burst of speed doubling your engine power...so for 3 seconds...it should help me get up any extreme climb. But as it stands now it does NOTHING. You are telling me that I spend hundreds (if not thousands) of cert points on something that does nothing but burst me forward on flat areas for 3 seconds and even there it's now behaving weird?!? (p.s. I tried climbing with both of the other MBTs...uncerted they both climb better than the mag currently does..they can get up a higher ° with less problems...and that without a magburner)
    Strafe Strenth Certs: Call me an idiot...but I have it certed and disabling or enabling it doesn't make the slightest difference anymore....how can this be?

    I'm all for balancing and stuff....but is this really your balance? Balancing something by putting bugs on it (Some of this was clearly not intentional as it wasn't mentioned in any patchnotes aswell and some of the mags current behavoir is outright absurd) doesn't seem like proper design.

    Furthermore balancing something by putting bugs on it and then calling it fine because "the thing was absurdly OP anyways" is not only cheap but kicks every Vanu in the face.

    It's okay if our strafing gets nerfed.... it's okay if our hoverheight and and sniper gun get nerfed to hell.... but the Vanu's real strongpoint should ALWAYS be the insane climbing allowing for surprise moments or just some things that make the other 2 factions think:" Uh, wheredahelldiddatcomefrom???"

    OF COURSE this is only my opinion and you're free to roast me now. But seeing as my Vanu brothers' population sometimes now hit 20% while the other 2 laugh in my face with 40% makes me think that something is clearly wrong.
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  2. Leo Di Caprio

    In before the reaver.
  3. Nature

    Vanu pops are low because people realised how itchy that full body spandex really is. And now with the magskater brought down to level with other MBTs (prowler is questionable), people decided to take off the itcy suit and take a shower while complaining in the forums. Tells you something if the pops drop dramaticly when you nerfed just your tank... Oh and the mandatory "you mean like the reaver and how NC still sticked with the game?!?!"
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  4. Dice

    Another thread complaining about the mag. Look I know it got hit, I know it got hit hard but it still works well if you adapt. I can still strafe dodge and my gunner with a Saron can still snipe. If can't climb no buy if you plan out where your going, take a longer path and fight from range you can not lose. Use the Saron and strafe. At range where the mag was always best it is still very very strong.
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  5. Jac70

    I never thought the Magrider was OP. It's too simplistic to look at a stat and say that the cause is the tank being unbalanced - there are many other factors that could be responsible. I certainly never felt that in the rare instance I got into a 1v1 against an enemy faction tank that I was guaranteed a win.

    All that said, I can barely feel a difference in the Magrider since it's 'nerf' and still find it very fun to use. The thing I do feel since the updates to tanks is the increased DPS of the Prowler. Any NC comments on that would be cool.
  6. Punker

    Vanu pops are dropping because the majority of vanu players since launch were FOTM players. They set up camp there because that's where the easy kills were. Since they've been balanced they've jumped ship leaving you guys with faction loyalty or guys in an outfit without a sizable zerg to herd around.

    If the next bit of content is what i think it is (Lancer) then you will see your pop spike again.
  7. BengalTiger

    Well, for a well adapted person the Vanguard was OP before the patch.

    Now the most common death for me is probably getting blown up by C4 when both me, my gunner, and our infantry drop the ball.

    With the side and top armor buff bazookas (both from the ground and rooftops), dive bombers, strafing planes and gunships are annoying but not really deadly (test your local ESF vs frontal armor to see how my sides and top work), and I already had upgraded frontal armor before the patch so tanks had a hard time damaging me anyways...

    If they do get the upper hand I can shield up, have my gunner fixing it while I shoot the Boomstick, fall back to a better position, pick up speed to avoid fire, or even run to the bad dude and drop a whole 3 mines under him/her (works wonders against a deployed Prowler).

    Now with the quicker AP rounds when I render something- I can often hit it (for fighters and infantry this rule does not apply, but I still shoot earlier than they do quite often and that is a great advantage).

    The Magrider should be a flying pancake that can climb up a 10 meter vertical step with ease using the burners (and then keep flying another 10 in the air)- my Vanguard with Racer 3 and a good run before the obstacle can do it if the 10 meter wall is tilted at 60 degrees from horizontal, and driving it anywhere that's not a flat surface is much more challenging than combat itself.
  8. FnkyTwn

    I've been driving a Magrider since 2003. So maybe I just have vastly more experience than 99% of Prowler and Vanguard users.
  9. Punker

    That's nice..... ?

    Edit: actually i think you just hit post before coming to an actual point to your message? or you just wanted to tell people you've played PS1 before?

    And please don't cherry pick snippets to quote to take it entirely out of context.
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  10. FnkyTwn

    Are you dense? I'm replying to a person suggesting that most Magrider drivers were 'Flavor of the Month' (FOTM) players. But who are you even talking to? You should try quoting somebody if you're going to reply directly to them in a thread.
  11. Punker

    I wasn't aware that you make up the majority of Magrider drivers. And yes you replied to my comment that most vanu were FOTM.
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  12. Arcanotechnician

    The magrider was fun to drive. Now I find the prowler more fun.

    Balance all you want, but keep the Vanu populations numbers in mind. At least give them something to look forward to, like making their maxes suck less.
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  13. Colt556

    People like you annoy me. Do you even realize what you said? "Brought down". Why does the magrider have to be "brought down" at all? Why can't we ELEVATE the Vanguard and Prowler to the Magrider's level? Why must you people always demand to drag everything through the mud with you? God I just can't stand it. "Your tank is better than mine, so instead of nagging for a buff I'll nag for a nerf!". Why? Why? Why? Why? Christ I will never understand this mentality. Instead of demanding your tank be given better traction so you can climb hills, you demand the Magrider lose it's ability to climb hills. Now NOBODY can ******* climb hills, who does that serve? Wouldn't it be better if we could ALL climb hills?

    The Magrider's hill climbing should be buffed back to the way it was in beta. So should the other two tanks. Petty little ******** who try to drag everything down into the black void of ***** should be ignored. The magrider's primary ******* feature is it's ability to go places the other tanks can't. It NEEDS that function, nerf it's hp or dps, don't nerf it's hill climbing. And buff the Vanguard/Prowler's hillclimbing as well.
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  14. PaperPlanes

    The fact of the matter the Magrider has no benefit right now and that is a smack in the face to game balance. Pre-patch a Vanguard or Prowler could beat a Magrider just fine, Magriders just liked shooting from hills because they were easy to climb. The funny thing is that the other tanks could climb many of those hills as well, just slower, there was really nothing stopping a Prowler or Vanguard from shooting from hills and just going in reverse to dodge incoming shells.

    Look, right now a Magrider can not win in a tank duel against a Prowler or Vanguard. Statistically it is impossible. You can't cite strafing as being a worthwhile thing because it is slow and doesn't add much ability to dodge at all, only bads who can't aim say strafing is a benefit. The fact is, even if strafing was 50 KPH, it isn't a combat benefit because you're at the mercy of the enemy's aim and nothing else, you can do all the strafing in the world and there will still be a lot of skilled NC/TR drivers who can nail you every time. I can already hit a Prowler going at 60 KPH or more (if they have racer) probably 95% of the time unless it's a ridiculous range, I can hit lightnings just the same, it is not hard to even hit full speed vehicles in this game, yet people think strafing at 21 KPH (and that's with rival 3) is somehow the world's most amazing dodge ability.

    Magrider has the worst DPS of all MBTs and lacks the armor of the Vanguard. Prowler has the best DPS of all MBTs and lacks the armor of a Vanguard. Think about it that way for a while. How on Auraxis is that considered balance? I've always said, pre-patch, that Prowler and Vanguard needed some buffs, but they did the worst thing when they touched the Magrider because it was fine how it was before. If they had left the Mag alone and buffed the Vanguard and Prowler how they did, balance would be pretty freaking good right now, Mag would be at a huge disadvantage in open field and direct combat as it is now, but it could flank better and gain high ground easier, allowing Mag drivers to use a set of tactics unavailable to the other tanks, whereas the Prowler's tactic would be to maximize its great DPS and utilize the superior speed to win and the Vanguard would be the champion of pure direct combat due to its armor and new awesome Enforcer and cannon buffs.

    Instead we got a Magrider that is "in line" with the other tanks' mobility yet has no benefit to direct combat like they do. That is NOT balance. There is no reason to assume you can win a tank fight with a Magrider now, you are better off bailing and deconstructing at the sight of an enemy MBT (funny thing, you can't even run from them, Magrider is the slowest tank in the game).

    And for those who mention the Reaver. What? That's only going to work if you're talking to someone you know for a fact actually said the Reaver is fine how it is. I don't think it is, but it's also not nearly as bad as the Magrider is right now. Why? It actually has competitive DPS, in fact, the Reaver can achieve the best burst damage of all the ESFs. Try going up high and ambushing other aircraft below you while using the Air Hammer, it's ridiculously effective. The Vortek is a downright amazing gun as well. Yeah I know it has a firing bug which needs fixed so your rounds accurately go where you aim and I am all for that, I am also for something like the Reaver having the best acceleration, to compliment the Mosquito's best speed and the Scythe's best agility.

    The fact is, though, this forum is so full of people who don't give a flip about balance and just want to see their stuff be strong and the enemy's stuff be weak, they gloat when enemy things get nerfed and call it balanced when their stuff is buffed. And SOE listens to these people. And this rant will no doubt go ignored and/or only be replied to by people saying "hurf durf delicious VS tears".
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  15. MasterTater

    Either give the crippled/useless Magrider its essential driving performance back, which was already neccessary back in pre-patch times to stay efficient or let the Magrider as crippled as it is now and take away TR/NCs overkill buffs on their tanks.

    Actually i dont care atm - I deleted the game as a formerly paying customer, maybe I check back in few month - but till then the competition got a better game out or the servers are already dead when taking the current rate of server decay into account.
  16. Necron

    So they nerf what was widely considered the most OP weapon system in the whole game, and VS pops drop after... hmmm, sounds like a lot of VS were just stat-padders with no real interest in anything buy stroking their Epeen.
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  17. SharpeShooter

    You're talking rubish about the other MBT being better at climbing hills, I too have tried all three faction lately and they are all the same! Using your magburner to get to places you were not supposed to get to was the problem in the first place! Magriders on the top of mountains laying waste to all beneath. Stop whining because your tank is now in line with the other three factions!
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  18. SharpeShooter

    One vanu throwing his toys out of the pram because mummy Higby wouldn't give him a lolly pop! LOL.
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  19. SharpeShooter

    I stopped reading after that! Vanguards and Prowlers would simply SLIDE down the hill even with MAX hill climbing which I have! Even now are tanks are NO where near as good as climbing hills as magriders once were!
  20. Lukor

    It's official:You have no clue what you're talking about. If you actually spend 15minutes testing you'd find out that they're not the same and even if, Higby himself said they should be better.
    You're just a troll who's happy his toys got buffed. There's literally thousands of guys like you in every MMO.
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