So a HA got the jump on me with a Jackhammer

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Vortok, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Fraya

    I think this is the crux of the matter.. saying the JH should be weaker than the other shotguns because then you wouldn't use any other shotgun is like saying sniper rifles should be weaker because there would be no reason to equip your infiltrator with an SMG.

    LMG's and the JH can only be used by the heavy they're their signature weapons.. if they're weaker than weapons used by other classes why play the heavy? Just for the shield or launcher? Other classes have their class specific benefits as well.

    The way I see the faction specific heavy weapons is as an extreme sidegrade.. stupidly effective at a single role and virtually worthless at all others.

    LMGs are better than shotguns at long range so shotguns should be better than the JH at medium range.. leaving the JH as limited only to short range but exceeding both other types in that role.. massive damage and room clearing power but beyond 10-15m you might as well be using harsh language.
  2. Mossa

    A LMG have much larger range and ammo in the magazine, that culd be one reason to use them instead of the low ammo count JH. SMG have silencer, ammo, relaod speed and also much better at longer ranges. JH is a short range weapon thats almost uselses for medium ranges and up. I not saying to boost JH to be better then LMG's or SMG's, im saying make it better or equal to the other shotguns. Right now its the worst shotgun in the NC weaponary.
  3. AWACS

    Nearly died to a jackhammer today while I looked at my map.

    I quickly pressed ESC and knifed the offender to death.
    • Up x 1
  4. Stncold

    The burst is faster than triple clicking, but not by much. I only ever use it when I know somebody is about to come around a corner, or against MAX's. Deci+ triple burst spam with drop any MAX fast, just like Deci+Triple shot did in PS1.
  5. Zaik

    Sounds like he screwed up pretty bad. It's a two shot kill assuming 10 of the 12 pellets hit and within 12m, one shot if all 6 pellets are a headshot. I've taken a shield gen in an amp station solo with it before. Would have taken the other if it didn't have such ****** ammo capacity.
  6. Doogle

    Gonna have to call BS, 2 shots from a JH will take anyone down, a burst shot is more than enough to kill, so unless he was trying to snipe from 60m the JH is not somthing you can walk off.