Warpgate roation. How often?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KunzeWaldemar, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. KunzeWaldemar

    I think the warpgates should rotate every week to keep the game interesting. The game needs more variation. I find myself bored playing in the same regions over and over again... Capturing the same bases. Driving/flying same ways to get to the battle.
  2. N3M0

    Motion seconded.
  3. Arcanotechnician

    I'd rotate them any time the continent gets locked.
  4. Morpholine


    Once a few (maybe even just one) more continents are added, the developers split up the permanent warpgate ownership to a separate continent for each faction (a home continent, if you will), with the other two warpgates becoming capturable links to the other continents. (So capturing the Amerish-Esamir warpgate on one continent flips ownership on the other, opening that continent for potential conquest.)

    At least, that's the way I'd do it.

    This gives each faction a home territory to defend, and defined directions to advance the front, if they own all (or most) of a home continent. Territory ownership becomes important, and warpgating a faction requires the other(s) to literally invade their back yard and take their stuff.
  5. Talizzar

    I thought that the rotation was going to be at lock but I guess they haven't got that worked out yet.
  6. Nariquo

    well they will turn every two months.
    and of course warpgatte will change owner by continent locking..
    and to all whiners espeecially vanu. LIVE WITH YOUR LOCATION. nc did it too for ttwo months
  7. Gisgo

    Im pretty sure this is exactly what they are going to do.
    Your faction's continent WG will become sort of a sanctuary.
    At this point rotating conts might be pointless.
  8. Morpholine

    As far as I know, it takes a patch to change the ownersip, channel labels, and whatnot that comes with rotating warpgates. They've even had mis-labelled regional channels and whatnot occur the first few times they swapped gates in beta. It was interesting playing VS, spawning in a territory labelled "TR Warpgate" on the HUD, and commenting about that weirdness in a regional channel labelled "NC Warpgate".

    I don't see how this can be done dynamically upon a continent lock being achieved.
  9. Lakora

    Well I wouldn't mind a weekly rotation ONLY ones both VS n TR has had the South Eastern WG on indar for two months. ^^
  10. jshaw

    this ^
  11. Talizzar

    It would probably have to be a patch because what would you do with all the afkers in the Warp Gates?

    Weekly would be good.