Helmet Debate on Reddit - Your Position?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Talizzar

    Freddy Kruger masks? NO THANKS! WOW They are ugly! The Barrett is supurb! Love it even on the NC.
  2. Rhinzual

    Holy **** that first reddit dude is right, it is Windows XP.
  3. illgot

    Hell, I'm just hoping they come out with composite helms that take camo.
  4. RobotNinja

    Pretty much all the cosmetic options in this game so far...are...TERRIBLE...just...TERRIBLE. The skull masks and hockey masks are masks...stuck on the front of the actual helmets. The damn things look like cheap plastic Halloween masks.
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  5. LameFox

    I agree that you should wear a helmet on reddit.
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  6. LameFox

    You're mixing up your campy 80's horror villains. Jason (as in Friday the 13th) wore the hockey mask. And it's 'beret'. A Barrett could be many things, none really suitable to wear on one's head.
  7. Tuco

    The "Me'er than Me Generation", everyone wants to be a special little snowflake.

    Unfortunately it means that your team more likely looks like a post-apocalyptic rag-tag group of survivors in a bus, more than an actual team, and it's hard to identify friend from foe.
  8. Spartan 117

    Yeah its really immersion breaking seeing a bunch of NC running around with mohawks/jason masks. While some would deem it appropriate as we are freedom fighters (terrorists to some) as someone who truly believes the NC are fighting for freedom for all it just sends a mixed message.

    At the very least I think cosmetic alternatives should have military semblance & relation to Planetside lore/content.
  9. Cowabunga

    TBH they need to add A LOT more vanity items. I don't care if they are silly or serious, just get more stuff in there. Right now we only have composite armor to give the body armor a boost in looks, I want more damnit!
  10. Turel2

    We are all special little snowflakes :)

    Also the cosmetic items have been of a low standard. Maybe some more realistic items would be better. Less Saturday morning cartoons please.
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  11. Zehtuka

    I would pay serious money for such a barret plus glasses!
  12. VSMars

    Alternatively, what about those?

  13. RobotNinja

    I've got a sneak peak at the new helmets coming out. The devs have heard your suggestions! If you thought the skull mask and the hockey mask and the thing with the spikes on top were BEYOND AWESOME...then you're gonna lose it when you see these new designs.

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  14. ghnurbles

  15. RobotNinja

    As another note, going with berets or other helmet options that make your character's face visible...I dunno...because choosing a face during character creation was like judging an ugly contest that was too close to call.

    I think whoever made the textures for the character faces in this game was told to imagine what the child of the two ugliest parents in the world would look like as an adult.

    Seriously...I would pay for character creation/face options that don't suck.
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  16. Spartan 117

    Yeah I completely agree RobotNinja. I would really like to see more character face customization. Would love to see something like this:

  17. Riekopo

    I'd like to see ancient helmets in the game.






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  18. Devrailis

    Not a fan of the clown masks.

    But I would definitely stick a beret on my MAX.

    Maybe even a commissar's cap.

    Just to show who's boss.

    Dem Vanoo ladies look lovely dressed as TR.
  19. Presbycusis

    Here is one of the most recent examples of "death masks" in war. This particular one would make you look more intimidating but at the same time paint a target on your face.


    There are some really cool masks in PS2 and there are some really silly ones as well. I guess there is something for everyone, but I personally would like to see something more original or in keeping with the look of everything else in the game.

    I like the Roman/Greek/Spartan style helmets and it would be cool to see some of the modern military caps as well since there are Ranks built into the game.

    But if people want to wear a paper plate with finger-painted smiley faces that's ok too....makes a nice bullseye. =P
  20. Cowabunga

    Oh god the drama - Get over yourself. Immersion breaking? If people want to look cool and "military sleek" or silly and weird looking then let them. If you want your experienced untarnished then play with an outfit that only allows "standard issue" items.

    Seriously if you're effected by some random Joe, with his hockey mask, while playing PS2 in such a degree that you're game experience is ruined - I'd suggest you go to therapy.