Sol Tec Can we...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CPDIV, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. CPDIV

    Get some varied fighting? Populations are actually pretty stable for the most part, but it just feels that, for the past couple days, it's been VS and NC vs TR on all fronts. Even when NC controls 50+% of the map, I still see VS going after TR's throat, which causes TR to get warpgated. Then the VS turn and start fighting NC and TR burst back out of their Warpgate and take over some of their basic land, which inevitably leads to VS to turn back on TR allowing NC to re consolidate their hold on Indar.

    It's just leading to a serious lack of combat and you never really get awesome 3 way fights anymore because TR is almost always being whittled back and down by both sides.
  2. gorviss

    I'm on Sol Tech and I've had pretty awesome three way fights for the passed week. I don't know when you log on but I'm on usually in the evening. A couple weeks ago TR and NC would team up against VS which was pretty hilarious cause people can be such QQ in video games but thats another story.

    Ok back to solving your problem. Follow the hot spots on your map every night, you won't be disappointed.
  3. Oheck

    Indar on Soltech as been like that for a LONG time. NC and VS work together constantly. There is always a uncontested line of territories between them. With the old warpgate it was right up the middle. runs solid from east to west. TR are always fighting two factions. I think it ruins the dynamic of the battlefield if you ask me. They group up to essentially farm a faction. Kinda lame.
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  4. Devrailis

    I don't ever remember grouping up with VS to fight TR. My memory might be hazy, but my stats are not - I've killed quite a few more VS than TR. But like I always say, purple or red, you all taste like certs.
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  5. Oheck

    Well, this is what it looks like regularly.

    Funny thing is they didn't miss a beat when the warpgates changed. Their focus seemed to follow us there. Wonder if they'll follow us on the next warpgate change.
  6. TheEvilBlight

    All I remember is getting WG'ed by the TR when VS was in SW.

    Now that we're SE, it feels like it's NC doing the warpgating. Come in from Valley Storage and the west-east canyons, with TR trying to push from Tawrich or Regent Rock, or both in parallel heading to the SE (which mirrors our NC tactics from when we were SW).
  7. Conflicted

    We warpgated VS the other night...If anything NC would team up with TR to keep VS at their warpgate. Issue we have right now with VS is when the take howling pass it's a huge bottle neck and they fight tooth and nail to keep it. It has been changing hands a lot.
  8. BlackKobra77

    That is what it looks like after the TR zergfits, E911 and HNYB, get off. We divert so many troops to push them back that our counter zergs steamroll through whatever poor souls are left defending TR's main facilities and don't give two s***s if the VS creep up because we will send them back to warpgate soon anyway. If you took another screen shot in about 2 hours TR would have most likely retaken Alltum and NC would have probably pushed VS back to or captured Rashnu.

    From what I recall, before the warpgate switch, NC never left the canyons for any lengthy period of time. We fought who ever held our three main facilities. We barely pushed beyond our borders. Now that we automatically get half the map thanks to warpgate placement, we are enjoying actually having the resources on Indar to launch attacks.