90 min has passed

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Soijl, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Soijl

    Hey, And still no servers is up. As Ive said in a previous thread. You guys are never on time, dont say 90 min. Say 2-3-4 hours instead. And if your done earlier, good, then people will be happy about that instead of pissed of about servers not getting up when supposed to.

    Just saying :)

    Thanks for a good game!
  2. CaNsA

    90 "Sony" Minutes :D
  3. mTz84

    keep cool! first servers are in locked state, so they are testing already... ;)
  4. SatoVS

    I actually cant believe you guys already are making threads like this the first minute their late lol,you need to be slapped imo
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  5. Sliced

    I can't believe people are complaining.
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  6. Soijl

    Well, didnt have anything better to do...
  7. Stevezor

    Somehow I knew someone would complain about something this petty... way to play into the stereotype.
  8. XRIST0

    You got to be kidding .. They said it will take 90 minutes , not under or exactly 90 minutes .

    Grow up .
  9. Soijl


    You guys thats complaining about my thread, please read it again. Maybe a second time will help you understand what its saying.
    Or I guess I will have to explain it again for those who cant read or understand words.

    Xristo: Pls read what you wrote and come again. hehe
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  10. SoggySaos

    is it up yet?
  11. Stevezor

    All I see is you acting like a pretentious ***.
  12. SoggySaos

    is it up......................yet?
  13. Soijl

    I cant really see that Im neither complaining or being pretentius. Im just stating a obvious fact. They are always late and people would be more happy if they "thought" the servers were up earlier than expected instead of angry when their not. Whats so hard to understand?
  14. StrikerKOJ

    I agree with you, and it seems like an obvious PR strategy.

    You know what's a troubling thought? Suppose they DID give themself a greatly inflated downtime estimate, and they still didn't meet it.
  15. Soijl

    Then... Well... I would say fail, but I like the game so I wont. :)
  16. Maarvy

    It uses the same timer as Queing for Indar on Miller , chillax it will be up in a few more hour's .

  17. Devilmanx

    Depending on the time zone where they're located, its almost 8 in PST, 9 Mountain, 10 Central and 11 Eastern. so they went alittle over the time they said. but not by much.
  18. SoggySaos

    its exactly 30 minutes over atm
  19. R4GING

    we are getting a good update (hopefully bug-free), I wouldn't mind waiting longer than most other updates.
  20. husse

    just dont cry. until server will be up watch this you gona feel happyness :D