Most people who say Esamir and Amerish are bad have not actually played on those continents.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ArcMinuteLight, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. ArcMinuteLight

    Simple that that, most people have not played on Esamir and Amerish for an extended session or time.
    Just spreading the truth here. Continents fine, your attitudes and devotion to Indarside 2 aren't.
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  2. SerialNumber1221

    Most people don't play those continents because most people don't play those continents.

    Get it?

    Amerish is a great place for infantry battles, but its always empty...
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  3. IMTasty

    I prefer Esamir and Amerish over Indar. Indar so easily slows down to a grind in the canyons and the mountain range dividing the map in 3. Then again, I play on a server where there are actually battles on Esamir and Amerish. =p
  4. BalogDerStout

    I hate Amerish. You either fly or redeploy at warpgate.

    I like Esmir and Indar though. Esmir most of all but it doesn't have large fights. Indar is fun but not the most balanced map.
  5. Frosty The Pyro

    hassin (the swamp contenent, so we can call it dagobah) is on the roadmap, and once that happens there will be content locking which will force some varity in what places folks play on.
  6. ArcMinuteLight

    Having to use roads is what makes Amerish a lot more flowy.
    *Esamir by the way. Great map because of the wide plains and large scaling mountains.
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  7. Xae

    I've got more than enough time on Esamir and Amerish.

    They need work to be viable contenders to Indar.
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  8. SilentSalvo

    I'm of the opinion that if you like Indar that's ok. Different strokes and all that. But please stop whipping out that you don't play the other continents because of terrain and travel difficulty. We're playing a game where I can pull a vehicle out of thin air or freaking TELEPORT across the map.
  9. LukeDude759

    What server are you on?
  10. LukeDude759

    It's also w
    Esamir is also where you can find the best fog shadows. I love that effect.
  11. Soylent

    I prefer both Esamir and Amerish over Indar, but there's just no one playing there.
  12. Dice

    As a driver of a Magrider I say this:

    Esamir is balanced in favour of a Mag driver. The open flat land lend to a strafing Saron Mag much better than anything else in the game. Unless I am in a base of some kind I feel very powerful on that map.

    Yes I like it, but I can see why others might not.
  13. }{ellKnight

  14. Sworaven

  15. CaptainYamerica

    I agree with the OP. Amerish is my overall Fav. But I have had a lot of good times on Hoth as well.
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  16. Sharpe

    Why is it so hard for people to accept Indar might be people's favorite continent?
    I like Amerish just fine, I don't like Esamir at all - but I absolutely love Indar.
    Deal with it.
  17. ThommiX

    I like Esamir and Amerish over Indar too,just that on my server there rarely is anyone. Playing in Ceres.
    Indar has most fights and Crown is always full of people.
  18. Lambchopz

    Or, you know, maybe they just like Indar the most? It's not that different from people having favorite maps in regular FPS games. If given the option, people will play on the map they enjoy playing on most. End of story.

    I personally like Esamir and Amerish as well, but I'm not going to sit around and try and instigate those who disagree with me. Childish.
  19. Hilv

    I would surmise its 80% a symptom of server population. I know on Miller you can get massive fights on all 3 continents, not so much on Amerish but even their I've had some huge battles around the Plants.

    If your on a low pop server, I would suggest getting off it asap to more crowded one. Multiple massive battles, small skirmishes, all going off at the same time. It's AWESOME.
  20. Canaris

    I love Amerish and my only beef with Easamir was it used to be the most bugged out Continent, fixed now so I enjoy it a lot more these days.