Everything is too expensive.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TimoWasTaken, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. ChaosRender

    If they lower the prices they will hurt the game. The reason is simple this game is Free to play meaning it has to be fun for people who never pay a dime. Now that may seem odd that you want to keep the people not paying you happy, but if they are happy they play, if they are playing the paying customer has some one to shoot. The prices are set so that those people with little time but deep pockets can enjoy the game, as much as the people with lots of time and empty pockets. This is one of the reasons why there are many cert price levels, but few SC price levels.

    Add to all of this that most items sold in a game are not well thought out, like triple SC plus a bundle. Most of the items sold are spur of the moment, IE daily sales and bundles. So the stock price is moot unless it is so far out of range that it never sells.
  2. Hyperzone

    For what it's worth, if single use camos were out of the picture and the unlimited use ones 1/3rd of the price. I would have spent 2 or 3x more.

    bottom line:
    For me personally, if camos and weapons were cheaper and camos unlocked on all characters account-wide, I would have bought them all by now, definitely spending 3x more SC in total simply because I like them and

    I'd feel like I'm getting great value!

    Ask any serious marketer what consumers want and be astonished...
  3. Aslandav

    I feel the opposite, I feel all the items are too cheap and should never be allowed purchased with certs (however, SOE made clear this game is not pay-to-win game...thus, I will rest my case on that). As a F2P game, how do you suppose SOE makes money off it? All the servers as well as the staffs for this game all cost money from SOE. If shall SOE unable to make money from this game, there will be no reason to keep this game going at all. Pay to support SOE, more so when this is F2P game.
  4. DerpyHooves

    payed my dues already. bought alpha squad and another 100+ dollars in sc plus i spend sc frequently on another SOE game that runs better ony my computer. People dont have to buy any guns from the shop at all. The defaults are actually quite good once you max out the cert upgrades into them.
  5. Aslandav

    True, but SOE still need to make money; hence, we have to make kids think all the "standard issue weaponry" are crap...and they must buy those in the depot...
  6. DerpyHooves

    ehh i bought some guns from the shop. and used them to farm certs for my defaults. I only use the default primaries and secondaries now for all my classes except for HA, (unless you count the founders tmg-50 as a default). But sadly most people think defaults in any game suck so therefore they must spend to be better. To tell the truth i hardly ever got kills with my shop weapons; started using my default carv and then a sidegrade to t-16 and i am literally kicking myself for being so stupid not to go that way before :/.
  7. Replay

    How broke are you that $7-$10 is enough for you to whine about not getting the value? I'm far from rich but a night at the bar is 3-8 for a single drink. If your not old enough to drink you most likely don't pay rent so more money. Min wage is about 8 an hour now. Hellfires are easily worth 1.5 hours of work (taxes). And this is before sc days and deals.

    If you can't easily afford a gun in this game its time you got off your computer and got a second job. If its not worth it to you... Well you can spend $45-$60 on a one shot game or 3 months of a paid mmo minus box price i guess. Oh. And each day you play is about 100 certs assuming 2 hours played. 5 days to level in an memo is more then acceptable learn to manage your certs.
  8. Chowley

    I have to agree with the OP. This game is an extreme grind at the moment if you actually want to upgrade via certs, and then the cash prices.... jesus. I often see people say if you make it too easy to get all weapons and attachments nobody will stick around - there are such things as balance and people playing a game for fun not incentives. The game should be the incentive not unlocks. If people do leave when they have no unlocks left then the developers have failed to make a compelling game.
  9. JudgeDeath

  10. Nasty Piggy

    So what you're saying is the game play isn't compelling enough to just play and slowly acquire more and more options to play different classes? Lordy, drop the price of a monthly subscription and buy a gun or 2 then have fun or you can play a support class till you save up enough to get a decent gun and options for it.
  11. Clutchstep

    Cert prices are high, but really if you wait for double/triple SC days and for the sales, it's not bad at all. My favorite engineer weapon at the moment is the Pulsar C, which after triple SC and sale, cost me $0.84. I do wish they'd expand the sale items, so that there are more sales each day, but all in all, patience is your friend.

    If you look at the people at the top of the leaderboards and do the math, the ones at the top get around 200 certs/hour. But when you get to number 100 it drops to around 50-60 per hour. So I think 30 certs per hour is respectable; people saying that they're regularly getting 200+ per hour are exaggerating or adding up their time in funny ways. BTW I think the person who brought it up in the first place said 250 for 1-2 hours, so more like 125 an hour, which is believable if you're a lib gunner or are a good tank driver/gunner.
  12. Tnsr

    Damn, how I wish people would stop to compare the value of a digital item consisting of 0s and 1s with real life stuff like a night in a bar or cinema. Makes absolutely no sense to compare them.

    Compare digital stuff with digital stuff. For the price of 7 PS2 guns you can get other full price AAA games. Complete games, with everything in it. Not only 7 guns. Worse than this is the fact all guns use a generic design like they are made with lego, change a barrel here, take a different buttstock there, change some values in a game file and there you have a "new" gun for 7€.
    Just a big NO. A single item is never worth 7€. 2€, 3€ max is a fair trade for the work they put in it so far.
  13. RomulusX

  14. Aliasse


  15. Talizzar

    You all need to go take an economics class and understand the principles of supply and demand.

    People are buying this stuff. If they weren't SOE would be adjusting the prices down to entice more buyers.

    Prices are holding pretty well so they must be doing ok.

    How much do you spend on lunch a day? If I go out it is over $7.00 to eat at a restaurant, not fast food and not a fancy place. Are you going to get more enjoyment from your turkey sandwich and salad or fries or from a weapon you can use for the lifetime of the game?

    The stock weapons are not horrible.

    Now if you want to compete with the big boys and farm from libs and have all the cool stuff it is going to cost you certs or cash. That is the choice you make.

    I play with a guy who will not spend a dime on the game and is BR69 with around 10k certs laying around. He has to keep buying stuff with certs to stay under the 10k barrier. He started out with all the stock weapons.

    The other way to think about it is you paid nothing for the game, a game that would cost you around 60 bucks to buy and then you would be paying 15 bucks a month just to play and then you are going to shell out another 60 bucks every major update.

    The only way this game makes a dime is when people buy stuff with SC. If the SC were not being spent you can rest assured that they would be doing many things to coax your hard earned dollars from your wallet.
    • Up x 1
  16. axiom537

    Ok... you played PS1, which means you initially spent $50 for the game and then you paid $12.95/mo for however long you played. SO, spend $50 to get started and then each month buy another $10 worth of SC. With just that little bit of money, you will be able to buy quite a few nice weapons, and as you are earning cert points in game while you play.

    And if you save up your $10 and wait for a triple of double station cash day then you will be able to buy even more bells and whistles...

    And if that is too much for you to spend, then you shouldn't be playing video games, you should be spending your time finding a better job, a second job or educating yourself in a career that affords you the ability to spend $15/ month to entertain yourself.
  17. Aslandav

    When SOE said PS2 is NOT a Pay-to-Win game...SOE literally made it so...
    ...I bought with SC some camo's...and I thought I will be at least "not that of an obvious target"...then I heard "hostile engineer" followed by a headshot...so, nope, totally not pay-to-win.
    ...I bought the new SMG with SC...and I thought "muahahaha, I'm gonna rock"...I rush into the building...try to be a rambo...got shot by a shotgun and floored...then a message from the player who just killed me...saying, "are you an idiot?"...right...not pay-to-win.
  18. innersphere1

    They dont make "FREE" games because you are beautiful. The market strategy in those games is "lets make weapons 1000 certs, like this, people get bored to farm and to be insta-pro they use money.
  19. Akrasjel

    Yea but some stuff wont apear for half price yet :(
  20. Aslandav

    ...and most likely...they never will...