Esamir Ice Camo

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Commandant Cleavage, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Commandant Cleavage

    Just a thought, will it look like the NS-11 Platinum maybe?

    Anyone have any previews they'd like to share? I'm itching to find a pic of this.
  2. CaptAmazing

  3. flipmoomonkey

    I believe the pic Cap is showing is for the Esamir Snow Camo as it has little cracks all over it, the Esamir Ice Camo is plain white and hasn't been released yet as far as I know, should be released in a couple of days, although likely only for premium access to begin with.
  4. KraggTheGrim

    Off topic, are the weapon camo's sold separately, or are they part of the main camo?
  5. Morpholine

    The armor, weapon, and vehicle camouflages are all separate purchases.
  6. 01101010

    This is how they get you... nickle and dime you to death - at $5 a pop.
  7. KraggTheGrim

    dang was kind of hoping the infantry camo would also get the gun camo. I have bought so many tank and infantry camo's was hopping for a break. Oh well, got to wait for another X3 SC sale


    Although with the way i buy things in game, i have so far managed to stretch my $15 SC card into $90 of vanity items.
  8. Morpholine

    They nickled-and-dimed me for $1.67 a pop (or less, in a few camouflage instances). I'm patient and make good use of specials and sales.
  9. flipmoomonkey

    While we're at it I'd love too see some pics of the new camos on vehicles if anyone has unlocked them, I'm very tempted to get the new Amerish Leaf for my galaxy but some of the camos haven't looked too good when scaled up and I'd rather not waste some SC.
  10. Commandant Cleavage

    Yeah the snow camo has the cracks in it. I looked at the preview in comparison with the Snow camo and saw a slightly grey tone and it's flat. That can't be all, it has to have some kind of luster to be ice.