Random ban

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lordteapot, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. lordteapot

    it said my account was banned but i didnt get a notification in my email about the ban then 3 minutes later i can log in fine and iam not banned any more, one else encountered this bug?
  2. AWACS

    I was also randomly banned without reason or notification from SOE.
  3. Big Cyz

    Auto-ban kicks in once u reach a certain killstreak. I think it's like 100
  4. Xuram

    It was apparently an issue with the login servers for all of their games... I had the same problem. Things seem to be fine now. No idea what the hell happened. Maybe someone will say something on twitter/reddit/anywherebuttheforumsprobably

    *edit* to all the people quoting higbys twitter.... CALLED IT
  5. Cerberus90

    I was banned as well. Good thing it was just because the server was down.
  6. Yil

    "If you started seeing a message about being banned in the last several minutes it is a result of the login server issues."

    -Higby Twitter
  7. AWACS

    Should be fixed now,
    Was extremely confusing and unclear.
  8. Rognik

  9. Total_Overkill

    I was about to flip a table... naturally SOE support was undergoing "maintenance" at the time...
  10. Xaturas

    ok same for me, even send a ticket ... seriously
  11. ThundaHawkPS

    I was about to rage moderately hard.

    I taunted the crap out of a VS pilot on Jaeger today after crushing him repeatedly with my OP mosquito. Said pilot had previously abused the self-repair bug throughout the week before and deserved the verbal beatdown. I swear, if I had gotten banned for harassment when this guy went unbanned for basically cheating... I swear, man.
  12. Total_Overkill

    Oh look, nothing on the game forums again... ******* twitter... ******* higby
  13. Big Cyz

    lol :D
    • Up x 1
  14. QuantumMechanic

    What a cute side-effect of the login servers being down. Oh, SOE.
  15. Arkha3

    I remember the same thing happening on a game I used to help manage. A dude hacked into our login server and sent a (sql) command to ban everyone.
    It was funny because the all of the private servers for this game (stolen), had this hole in the system and couldn't figure out why all their players kept getting banned.