Engineers, do your job or pick a different class.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Feb 10, 2013.

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  1. Laraso

    Yes. I'm not asking engineers to help people who ask for ammo whilst simultaneously running away from them. I'm asking engineers to help the people who are sitting still right next to them.

    Even if there is ammo nearby, it's not always necessarily in a safe location. I'd rather not risk dying just to get to an ammo pack. Which is why I expect the engineer next to me who is not doing anything of importance to drop an ammo pack, but for whatever bizarre reason, pressing V3 usually results in the engineer killing you instead of helping you.
  2. Izriul

    Maybe he was sick of you demanding him how to play HIS game, YOUR way.
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  3. RobotNinja

    Seems legit.

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  4. Sauce21

    Lol, what next? Encourage TKing heavies who don't fire their lockons at enemy armor/air, TKing medics who don't rez, TKing light assaults who don't jump walls, TKing sundies who lock their vehicle and don't pick up stragglers. Anything that pisses you off, TK them, right?

    Sorry, you're not entitled to their undying support. Should they help their fellow faction? Of course. Are they bad players? Absolutely. TKing them, if they don't, makes you a clown.

    Go run with an outfit if you want coordination. Expecting randoms to work with you is laughable at best.
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  5. Parasyte

    ...Wait, you do realize that engineers can swap their ammo pack for C4, right? I mean, I get people yelling at me all the time to drop ammo while I have C4 equipped. Doesn't matter how many times I tell them, they seem too dense to think it through.
  6. Laraso

    This isn't anyone's game. I don't own this game, you don't own this game, and said engineer doesn't own this game. When I play as an engineer, I do engineer things. Like repairing and resupplying. People who don't do engineer things when they play as an engineer shouldn't choose to play as an engineer.

    It's not a matter of enforcing "my way" onto people, it's a matter of wanting people to actually do the very thing their class is designed for. If you're playing as an engineer but you don't repair and/or drop ammo, the entire purpose of playing as an engineer is defeated and everyone around you who needs ammo/repairs will only end up wasting their time waiting for you to do something that you never had intended to do in the first place.

    If you don't intend to do engineer things, don't play engineer. It's a fairly simple concept that most people can't seem to understand. I didn't have much of a problem with it, but the amount of engineers who act this way seems to be rising steadily, and it's not just screwing me over, it screwing the entire faction over as a whole.

    An engineer who doesn't engineer is like a fire department that doesn't put out fires. It's pointless and it only ends up harming everyone collectively.
  7. Laraso

    You do realize that even with C4, you can select your MANA turret and press B to drop one anyways?
  8. Ghostfox

    What I find hilarious are all those people who complain about engineers not dropping ammo when there are 4-5 boxes sitting around them, had they bothered to check their mini map.
  9. Owleyes

    Ofc i would repair a max on the spot no questions needed. But my turret doesn't give me or anyone else ammo. No matter how many times i press B or remap the button, it just will never work.

    Thank the devs for putting prox mines and ammo pack in the same slot instead being rude on the forums about it.
  10. Devrailis

    Hey, how'd you get a preview of the next Sundy camo so fast?
  11. Laraso

    That's an isolated problem that only affects you. Since I'm talking about engineers in general, and not just you, my point is still relevant as not everyone is unable to cycle their turret for ammo.
  12. Ghostfox

    You pull out your ACE(the tool that deploys the turret) and then hit B. You don't deploy the turret then press B while on it.

    It is the deploy tool that turns into an ammo box.
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  13. Parasyte

    No, I did not realize that and I'm sure many other engineers do not know this either. The current loadout screen does not indicate this and instead gives the impression that you can either equip ammo packs or C4. If everything can be generated from the ACE then that should be more obvious, rather than putting the ammo pack into a weapon slot. If I had known this I would have been getting all the free XP I could from ammo drops.

    As Owleyes said, blame the devs for not making this more intuitive.
  14. Laraso

    No. If a heavy doesn't shoot at the enemy armor, I can just swap to heavy and do it myself. If a medic isn't reviving people, I can just switch to medic and do it myself. If the light assaults aren't jumping the walls, I can switch to light assault and do it myself.

    If the engineers aren't repairing my MAX suit, I can't simply switch to engineer and do it myself. It doesn't work that way, and that is why cooperative engineers are so important, REGARDLESS of whether they are in my outfit or some random player.
  15. jamspammer

    Yea, it took me while to work that out

    lol how embarrasment!
  16. Acierocolotl

    I play an engineer almost exclusively. I like to keep my tank alive. I am an excellent tanker and my tank is my first priority. You haven't seen any Magriders nearby? Thank me. But I'm out in the open and if you're skating around me in your power pajamas, you're somewhere useless and tending my tank is a higher priority. You can ask for help nicely and if I don't have to go out of my way, I'll schedule your request for when I'm not in danger.

    But if you just rage and spam, you can go soak your head. You're in a bad place, Mr Power Pajamas, and you're not doing anybody any good, so I'm not risking my butt to help you. And if, having decided you're not worth it, if you so much as scratch my tank I will hunt you down as often as it takes until I'm satisfied.

    So don't. Play nice. Use your microphone and ask politely, like those fabled Canadians are supposed to. You can even add a little "eh?" if you like. That will get you much farther than just mashing buttons, I guarantee.
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  17. Blarg20011

    oh lawdy, that would be the greatest thing ever. I would actually spend Smedbuxs for that.
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  18. Devrailis

    I've mentioned this before. A lot of players don't know about the function and this isn't exactly their fault. There just isn't any obvious documentation in-game about it. It would be really easy for SOE to just add a quick note that you can turn your turret into an ammo pack somewhere on the ability. Right now, it seems like most engies who find out, find out via word of mouth from other players.
  19. Laraso

    That's nice and all, but if we're in a location void of any danger, you better believe I'm going to ask you for help. I don't expect tank drivers to be as cooperative as naturally the tank is their top priority (I should have clarified that I was not talking about pilot engies) but I do expect you not to KILL me because I asked for help.
  20. jamspammer

    Agreed, it's not exactly intuitive.

    However it's a simple matter to source the info and then apply it.
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