Why the NC are not as bad as everyone seems to think...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Necron, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. baratol

    Yeah the NC have beast guns, a few have a heavier recoil but once upgraded it's not a problem at all given that you have some decent fps skills. The gauss saw can kill in a mere 4-5 bullets for example, NC offer higher dmg for slower
    rate of fire in general which is obviously superior at range where you can't spray but it also mean that your stopping power is stronger at close range unless that you can't aim lol, the two other factions forgive poor aim with their lower recoil (mostly vanu) and higher rate of fire guns

    What a load of crock, you really fire NC rifles? really, which ones, join me on Miller server and show me.
    Baratol on Miller
  2. baratol

    utter utter fantasy
  3. Bolticus

    I'm comparing the NC6 Gauss Saw and the Orion. 100 rounds compared to 50.
  4. Syphers

    Nothing to add really spoken like a noob lol, you'll get the hang of it eventually
    • Up x 1
  5. Necron

    So, you say that what I say has no merit because it isn't what you believe and I am the troll? Yeah, sure I trolled you because you came across as an arrogant ***. I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree then. NC ARE fine, once you learn to use the guns. What you are saying is you want Ezmode because some of the other guns are easier to use than the NC equivalent.
  6. Ujelly Trollicus

    Compared to the 5-6 rounds it takes with the Orion and carv, both of which EASILY make up for that ever so slightly higher damage with infinitely better accuracy, RoF, and recoil.
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  7. Rusky

    If only that were the case.

    In cqc situation where all bullets hit for both combatants you're going to lose 100% of the time with the SAW because it has a horrible TTK/DPS (compared to the Orion/CARV for example) :p
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  8. The King

    You have no idea what you're talking about.

    Anyways, NC weapons are good.
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  9. baratol

    syphers, ok can you show me how to shoot like a pro? with the nc6 saw plz Im on Miller or can join you on which ever server your on.
    Or maybe you could post a youtube post on how its done. that would be awesome. thanks
    • Up x 1
  10. Selerox

    NC were never UP anyway. The fact is that everyone seems to have jumped ship to them after the update. Guess what? Their weapons still have the drainpipe-size calibres and they still smack VS and TR infantry around. Just like they always did.

    The Pulsar C is a great weapon that packs a punch and is really solid at longer ranges, but is a liability at close range unless you get the jump on your opponent. If you come up against something like a Cycler TRV then you're going to rapidly end up as a stain on the back wall.
  11. Iksniljiksul

    The game has changed a lot since launch. This issue is no longer relevant. Stop going on about months old information which no longer applies in game.
  12. Dhart

    It's hard for non-NC to comment on faction inadequacies.

    That said- it appears to take far fewer bullets to die from TR/VS... guns that if I FF my own faction.

    That seems pretty screwed up... in any number of angles!
  13. baratol

    are you there?
  14. Dhart

    I remember reading somewhere... on titter perhaps... that weapon damage... there were no NC in that department... that is had only VS and TR Devs.

    Something about Bigby needing to fill out the department with someone committed to NC... hey a job opportunity. Otherwise NC will continueto have the **** stick for months to come!
    • Up x 1
  15. xen3000

    Interesting facts to add to the discussion: Bullets to Kill

    This information is assuming body shots only and no modifiers on the weapon or target. Assumes 1000 health target; 500 shield, 500 health. (last I checked this is accurate info) Bullets to kill range is the number of bullets from max damage to min damage. Organized by weapon type and number of weapons per category of bullets to kill. Does not show distance for damage fall-off as, other then VSs extended damage fall-off, distances are equal in each category of bullets to kill.

    5 = (7-10 bullets)____6 = (7-9 bullets)_______1 = (7-9 bullets)
    1 = (6-9 bullets)_________________________4 = (6-8 bullets)
    ______________________________________1 = (5-7 bullets)

    5 = (7-9 bullets)_____5 = (7-8 bullets)_______2 = (7-8 bullets)
    1 = (6-8 bullets)_____1 = (6-7 bullets)_______3 = (6-7 bullets)
    ______________________________________1 = (5-6 bullets)

    4 = (7-9 bullets)_____5 = (7-8 bullets)_______1 = (7-8 bullets)
    2 = (6-8 bullets)_____1 = (6-7 bullets)_______4 = (6-7 bullets)
    ______________________________________1 = (5-6 bullets)

    Conclusions: VS damage fall-off means one extra bullet at extreme ranges to drop a target. NC extra damage means, on average, one less bullet to drop a target. Carbines require an extra bullet at max range to drop a target compared to ARs and LMGs with similar damage attributes.

    All calculations used information available on provided link.
    Weapon Stats
  16. Bolticus

    First of all, it was a tweet by higby replying to a post about UP NC weapons. And I really don't understand why people are taking it seriously. Don't you guys think it could have just been a small joke?
  17. Onetoo

    This video always pops up in these kind of threads, so I'll just save someone else the trouble.

    I have tried all three factions and I play both NC and VS and I have no idea why you think the NC are so challenging, but you sound like you are enjoying the game more because of the way you perceive the NC... so, good for you?

    My only real gripe with NC guns is that they don't cause massive flinching like TR guns, but I much prefer them at range, so it all seems to balance out.

    Anyways, you have made up your mind and I don't think either of our opinions is going to change on this issue, so maybe we should just leave things as they are now: Me thinking everything is fine and you feeling like you are better than the other factions for having to put up with such poor weapons.
  18. Bill Hicks

    The NC is not bad, but it doesn't make the magrider any less op or other factions weapons strong vs NC due to flinch mechanics
  19. Enter Name Here

    I hate this argument. I blame SOE for giving the factions similar roled starter carbines and assault rifles but different roles for starter LMGs. NC gets a long range LMG with the associated extra certs, TR gets an allrounder with just basic certs, and VS gets a close quarters with just the basic certs but faster aim down sights move speed.

    As such, the Orion should be compared to the MSW-R while the T9 carv is the equivalent of the Pulsar LSW. The difference then is that the MSW-R has less recoil with a more controllable pattern and access to the advanced laser sight and soft point ammunition while the Orion has faster short reload speed(longer long but ideally that never comes up), lower first shot recoil multiplier, and faster movement speed while aiming down sights which seem like reasonable trade offs to me.

    NC meanwhile get the GD-22S which I feel doesn't really stack up as it has worse DPS and hipfire CoF but better aim down sights CoF and just basic certs which for a close quarters LMG is just kinda weird. Though with the higher damage and lower fire rate it's hard to get a good feel for how the difference in CoF numbers actually play out in real use. Could also say the Anchor and the comparison is a bit better there with higher RoF and extra cert options, that one could conceivably stack up. I haven't used it yet though because the price is so steep.
  20. rumblepit

    lol nc are far from badazz, but they have the best infantry weapons in the game hands down, and a godly max that will drop anything in a blink of a eye including other maxes.

    just some random number for ya,,,,,, nc gauss saw hits for 200, tr and vs dont have anything that can come close to this,our hardest hitting lmg dose 167, they have carbines that hit for 200 and the others hit as hard as our lmgs, h3ll even their smg hits as hard as our hardest hitting lmg, it hits for 167.

    if you make a nc account for a blind man he will have a + kd. low skill, easy kills, thats all the nc is

    if the devs ever gave the tr a weapon with the exact same stats as the saw, every mother fing nc would be screaming for it to be nerfed

    50% of all the nc i have killed have all been heavy assault.