Miller Day 2 combined NC\TR siege on VS on indar

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Qaz

    we managed to push out to skydock under the nose of the NC (to the north) and TR while we were down to copper ravine as our last territory! the brave souls clinging onto the ravine that allowed the capture of scarred mesa are heroes of the sovereignty, as are the defenders of scarred mesa.

    also, that sundy rush was hilarious. there were about twice as many as you can see in this vid:
  2. chilly154

    I was there

















  3. chilly154

  4. TintaBux

    There is good outfits, but some of the leaders have strange ways sometimes insisting fighting at once place, not all like that though, which shown it's good strength at indar as NC dominated with even populations, and that included each faction having outfits working together, however with more thinking the whole continent would of been capped.
  5. Arch

    I was leading the two MoX squads tonight on Indar, and I can confirm while we avoided fighting with the NC there was no alliance between us. Copper was just a classic 3 way fight. At one point we had withdrawn to form up a liberator squadron and headed back over copper only to find ourselves the target of a reaver swarm coming from the north.

    Props to the VS for digging in and refusing to pull off Indar, but have to say NC you showed a total lack of stratigic planning when you. pushed at the TR gate, causing us to pull forces off the VS, so near but yet so far.
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  6. Blothgar

    Arch is spot on here. No outspoken alliance, we were hoping though that the NC was smart enough to see that TR was going for neutralisation and not flip.

    TR was clearly going straight for the VS Warpgate, but NC was backhacking us in the west the whole night. Anyone looking at the map to any extent yesterday would know this.

    You did a great job defending Vanu's, but it was the NC dweebs(save a few good NC outfits that actually took a look at the map and saw what the TR were doing) that saved you last night.

    And Skydock was a desperate last ditch effort, after the NC already had let the Vanu out of the warpgate on their side, we basically knew we'd already lost it at that point.

    So it was the TR and a few NC outfits vs VS and the rest of the NC.
  7. allattar

    The only thing is, doing this **** ruins the game and ultimately makes VS log off.
    Why was the fight supremely **** for VS. Well one it was deeply annoying not being able to push out becuase of the sheer lag.
    Vehicles could not be repaired at all in the lag. That meant sunderer spawns where completely unviable. Its real fun spending 10 minutes to repair something in the warpgate I can tell you.

    The game cannot take that much pop in that small an area. Sure you wanted a neutral pop but it was fricking awful from the vs sider. Worst fight in planetside 2 so far. Well done on ruining the battle.
  8. Fleabag


    Say it enough even the outfits doing it might believe it?

    Anyone with half a PS brain could see it was happening. I'd like to suggest the following outfits were explicitly involved in cross-empire shenanigans. If anyone of them want to comment, one way or the other, go for it. BMC, BRTD, Goon, Conz.

    Tons of evidence, both from actual play and public /yells last couple of nights.

    Now you're perfectly free to do it of course, just as we're (the VS) perfectly free to point out the levels of total suck those doing it are subject to. Suck because you feel the need to and suck because even when doing it you failed.
  9. Bennybones

    TR was completely messed up yesterday. It may have seemed as if they were aiming for the VS warpgate but that's not entirely true. The majority of the TR population was fighting right next to the warpgate in what was an absolutely pointless battle which meant that the NC had the opportunity to try and warpgate lock us, which they did for a short while, and it allowed the VS to spread as well. A handful of TR people fought out of their warpgate, not much resistance to be fair. If the TR had had even the tiniest bit of organisation or perhaps sense things would have looked quite differently. I suppose at one point the TR were aiming for the VS warpgate but it failed very quickly and instead of leaving to defend our holdings most people seemed to stay locked up in that pointless battle.

    VS broke out before NC had taken all of the west and the TR occupied in the East were fighting a pointless fight for probably the entire afternoon/night. But I imagine it was lots of sweet kills so I can't really blame people for doing it. Kind of wish I was there actually, but a few of us ran around trying to snag back some of the territory the NC took since we like colour coordination.
  10. Pig

    There is no alliance.

    Stop crying and deal with what the NC have had on Indar since launch.
  11. allattar

    over yell it was constant, NC GUY: DONT SHOOT TR

    no alliance my hairy ***
  12. Pig

    And you actually believe anything that's typed in /yell?

  13. allattar

    It was going on, you could watch TR mozzies fly over NC positions, likewise reavers over the TR.

    It was going on, whether you believe it or not, the majority of the TR and NC at Indar where behaving like that.
    As I said you cant stop players doing it, it was just a really really **** fight becuase of it.
  14. IMTasty

    People seriously believe a big secret TR/NC alliance would communicate in /yell? There's a big difference between some outfits having the same goals, and two factions having an alliance. The fact that the NC pushed the TR WARPGATE is not telling enough? Did you not look at the map? XD

    That being said, from reading the BRTD forums the objective for BRTD was to ignore the NC and neutralize the continent, that was the goal. The TR was actively trying to neutralize the continent and didn't care for NC initially, that was the objective when we started out last night, Is that what made people think there was an alliance? =P

    Regardless. The current opinion after tonight is good on VS for taking Skydock in time and one big middle finger to the NC for really getting too greedy thinking they could cap the continent, locking our warpgate, sandwiching us between VS and NC and just in general slowing us down and keeping attacking our rear.

    The whole thing left a bit of a sour taste since otherwise we would've had time to redeploy in time, had more people, not lost Skydock to begin with and not having to fight a 2 front war. Greedy greedy NC, nothing was achieved, you get no paycheck this month. None! Nada! :p

    Once Indar is ours we shall sit in front of the NC warpgate for a week! Insulting, taunting and farting in their general direction. No mercy! Greedy corporate lapdogs!
    • Up x 1
  15. Hazzaslagga

    I though the battle for copper ravine was more tense, lasted a good 2+ hours. Whilst TR eventually won that battle(without the NC mind you, they'd left to back cap us), but by then it was too late. And also them bloody server bugs/lag, couldn't get ammo for rockets, repair anything hits took s seconds to register,c4 was delayed and grenades were suspended in the air with no warning as to when they'd explode.
  16. Gyfarno

    2 hours of fight... a epic last stand, and a defeat for the Terran Republic and New Conglomerate alliance, a victorious night again for the mighty and powerful Vanu Sovereignty.

    For the Vanu ! And the FRC ! And all Mighty Vanu's Outfit
  17. nella

    That did not happen.

    Everyone had to deal with this, not just VS. Most people on here describes it as an "epic fight", but if you did not enjoy it, why not switch continent? I'm sure someone else would love your spot on Indar.
  18. CaptAmazing

  19. Ssential

    What's the big deal with the "Alliance?"

    I think it would be awesome if something like that happens. It speaks for the game and its sandbox elements. Give the players the ability to create history and things like this will happen. As long as the alliance breaks after the continent gets neutral I wouldn't mind at all, I'd rather be amazed by PS2 and what's possible to do in the game.
  20. Hazzaslagga

    As someone who is in the goon brigade I can say that we had no communication with the NC. I will admit that at the fight for copper ravine there where a few yells and talks of not shooting the NC for the short space for about 30 minutes. However this was not very effective as shown by air raids(hint:they fired on us) and the fact that NC capped the rest of the TR territory. There was no cross empire alliance. In any case props to any NC who did focus on VS.