Infantry Only Map... would the other maps become deserted?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illgot, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. illgot

    What if there were an infantry only map?

    Would the reset of the maps become deserted when people who only want to fight infantry leave the previous maps and the players in vehicles have no one to farm?

    How fun would it be to fight players on an even basis where you capture way points which contained spawn terminals.
  2. Qaz

    biolabs already are infantry only, as were the old techplants. while i think that we could use a more infantry oriented techplant, and maybe one other base type, i think it's absolutely essential that the combined arms aspect of planetside is being upheld throughout the design of all continents.
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  3. Colt556

    We don't need infantry only maps, this isn't Battlefield. What we need is better designed bases so infantry dominate. Every single facility, every outpost. They should all have indoor areas (PROPER indoor areas, not giant vehicle bays) that infantry can fight in. When it comes to actually capturing a base, vehicles should have no say in the matter. Getting to the base, getting through the walls and into the courtyard, that's the part vehicles play. Vehicles are there ONLY to allow infantry to reach the base. Once at the base, though, it should be entirely up to infantry. Biolabs are literally the only base properly designed in this respect.

    Everyone is mad about vehicles farming infantry. But what they refuse and are unable to understand is that vehicles are SUPPOSE to farm infantry. That's not a problem with the design, that's the nature of combined arms. The problem is that the role of infantry is taken away when their primary role of capturing bases is undermined by the fact that vehicles can STILL farm them even as they try to capture a base. Make bases well designed to only allow infantry combat and I guarantee you there will be fewer problems.
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  4. Aege

    We pretty much used to call that Oshur or Battle Islands. It sucked, and IT was deserted most of the time. There were a few good battles there from time to time, but they were rare and usually didn't last long.
  5. illgot

    Biolabs are not infantry only.

    Even though you can not (should not) get vehicles into the lab, having 15+ MBTs sitting outside and 4 Sunderers with a hand full of Libs and a few ESFs pretty much wins the Biolab through attrition. The defenders see they have 40+ infantry camping the spawn room and give up. There is no way to fight back and no where to go. So why defend a losing battle?

    Sadly none of the current bases seem designed with the defenders in mind and because of that I see no reason to fool ourselves into thinking that anyplace in this game is not completely dominated by vehicles.
  6. bPostal

    The Caverns were pretty much infantry only. They had ziplines everywhere and people ******* hated them.
    IMO the solution isn't to create infantry only continents, it's to create infantry only bases so that vehicles become less effective the closer they get to a cap point.
  7. PheonixOmega

    I agree with this. But I would add that in addition they should tone down the level of threat that infantry poses to vehicles to reflect a more realistic approach. Open terrain should be the realm of vehicles and base/buildings the realm of infantry.
  8. smokemaker

    come to a game with aircraft, infantry and vehicles.....
    then argue to remove vehicles and aircraft.
    COD------------------> that way
  9. Cevera

  10. Colt556

    The main reason for the imbalance between vehicles and infantry is that sony didn't listen back in beta. Back in beta we had a lot of threads asking for fixed bases, more defendable bases, less exposed bases so vehicles couldn't farm them. Some guy even drew up elaborate plans for an underground complex for the Amp station. But they refused. They never did anything of the sort. So infantry have no place dedicated to them beyond biolabs. Every single other base can be farmed by vehicles. That's not right. very outpost, every facility, should have a large dedicated indoor area that vehicles can not reach. Every spawn should enable infantry to reach the cap point without ever stepping outside.

    If they simply re-designed bases, this problem wouldn't exist.
  11. Rentago

    >infantry only map
    >only map

    see this is what everyone subconsciously thinks of the game.

    It is just battlefield reskinned, and sadly its poor design is even making people would rather developers just aim low than high.

    No sadly there is already an existing franchise for this kind of thing, however I do think the structure of bases and outposts to be poorly designed, they should make basements and other areas of bases where tanks and aircraft can't work their way into like the biolabs, so that way infantry only battles take place.

    In the first game we had a tunnel network, a basement, and well everything was underground, so you wanted to capture the base? It was either on the very top floor of the structure inside the base, or way underground in the basement of the base. The generators were also the same way, it was also only one generator that powered the whole base, so losing it meant the lights, terminals, turrets, and other things didn't work.

    Since there is no real inside to bases, just little boxes of cover spread out in an open arena that vehicles can navigate, your issue is simply just back to the core of the how the developers intended bases to not be defendable fortresses.

    A lot of you should do your research on the first planetside, usually all the complaints that I've ever seen here are about how the developers took this game in a very wrong direction from the ground up, and the only way to fix it is to implement a lot of the things planetside already perfected.

    However everyone insists that the veterans are stupid and that this game is great, and that planetside was terrible and this is an amazing sequel.

    Sounds like expert propaganda to divert attention from the first instead of the constructive help veterans tend to give.
  12. Ronin Oni

    I'm all for more buildings and some connecting tunnels between them etc...

    but I do NOT want the corridorside that was the original.
  13. Sebastien

    Infantry only Continent is implemented.
    People flock to it in droves, tired by vehicle heavy combat.
    Bases are too far apart.
    NC dominates through the help of their MAX suits.
    Everyone complains.
    SOE abandons ship, and never attempts an Infantry only continent again.
  14. MasterD

    I couldn't agree more.
  15. Isila

    I don't want to get rid of vehicles. I want vehicles to be a strategic choice with strengths and weaknesses, rather than personal powerups to trade (infinite) resources for temporary HP, Armor, Movement, and Damage boosts.
  16. Rentago

    Yeah, they told everyone "We know what is best" "We know what we are doing" "This is our game not yours"

    basically they just ignore that they don't know what they are doing, and as I've said before, they are back pedaling really hard.

    The roadmap shows that their earlier opinions were completely wrong and the community is right, but seeing as they still put out that invulnerability on revival update regardless of everyone not wanting it only shows they still will do what they want with their game so long as they think it is whats best against popular belief.

    People are gonna need to complain so hard at them to get their heads out of their *****. Smedly and Higby are really pushing to kill this game (like the other games they worked on)
  17. Talizzar

    I actually think we are starting to get a decent balance of vehicles and infantry. The main issue most have is that certain tanks are able to get into places that they really were not designed to go.

    If they want to make a map of an old abandoned city for tanks great. Almost all the bases allow tank and air spam. Even the bio labs allow for aircraft to bomb the landing bays and shoot inside.

    I would like to see more fortification that keep tanks at longer range so they are not shelling spawns. The spawn changes were a good start but air and tanks are still shelling them constantly in many places on the map.

    They need bases where the tree canopy is so thick that air cannot penetrate, trees so close together that tanks cannot function easily there. Bases that are all now down in holes that allow tanks to shell them with little care to being shelled back.

    Bases that could only be attacked from one direction, protected from multiple directions.

    How about some bases that look different? Round turrets on every continent was incredibly lazy game design and boring.