Massive nerf to cloak, low graphics quality gives you a HUGE advantage

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Village, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. zijin_cheng

    Ahem cough ahem..... bug? What bug?

    I posted it in the infiltrator forum, guess no one took notice.
  2. zijin_cheng

    I don't have vids, but here are some pics:



    Original post here:
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  3. HeadshotVictim

    okay, I give up... it IS bull$h1t
    You are right. I give in, this is perhaps a bit too much visibility.
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  4. zijin_cheng

    Maybe if you played on high but set shaders to low? Would that give you everything on high settings but high infiltrator visibility?
  5. PaperPlanes

    Seeing as how you have to manage limited cloak and you can't attack while cloaked, I don't see a problem with this. If they went this route though they'd have to keep the cloak/decloak noises audible though.

    The thing is they're planning to add implants and I think they might bring back Darklight Vision from PS1, which allowed you to see cloakers perfectly at the cost of limited visibility range. Since they nerfed the IRNV's ability to see cloakers, it just seems like that was a primer for adding Darklight (obviously it wouldn't be viable as an implant if IRNV did the same thing).

    And trust me if they add Darklight people will do what they did in PS1, which was toggle it on and off quickly everytime they entered a room or tight space just to check for a cloaker, so people will get paranoid with it and it will hurt infiltrators in this game even more. It was offset in PS1 by the fact cloakers could stay cloaked indefinitely and shoot while cloaked and if they crouch walked it was pretty hard to see them. I really just think PS1 nailed the perfect cloaking balance, no idea why they had to bother with this limited cloak nonsense in PS2.
  6. PaperPlanes

    I've been trying to figure out which specific setting causes this, so I can make a post about it and everyone can know for sure what the problem is. I'm sure SOE knows already, but they're not communicating with us about it. I think everyone has a right to know what is causing this and, as much as it sucks to hear, blowing the whistle on it and getting everyone to use it will make SOE go into hyper drive mode to fix it, like any problem that affects balance, the more people who use it, the faster it gets fixed.

    I can tell you it has nothing to do with Effects, Shadows, Particles or Textures. I think it might be Model Quality. Then again it might be the result of the entire combination of everything being on low at once.
  7. PaperPlanes

    I'm completely fine with Defiance "killing" PS2. If it's a better game that feels more like what PS2 should have been, I'll play it over PS2, that's just how free market consumerism works.

    It will suck though because I will feel that I wasted time and money with PS2, so since I have money tied into my PS2 account, I really want PS2 to succeed.
  8. Jests

    Honestly... that game doesn't look that good from what I've seen. I guess we'll see as it grows more but right now I think it looks pretty bad. The only thing I find mildly intriguing about it is that it takes place on earth in a real concrete location.
  9. zijin_cheng

    So its pretty much nothing eh? Oh well, hopefully SOE fixes this, since a few people have sent them bug reports (including me, I sent them videos)

    I played the Defiance beta over the weekend 2 weeks ago, I don't know how much I'm allowed to disclose, so I'll play it safe. First, it doesn't have battles as massive or long as crown fights or Allatum biolab.
    Second, the NPCs, world and combat felt kind of....uninspired, kind of the polar opposite of Borderlands, where you have over the top claptrap, and even the bandits are kind of funny.
    It doesn't really do anything new, apart from the fact that it ties in with a TV show, basically every element can be found in other MMOs.

    The only thing good about Defiance is that even in TPS, shooting, strafing and doing stuff in general feels much more fluid than Planetside 2.
  10. VelcroPudding

    IR scope works better on low settings . . .
  11. Phredrik

    So.. have they said anything about fixing this yet?
  12. Raverbasher

    Doesn't seem like it. I got shot last night as well when i saw an Inf peak his head over the lip of a cliff. I thought i was quite well hidden, cloaked, and as i lined him up in my crosshairs, he popped me in the head. There was noone else around and i had yet to fire a shot. Judging from that and the fact at distance a cloak inf is pretty hard to spot, i'm guessing it's still not fixed. When i play later gonna put settings on low and see what happens.

    Was thinking of buying some SC, but not with issues like this. I've only been playing a couple of week's, but really not impressed with how buggy this game has been. The whole 'Roadmap' just seems like BS to make people think SOE are doing stuff and care, but so far from what i've seen they don't. Same f******* bull**** corporate SOE. Nothing changes. If they can get their **** together, maybe i'll spend some cash. Not right now though.
  13. Stompsville

    Wow I didn't know it was that bad....It makes a lot more sense now that when I cloak it's like im not even cloak and enemy will walk into a room and look right at me and blow me away lol

    EDIT: And to above poster SOE has always made crap games or ruined good games. The only reason I play is because I have a bunch of buddies from the army that love this game. Nothing ever good comes out of SOE's doors.
  14. PaperPlanes

    Yes, Maggie said it's being worked on, I surmise we'll see a fix for it very soon, it is a game breaking problem much like the non-firing tank turrets were.
  15. H34VY

    i feel sorry for infiltrators right now, can see them from a mile away. the old version was just a bit off from ok.
  16. Tenebrae Aeterna

    When was stealth ever difficult to see?

    I've not gotten a chance to play since New Years, so if it was improved upon sometime after...then I can't say anything pertaining to such. However, if you're talking about stealth around that time...I'd find myself concerned for your eyesight.

    Some people have a favored class, and don't find any enjoyment out of playing something of which doesn't fit that style of play. The only other class I enjoy playing is the MAX, which I can't utilize repeatedly. I, however, find myself playing Engineer more often than anything because of how easily one can obtain certifications...even if the class bores me to no end.

    This post shows a blatant, and very crippling, flaw to the design of a it would be a perfectly legitimate thread to base your choice to quit upon.

    The majority of players are impatient,

    While I'm willing to give them a year to iron things out...most others have absolutely no patience to wait that long, and many will leave upon continued frustrations with a very crippled class they favor.

    I have never hesitated when seeing a stealthed infiltrator.

    I open fire, and if I get a warning sound...that's when I stop. Furthermore, in an installation type situation, I have never not seen a stealthed infiltrator...they're easily seen at mid to close range.


    An LA will spray you from above, what's this crap about them sprinting at you from the side? I die more from LAs than I have ever died from a cloaked Infiltrator in an installation setting...infact, I've never died from a stealthed Infiltrator in an installation setting...I see them every time. LAs are a great class for those who know how to use them...I can't, but those who can zoom around like a friggan ninja get me every damn time.

    That aside, from looking through this seems stealth has gotten worse than it already was. That's very disheartening to see...and I still have hope for it being fixed before I manage to get a computer capable of handling the game. Sadly, they have ample time hah...oi, so much money needed...
  17. Timeraider

    For me (on Woodman) this is fixed right now. Whereas infils sitting still before showed up as black boxes, they now are 98% transperant and are amazingly hard to find since about.. 2 days now.
    (still playing on the same low settings with the same hardware so that cant be it)
  18. K4is0r

    After you wrote that this bug is fixed for you yesterday evening, I logged in and checked if that`s the case for me too. Sadly it isn`t. I played some hours and still see cloaked infiltrators a mile away... :(
    It also can`t be a server-specific- or setting-issue, because i too play on Woodman and play on low settings (except lightning, which is off).
    Maybe they changed something, but if that`s the case the change doesn`t effect everyone and so some people can still see infiltrators rather they are cloaked or not. :(
  19. Timeraider

    .... sigh.. so probably i got screwed and now i can barely see enemy infiltrators. I do have to say ive been doing ALOT better with stealthy tactics now.. so perhaps some other people have got the normal cloakvisuals now to.

    but really sad people apparently still have this.. its weird :(
  20. Predatorv2

    UPDATE: 21.2.2013 GU3

    -Cloak is now 100% invisible for IRNV scopes on all settings (low, med, high)


    -You are still VERY easy to spot on low settings (bright white ghost style), EVEN when standing still crouched.
    Maybe even more visible than pre patch. I can't see much of a difference from standing or crouching on low settings,
    which i think was there pre patch.

    (-Maybe i just see things, but i have the feeling that standing still cloak (standing and crouching) cloak on med/high settings, is just a tiny bit easier to spot than before.)