1 year Membership

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Abyzmul, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Abyzmul

    My "Loyalty" shows copper when I bought 1 year membership is there an issue? I should be recieving my 6 month loyalty since I bought in advance correct?
  2. Abyzmul

    I sould be at Auraxium should I not? With one year membership?
  3. Josh Developer

    There is a cosmetic issue that we're fixing in the next hotfix, however your actual benefits should be correct. You can check by holding down tab while in game.
    • Up x 1
  4. BlackKobra77

    The cosmetic issue wasn't fixed with the patch. I am bronze level but it still says I am copper. On another note, in the XP bonuses window it says I get 29% bonus XP from membership instead of 30%.
  5. baratol

    Yeah, still not fixed for me either 6 month membership, still says Im copper in game.
  6. hostilechild

    Mine shows copper also, however my % is completely correct in game(on the %exp) as the dev said.
  7. Nacasatu

    Mine still shows copper even after the update. Subbed for a year also.
  8. JebbJones

  9. TSR-Jesse S Customer Service

    Just to clarify for everyone, there is currently a display issue with user's membership level in the menu (showing Copper when you should be Auraxium), you should be able to press/hold "TAB" and view your current tier of benefits.