Genudine is dying.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheWhisper, Feb 6, 2013.

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  1. Taskforce

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That sums it up as well. It gets old having to constantly deal with the previously mentioned issues but add on players from foreign countries with insane latency. It only escalates the process for players to come and go.
  2. Warmech

    It's like you never actually looked at your map when TR was on the north warpgate. VS/NC pushed straight north on Indar together on a daily basis before the patch and the map looked exactly the same with the colors switched, with the middle southern part split down the middle and no activity south of the crown.

    It's not coordination or alliances, it's just the way Indar is designed. Pushing north for the 2 south warpgates is the path of least resistance and most certs for capping easy bases. TR used to deal with being warpgated like this on a daily basis, so get used to it if you're going to camp the crown.
  3. Rocklin

    Having been on this server for a little bit now and being vs, lately the NC pop has been at least 40% of the server pop every time I log in. and this is from 10 in the morning to five in the afternoon and sometimes ten at night when I log in andoff. there are days it balances out well but other days its just insane the difference. and your whole plan of keeping us warpgated and trying to demorlize us has not worked for everyone. we will keep fighting.
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  4. Ripster

    It's like you never actually read my post. I specifically said I wasn't saying they're grouped up, and that TR constantly had the same thing happening to them when they were in the north.
  5. Fallout10mm

    Yeah we're totaly teaming up. Thats why vany has us nearly warpgated.
  6. Brandmon

    What do you expect in a game that hardly gives any incentive to the faction with the least people in there?
  7. TheArchetype

    Mandarin courses? Would suck if they actually spoke Cantonese..
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  8. Excellentz

    By the way bud, during prime time (when most people are on and the balance is the closest it will ever be) the numbers are very even. close enough. There is no excuse for us to have like 50% of the land on Indar the majority of the time during prime time. We do not have that much of a numbers advantage over you. Last night the population was 39 NC 33 VS 28 TR. Sure, we had the pop advantage but not an absurd one.. You people make it sound like you are fighting 50% pop all the time.

    I cant help it that Genudine has been a focal point for the NC to call home. We are the best and it tends to attract bandwagon hoppers. You guys need to do a better job of recruiting and generating buzz for your guys' sides. I am sure you will call Genudine dying, but when you were in the war that I was in last night you know it is not dying (3+ platoons for TR and 4+ platoons for VS were fighting on Indar last night). You are obviously running around ghost capping because you cant handle getting slapped silly by the NC all day, which is what happens. People used to just complain about our warpgate. However, now that things have changed and we obviously have the OP warpgate now, its a new issue, the server is dying...rabble rabble rabble...Losers quit, Failures make excuses, Winners find a way. Pull your factions up by the bootstraps and get more people to aid your fight.
  9. Excellentz

    Did not even see this post, but deserves a response big time. This is exactly what happened. The other two factions have been demoralized. They have not won a single worthy objective since the start of the game. Not UES, not Indar...sadly thats all we got. Both of those objectives are owned by the NC, solely. He is right it is hard to keep explaining to people why we lose and why we cannot take the map (as VS/TR). This gets people to not respect their outfit and then in return to quit the server in favor of the next FOTM server, which of course will most likely be heavily VS populated. The population advantage has gotten worse and worse because your guys keep quitting due to being sore losers.

    Welcome to Genudine, the home of the NC. Other factions/outfits on other servers take this as a challenge to come upend the constant domination on Genudine by the NC. We need more enemies to help keep these guys happy. Know that if you transfer over you will be fighting against the best and most organize faction that is out there (as a whole). The diplomacy and planning between our outfits is what sets us apart and is why we dominate and continue to attract more NC. Sorry I'm not sorry. Things are in the workings to make things even worse for the TR/VS....get prepared.
  10. Excellentz

    both factions put together? Please start screen shotting times that are not crazy off-hours where this is the case. The only time I ever see us with over 50% on anything is on Indar and that is when we have WARPGATED BOTH OF YOU, effectively pushing you off of Indar, further explaining the gap. The world population is what to look at. It is never over 50%. You are literally whining because you guys lose constantly, and that is fine, even understandable, however, inaccurate to the truth. You guys just lose and get squeezed off a continent rather easy. What do people do when they are losing? They quit. They log off, they go to another continent, who knows. We do know that they quit though.
  11. Arenthas

    Oh, hey it's another "Genudine" thread!
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  12. Brandon

    That's exactly what we want, though. That's the premise and promise of this particular game.

    High pops, massive battles. I want to see a hundred tanks charging towards my position.

    Genudine cannot deliver on the promise of PS2 and should be retired asap. This applies to all low-pop servers in PS2. They are not what we came here for.
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  13. Excellentz

    Oh man, this is awesome!!!! I love seeing some nationalism coming out from the other factions. Keep strong sir, we want you here. Keep bringing the fight. I do enjoy SNVS it is fun fighting you gentlemen. Lewk is a good pilot and I enjoy duking it out in the skies with him. However, I also recall a time when SNVS came over to Esamir and got invovled in a 2 hour war over Esamir a few weeks back in which they lost, of course. See the second installment of me Reaver Kills Montage with no a2am. It was fighting you gents on Esamir.

    Now, lol, to address your mirage of VS domination...Child please.. Use some of those stellar tactics and actually push the NC off of indar, for ONCE. When you guys actually accomplish something tangible, we will fear your leadership. Until then, we all know it is ADK and its leadership that you are in fear of. You are linking an even population by the way...I dont even know what time of the day this is but I would guess none of our skilled leaders are here for this. Play during primetime and you will see the the map naturally looks like (blue).

    The final message: Accomplish something useful and tangible and then we will discuss the NC being scared of any of you other factions. Let alone other constantly defeated outfit leaders. Until then, the NC will proclaim we are scared of absolutely nothing.

    God I love this game.

    it was a constant barrage of laughter from VS/TR about superior skill when they rolled us deep into the canyons. now that the warpgates have changed the shoe is on the other foot. VS/TR can dish it out but they can't take it.
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  15. Wrench00

    NC on plays indar and thats it the other factions cap the other continents constantly. When I chose to play here its because NC had a pop advantage. Its why I create Alts on server that have pop advantages. Other people probably do this too. No one like to be outnumbered.
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  16. vaxx

    L - O - fookin - L

    Everytime NC has a fair fight...they leave to zerg another continent. You are fooling yourself, and embarassing the real NC that dont run away until their numbers are much higher to fight.

    Even NC on Gen get sick of the empty cont capping the Zergs (like you) do. Dont put it off to tactics, put it to sheer numbers. When its even, you run. When you are losing to smaller numbers, you run. You have to one of the most miguided dolts on the server. Thank goodness there are some great NC players/outfits to even up the douchbaggery you bring.
  17. Excellentz

    Man if people actually read this post they would understand. Sure we do have the advantage most of the time, a slight advantage, but it is there. However, it is not overburdening. You have plenty of numbers to be competitive. The real problem has been identified right here and I have bolded it. This is what ADK brings to the table and this is why the NC are as strong as they are. I may be getting a little to high on the ADK horse here but it is true.

    We have open, public platoons led by terrific leaders. Some are bad, we know this, we are working on getting them better. However, we have a very, very good core of platoon leaders. I always create open/public platoons and spam for the randoms to join. You will see in my platoons many players from different outfits. VX9, CNNG, Bastards,1750, ..etc People join our platoons, at least ones led by specific people because they respect the leadership they provide to the masses. I don't feel like explaining any further as I do not want to teach you other enemy factions/outfits how to actually compete in this game. Take the advice in this paragraph as far as you want, but I have spelled it out.
  18. Excellentz

    Where do you people get these numbers you guys quote? 50% pop? What? This only happens when you guys have been warpgated and your faction quits playing on Indar. Sorry we starved you off the continent. Go play somewhere else, but that is why resources were put into this game. That is their point. That is why each base has resources allocated to it. So that armies and factions can be forced off a continent because the other faction does a better job of controlling resources.

    Most of you people (I an empathize with the TR they are outnumbered way more than the VS) are not understanding how this game works and the strategy that is actually there. LEarn to play the game, learn to use resources, learn to push bases for their resources, learn to use tactics and group up to push out of your warpgate. I hate having to teach the other factions how to play the game -_-
  19. TehGrimZa

    Let me know how that goes for ya when you've got a zerg camping you in spawn from 20+ libs, 20+ ESF's, and more. It will bring a whole new meaning of fighting in the shade.
    On top of "massive" fights, i hope your PC will be able to handle the load of 200-500 people in one little area.

    I honestly think you, and those thinking alike are in for a rude awaking when you'll be unable to see 20meters ahead of you. Having people render on screen then pop away.

    I'd be down for a medium pop server, something more than what we have on Genudine, and the ability to go to another zone, and have SQDvsSQD or PLTvsPLT action. ZergvsZerg isn't very fun.
  20. Excellentz

    Exactly what this guy just said. Sorry we're not sorry we are the best and people flock to join us. It is the nature of the beast. NC FOTM server is Genudine until further notice....See wow and death knights post WOTLK LOL people follow the flavors, it is what people do. I can say I was apart of the start of it becoming a flavor, as a veteran of Genudine. We have seen this go from very very balanced and just still dominant by the NC to us having more of a pop advantage. Tribute that to the UES and our 3-0 blow out win or the fact we are the only faction to control indar. We win, we attract more people than the losers, sorry its nature.
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