Lock-on launchers should't be nerfed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Minecreeper, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Minecreeper

    Make the lock-on missiles need resources to buy!!!!!!

    and make the Infantry resources get more quickly.
  2. MarkAntony

    Yes let's make it impossible to fight vehicles that aren't stationary and more than 50m away when you run out of resources. That'll balance the game.
    (I will spare you the "only if vehicle ammo costs resources too" argument because I'm sure someone will bring that up.
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  3. Rtwpygbzstpqacihfd

    So 1000 Cert Points wasn't hard enough to save up, you want to make it harder? Jesus christ get lost!
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  4. Kugelfisch

    Simply make the launcher wielding guys render properly and give the lock-on warning the way it should be and I'll be fine with them.

    PS: Oh and don't fly around the crown and you'll barely see them anyway.
  5. SenEvason

    Because infantry doesn't have enough to buy already with mines, grenades, C4, MAXs, and medical applicators.
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  6. Minecreeper

    vehicles need resources,and now you can destroy them without resources.
  7. CHC999

    No problem, make it so that theres finite amount of tanks and planes available at a time in a continent. Theres a counter that tells you, theres still 3 more tanks deployable in this continent and so forth. Resources means nothing and if rockets need resources then we need some guarantee that there will be no armor/air spam.
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  8. MarkAntony

    Vehicles cost resources because they are more powerful than the individual infantryman.
  9. TheWhiteDragon

    Why is there a resource cost for grenades and other infantry explosives, but not lock on rockets? Makes no sense. Resource costs are supposed to prevent people from spamming things. Giving lock on heavy assaults infinite rockets is stupid.
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  10. Netham

    As an HA, the non-lock on launchers are my personal favourite and I fail to see how you cant hit vehicles with them.

    As an avid tank/mossie pilot, this is a terrible idea.
  11. FightingFirst

    They should remove lock on (fire and forget) completely from this game. It's a noob skill-less crutch. Lockon should only be achieved if you continue to have the vehicle within your sights whilst aiming down the weapon sights. I believe that would be a fair compromise. Furthermore, you should be rendered if you are firing at the vehicle.

    Another alternative would be to also add wire guided rockets.

    My perfect world would be:
    Lockon only through maintained sight. No Lock on fire and forget weapons, any that were before are now converted to lock on only when line of sight is maintained.

    No lock on at all. Wire guided replaces lock on.

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  12. edward130603

    Infantry resources are the only things that are limiting in this game, so TheWhiteDragon, it is FAR from stupid. How often do you run out of air resources? Hardly ever. How often do you run out of tank resources? Occasionally, but not often. How often do you run out of infantry resources? Quite frequently.

    By your logic, we should make resupplying the planes cost resources as well. That way, we can limit breaker rocket spam right?
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  13. RzeznikZLasu

    YEA. And its very OK
    Try then retake map on lost land it would be impossible if with only resources you can destroy enemy vehicles.
    If you think that is OP try fight ONE BY ONE With that lock on luncher with any vehicle besides flash :D.
    You don t have chance to win alone against any vehicle in the middle of dessert and there is only you and that vehicle try win then.
    I think about players with ~equal skill lvl.

    And remember the most OP things are smart play and team play.
    here truly the 2nd one is OP teamplay.(one rocket mean nothing but 10 :D )
  14. edward130603

    FightingFirst, the technology exists (plus this is a futuristic game), and I fail to see how it is OP, so why shouldn't it be in the game. Your compromise is a good idea, though the rendering issues this game has makes it a problem.
  15. Cevera

    1.000 certs is nothing if you look at what most vehicles have to spend to be usefull.
    I bought 3 weapons with SC and then spent another 11.000 certs at my Lib

    Making rockets cost resources is probably the wrong way to balance them
  16. Minecreeper

    make the Infantry resources get more quickly.
  17. Eyeklops

    I think you're onto something here. Vehicle costs need to go up.

    I would be fine if all lock-on (vehicle & infantry) and high explosive rounds cost resources (HEAT excluded). Then players will have to pay for spamming H.E. at infantry, but AV rounds will still be free. 10 resources per H.E. shot might reduce the number of infantry farming vehicles on the battlefield some. Implementing the idea could be troublesome.
  18. hostilechild

    Lock-ons are no where near as bad as say underslung grenade launcher! Can post a video of an engie with one resupplying himself while racking up about 90 kills as the TR try to push out of their warpgate to ceres farms. Total annihilation with little resistance, think 1 LA actually got up bluff, rest didn't even seem to know where the grenade spam came from.

    Its as powerful as a grenade and more accurate, yet doesn't cost resources and can be resupplied from ammo pack.

    Yet infantry are not complaining, they deal with it, so flyboys can just deal with lock-ons :p
  19. SDD

    There is no "rocket spam" from infinite rockets, that's like saying there's too much "bullet spam" from infantry. The reason grenades cost resources is to reduce their spam, which would be an actual thing given their ability to not so rarely kill 3+ infantry at a time. When a single rocket has the ability to kill 3 vehicles at once, then you can worry about "spam" for it being there.
  20. Nyscha

    They should get nerfed harder than they actually are.