Waterson Throwdown 2/15/2013

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fear The Amish, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Fear The Amish

    It all started on Amerish with VA v Brit Then moved to Esamir with VA v DVS last one was on Indar with VS v NC v TR throwing down for the crown on 2/15/2013 we will be returning to Amerish!

    VS v NC v TR
    Return to Amerish

    The VA will be there will you? guarantee you the biggest fight in PS2 Will be on Amerish 2/15/2013 at 8pm EST. Bring yourself, bring your friends, bring your outfit. Everyone is welcome lets have a good old fashioned throw down on Amerish.
    • Up x 1
  2. Regis7575

    Sounds like a good excuse to warpgate the TR and NC to get some air resources....count me in!
  3. Vangelis

    Would love to but something about GU2 completely broke the game for me. Look, I was never a badass but I was proud of my .75 K/D ration and my knock for headshots. Now, I'm averaging less than .25 K/D since GU2. This is not coincidence; its a combination of a lot of things namely paper bullets. At my age, video games should cause the least bit of rage. . .

    Oh . . . and this: PEN15
  4. LadyE

    Sounds like a good time to warpgate TR on Indar and get that bonus!
  5. Rubius

    BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. The Funk

    So I notice you titled the event "Return to AMERISH". This lends me to believe the event will be held on AMERISH. Is this actually the case?

    See you there scrubs!
  7. Fear The Amish

    err yes?
  8. Attis

    Looking forward to bagging some smurfs and tickling some elmos...

    Xen Of Onslaught
  9. Xaturas

    That just o_O. I got below minimum rig. Get like 15-30 fps in combat (can get even worse in massive combats like 10 fps, but then I just give up).
    And I still have 1.6 kd and about 2.9 ka/d.
    That just :O, my fps makes me shoot like an old man already, not to mention a big amount of compensation/predicament when will the enemy be, where will the scope stop. God forbid its CQC.

    As for the fight itself, good luck, though I think population is at fault of empty continents. And it will only get worse with new ones. After the merges we will either wait for minutes and I mean really wait like 30-60min to swap continents, or empty crap will still be there.
  10. RedOak

    We will be there.
  11. zib1911

    Imperial Reach will be there representing the TR. Always down for some organized VS, NC killing,
    • Up x 1
  12. Torkz

    • Up x 2
  13. Haterade

    Your Magriders will loathe the day they met my new AV turret.
  14. Vangelis

    So you're me? So tell me, me, what is it I'm experiencing? Are you so arrogant (read: completely stupid) to think you know what someone else is experiencing or what kind of rig they're playing on. Do yourself a favor, become edumacated before you come on here and drool all over yourself while typing complete and utter ******** on a screen. Your life and your experiences are your own and while you may feel like you can project those same experiences onto someone else and thereby render a verdict on what said person is thinking, feeling, doing . . . well, you're just wrong. I am not you and you are not me, period. So, good sir, please move along and spew nonsense towards someone else. Care to debate the subject? Please do. Just remember, don't bring a flaccid pen15 to a gun fight.

    BTW, did you notice YOU brought up fps and rig strength? Again, interjecting parts of your world into mine that I never mentioned. Do you even know how to debate? Obviously, you know how to attempt to argue, but to debate, nay.
  15. TheShrapnelKing

    Vanu Alliance vs. .....I'm not sure what the newly co-ordinated NC call themselves. I just know the outfit leaders call themselevs the NC Command. But it shall be interesting.

    Perhaps by some miracle the TR will will smarten up by Friday and pose a serious threat so it's not just VS vs NC.

    Though, I'm not sure how much manpower we'll be able to divert - we've got to keep that Indar lock at the same time, it's a matter of honor, so my worry is that our forces on Amerish will be short on men.

    Well, whatever. Not like we haven't gotten used to being outnumebred. Though oddly, a lot of the TR have jumped ship or something. Where the **** did you all go?
  16. Pandastratton

    BBCode (message boards & forums)

    That is all
  17. Bear


    Seriously, this is the threat we're fighting against?

    I hope the army of a million snipers actually get out of their Magriders this time.

    Maybe we should form an alliance?

    Seriously, This should be fun.
  18. Slayer Of Tacos

    Bring us a fight. We revel in combat. Come to Amerish on Friday night. Let us have a war of grand proportion, not seen since DVS faced BRIT. Imperial Reach will be there.
  19. Czuuk

    Good luck with that. H4TZ on Amerish already. ;)
  20. Bear

    Yeah, we got on around 9:00pm for our op and noticed that a certain group of the VS apparently thought it would be fun to warpgate us before we even got there. Warpgating an empty server, what a victory!

    We won't make that mistake again.