SMG Infiltrators: Prox/Clay/BB or restore kits?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by haniblecter, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. haniblecter

    Im increasingly finding myself behind enemy lines hacking stuff and getting oppurtunity kills while using the SMG and thsi class.

    Often, i take some small damage that I really wish I could heal. Is anyone else here leaning towards getting away from their plantables for restore/heal kits?

  2. Tnsr

    I first went for med kits which is perfectly fine.
    The mines are a sure kill.

    After using both I can't really say what is better, they are both good choices and I guess it is all up to personal preference. At least if you know you have medics around you or if you are sniping from far away it doesn't hurt to take the mines.
  3. Ruvan


    If you have CMs around then mines are obviously better. Other situations where they might be better is for things like attacking/defending gennies. Other than that it's preference.
  4. AccelPrime

    Got fully certed Proximity Mines on my SMG Infiltrator and it's awesome. I mean, Proximity Mines are almost guaranteed kills without any effort, what's not to love ;)?
  5. blzbug

    The answer might also depend on your resource income. If you're resource poor, run with medkits for a while. If you use mines, you KNOW you will be spreading them around like candy, eating up your resources :) Medkits cost the same, but you will frequently die fast without any chance to use them. Gives your resources and mine inventory a chance to build back up.
  6. klor

    Like the others I choose by situation but I run resto kits more frequently than mines. I think I might cert out medical soon though since resto healing stops while cloaked forcing you to hide unstealthed while the resto ticks.