Rez notification is a good start

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by TheScapegoat, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. TheScapegoat

    But the recipient of the rez needs to know the situation they will spawn into.

    Possible change to the pop up notification to mention at what percentage of health you will revive at.

    30% - 40% - 50% - 75% - 100%
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  2. irishroy

    bump, because that's really, really good,
  3. JudgeDreddy

  4. asdfPanda

    Also what level medic gun would be nice. I play medic myself mostly so I can just heal myself, but I know others would want this.
  5. LineTrap

    Disagree. Would probably lead to a situation where players would only accept higher level revives (even holding out for higher level revives to overwrite the undesirable one), meaning new medics just starting out with their first and second level tools would be denied experience, get frustrated, and potentially not advance in the class. Which is not what we want; we want to encourage more dedicated support players.

    In a perfect world, prospective medics would first play other classes, farm up hundreds of certs, and level up their tools before healing and reviving full time. But, new players need time to catch on to the best strategies. Instead of incentivizing high level medics to revive steal (more than they already are), encourage medics with lower level tools to top off their patients.

    If you absolutely need to know the level of revive tool of the medic rezzing you, there is one hint built into the system already: higher level tools revive very quickly; two seconds or less. Lower level tools take three or four seconds. With a little experience, you will be able to tell the tool level by the length of the indicator (particularly for extremely low and high level tools).
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  6. jeuvisage

    " meaning new medics just starting out with their first and second level tools would be denied experience, get frustrated, and potentially not advance in the class"

    That is exactly what should happen. They can heal, let the big boys rez. I normally dont accept rezes because of lowbies unless im in a area where I know I wont get instakilled if I rez. Half the time when I do accept his tier 1 or 2 rez, that noob doesnt heal me at all either, so I have to hunt him down and TK him.
  7. Bhudda V1

    i have always thought that medics should at least at level 3 of the medic gun full heal all rezes it makes little sense that the medic gun which is Nanite based would do a worse job due to the users experience with that said i am cool with the time it takes all the levels but it always urked me when it does less health seems like a jerk a$$ thing to do to newbie medics, having more experienced vets pissed off at the newbies who a) don't know any better b) don't have the certs for it. 500 certs for top level medic gun is a pretty high price for a newbie before the vet's give them no trouble for being a lower cert player.
  8. James Seth Lynch

    Upgrading the tool to level 4 take a laughable amount of certs(90) and level 5 is another laughable amount.

    The number 1 rule of being a medic is to get to your med tool upgraded ASAP. You give nothing to the team at levels 1 and 2.

    We need an actual revive health display.
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  9. TheScapegoat

    Very first certs I put into the game were all Medic Tool.
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  10. gagle

    Totally agree.

    Different resurrection levels -> higher overwrites
    Same resurrection levels -> the latter doesn't overwrite

    And please, display the current level.

    Some players cannot be revived, why? afk? Put a big red X to know if it's worth to go revive him in a massive battle because we can die in the attempt.
  11. FlayvorOfEvil

    You can usually tell the level of the medic's meditool based on the time it takes for them to heal you. 1 second=lvl 6 2 seconds=lvl 5, more than 4 seconds? don't even bother.
  12. TheScapegoat

    Thats very true, but I've noticed some times the reviving display doesn't continually display when being revived.
  13. ShadeOfChaos

    I revive every single time anyone revives me - even if it's a lower lvl, why? So they can use the exp to make certs faster and get their healing guns upgraded faster. (which infact you are all saying they should do, but don't help them out a lil?) if you get instakilled and revived again, just ignore the second revive, ofcourse. :p

    To the OP's suggestion, I wouldn't mind having it, just so I know I'll need to run to cover or not. :p

    And just to add to the nice new things, I love being able to see nearby medics on the minimap when dead (maybe have them a bit bigger since they're kinda hard to spot though)
  14. Shiaari

    Irresponsible medics are a part of the problem.

    My Medical Applicator is one one rank from maximum; I have other things to spend certs on at the moment. I am well aware I won't be reviving at full health so I slow down and take the time to top off the "patient" so to speak.

    Noob medics don't do that. They just run around spamming revive for the easy XP. They don't realize they get extra XP for taking the time to heal the player completely.

    I would really really really like to be credited XP for the extra health I revive them with.
  15. RovingDeath

    I just came in here to create a thread like this. Glad to see others thinking about it. I freaking RAGE when I pop up and the little gutter****e runs off without healing me. I never intentionally TK but man it's tempting.