The Prices kill the Game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Evilhardt, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Covah

    I think weapon prices are "right", but 500sc for a camo.....250 would be fair but 500 is too high.
  2. Omnipotentous

    What this really boils down to is: How much is your time worth?

    I can spend an extra 10 minutes at work and purchase a new rifle. Or I could spend hours upon hours relentlessly earning cert points to purchase a rifle and have no extra certs to unlock features for said gun or classes.

    How many certs can you earn in an hour? How many nickels can you earn picking up cans along the side of a road?

    Mileage may vary.
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  3. Reithan

    Also comes down to how much fun/work you have in that 10 minutes of work vs that weekend to a month of cert farming, and how much work/fun you'd get out of that 10min of work if you spent it in another game or on another activity or item. Opportunity cost, man. Opportunity cost.
  4. Omnipotentous

  5. Exaar

    How the hell is LoL a 'low-price model'? New champions and cosmetic skins which do nothing are both 8 bucks a piece, or 4 if they are on sale for 50% off. Some of the 'legendary skins' go for 20 or 30 bucks a pop.

    Those prices seem almost exactly the same or HIGHER than the prices for the items in PS2.
  6. Nurath

    Drinking that beer with friends is unfortunately more enjoyable and thus more value for money than spending it on a gun just to be competitive in a still very faulty game.

    The OP has the right of it. The prices are a bit too high even for a good game, with PS2 in the state it is, it's just unforgivable.
  7. Windchaser

    My problem is that the guns cost 700 and the lowest you can buy is 500; effectively making you have to pay 10 bucks to get a gun. Why I hate microtransactions as a whole. Most of them do things like this.
  8. TeamGreener

    The average what?

    Did I time travel or something? ;)
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  9. TeamGreener

    Umm, because it's a different game with a vastly different playerbase, developed by a different company that sells different in-game items?
  10. Nurath

    Also a pet-peeve: Would you rather work 10 mins for a pretend gun or cert farm for hours?

    It's a false query, chances are you're working those 10 minutes either way, because life isn't a straight up decision of whether you want to work that day or bunk off and play games.

    The question should more accurately be: Would you rather spend your wages on an over-priced pretend gun or just spend them on something you deem to be better value for money?
  11. Compass

    Fine, the average casino slot machine eats a quarter every 5 seconds...
  12. Sinist

    I have spent 40$ on Alpha Squad preorder.

    80$ on a 6 month membership.

    50$ in Station Cash on a 3X sale event.

    I have played an obscene amount of hours and earned over 50,000 certifications so far. I STILL FEEL LIKE I HAVE UNLOCKED JACK SQUAT. I only own two sets of camo's. THere are dozens of weapons I have yet to unlock even though I have bought quite a few with certs on top of that crap ton of SC I had. I have only bought a handful of decals and vehicle asthetics.

    The game is way too expensive in both money(SC) and certs. And this is coming from a huge Planetside fan who has no trouble spending money or earning certs.

    Camo needs to be cheaper. Asthetics neeed to be cheaper. Im OK with the weapons being 7$ if they dont release a bajillion of them.
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  13. TeamGreener

    Sounds like your opinion.

    The question is one of relative value. Each person's relative value of said item is going to be different. If you don't think it's worth it, then don't spend the money. It is really that simple.. and you can even keep playing the game! Cus it's FREE.
  14. TeamGreener

    Isn't the long term ability to keep unlocking things a strong point? Why do you want to feel like you're close to being done with your unlocks after 3.5 months of playing?

    Camo and Aesthetics could be a bit cheaper, but I feel like the cert gains are just about right (with a healthy sprinking of XP events)
  15. Kurohagane

    Right now, i would not pay 7 dollars for a gun because its just not worth it.

    If they made it like 3 dollars, i would buy more guns because in the end it would be worth it for me.
  16. hostilechild

    I looked at simply, this game is way more fun than others i payed $59.99 for and dumped in under a month.

    So i have spent about that much total now on the game and will spend more in the future. Hell i payed $12.99 a month for other games to play that were not as much fun.

    So if your having fun, spend some money and the game gets better. (hopefully).

    Do wish the camo was a little cheaper. Some people are willing to spend a lot on "looks" hell in some games gear skins are were the money is at on the auction blocks, i say screw looks functionality then looks if cheap eough.

    Now if there was a black/purple camo for my NC, they get giraffe after all, i would pay a lot for that. :p
  17. Trinith

    I'm inclined to agree with the OP, the prices are a bit high. I know that I avoid anything that doesn't directly impact my game play because I just can't justify paying as much as they're asking for camo, and I'm also very selective in what I buy.

    Having said that, the prices are somewhat artificial (for me) because I wait until triple SC sales before buying anything. I would agree though that the prices shouldn't be set with the expectation that people will buy triple SC.
  18. Posse

    I agree with you but just something to clarify, as Reithan said above, salaries, and all that stuff you mention don't have anything to do with the price of the guns since those are fixed costs and not something that changes with the amount of guns "produced", the marginal cost of each additional gun sold is zero, thus the price of the guns should be the one that maximizes their income

    True, but you can't be sure that 10% lower prices would increase demand more than 10%, don't take this as offensive, but I think the guys who did the market research for SOE in order to decide the pricinghave more information about the market that what you'd have from your experience playing LOL so the pricing must be the one that maximizes their profit, or quite close to it.

    Even if you'd buy guns if the prices were lower, you have to take into account the fact that there're lots of people who wouldn't do it even if they were lower, and also lots who would have bought them at even higher prices, so since price discrimination is impossible here (aside from the double/triple SC sales and the weapons on sale some days), they have to find some point in the middle.
  19. Tarrick

    Or wait for station cash sales and gun sales and potentially buy 42 guns for the same price. Triple station cash sales with half price daily sales equates to a 6x increase in the effectiveness of your purchasing. If you really want the gun, buy it now, otherwise wait, it's all up to you.
  20. SenEvason

    Of course, you just ignore the weapons that aren't 700SC just to make a point.