Consider making deployed sunderers much more resistant to mines and c4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AzK, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Flix

    Mandatory you mean like ASM? Or did you ever used the other options? So how about we build that in by default too hm? Would be a nice idea. And then when everybody agrees on the next "mandatory" item we include that into the sunderer. All tanks should have HE by default..i mean its mandatory no? And those flares on the ESF..mandatory some would say...lets make this game nice and easy for guys like you. everything you build is invulnerable and onehits everything. Mandatory i would say.
    Dumbest word in a game full of choices i have ever heared.

    By the way...ONE SINGLE PLAYER buys a ASM to turn the tides of the battle...and whines about that ONE SINGLE PLAYER can destroy it to turn the tide of battle. Are you kidding me?

    Keep talking..when i bomb a sunderer i run from the front to the back of it and seed my mines. If front to back is not whide enough in your logic then i wonder where the use of the mines should be...Tank drives in one... driver repairs..drives in teh next one..driveer reparis or what?

    You mean that vehicle that one single player pulled out and after around 5-10min he can pull an other one? Of the 100-200 players around him that can do the same? Yes he should be able to do that...else you shouldnt be able to pull such an important vehicle on your own.
  2. RzeznikZLasu

    Mines should be plant on main roads, close ammo station, near to spawn vehicle to deny enemy sunderer respawn ext... you can find more strategic places always.
  3. Tasogie

    Strange, on Briggs more people are starting to defend their sunderers, an guess what, shock horror, They don't lose them to easily.
    Park a sunderer under a bridge,cliff,wall die, you deserved to lose it...
    Use your head an park it in places not directly visible from enemy, an defend it, an you earn the easy exp you farm with it.

    Btw, Mineguard is NOT a req, I have never used it an never will, yet I do just fine. if I lose it, I lose it... but it wont be because I didn't defend it.I never ever leave it alone when I am AMS. Try it sometime, you might find it profitable. Instead of relying on others to do it for you.
  4. RzeznikZLasu

    if you don't own 1/3 map you will earn 400 resources in long time(few hours) but average resource income is ~50-60 in every 5min correct me if i am wrong
    400\50 = 8 8*5=40 min that means average in every 40 min you can get sunderer.
  5. RzeznikZLasu

    Did you see those movies such thing like safety place don t even exist in this game, ah maybe warpgate and respawn room.
  6. Tasogie

    Not "safe" but then its a war game, safe is something that doesn't belong outside warp gates etc. The overhang on backside of crown for instance is highly dangerous spot to put a Sundy, BUT.. an heres the kicker, it is also a damn good spot. because it can be defended with AT mines on road, an with the mortar launchers on Sundy, infantry really need to work to take it out. Couple that with 1-2 AAMAX, good luck bombing it :).
  7. Jaquio

    Yeah, and it cost that engineer 150 resources to blow your sunderer up.

    The difference is he gets to use those mines once.

    You can drive around gaining xp all day with your 400 resource vehicle if you care to defend it.

    Not to mention, he's constantly strapped for INF resources because everything he uses costs. Vehicles resources mean nothing compared to INF resources.
    • Up x 1
  8. MarkAntony

    Flak, lock on missiles, your own ESFs and mineguard. Take your pick. (1 guy with C4 can't kill a sundy if the engineers are paying attention)
    Also that guy used a lot of resources and time to do that so he should have a decent chance at getting a kill.
  9. RzeznikZLasu

    Around main base :D ?

    Hmm i though you can also all day long run with you 2 mines and wait to put them on deployed sunderer.

    Or keep them in inventory to feel better.

    Yep and blow that stationary sunderer for 600Xp with those mines that's tasty target.
    That is main reason to defend mines blowing up sunderer in 3s in suicide mission.

    1st of all i don't take Sunderer for farming reason i want help my team, if would farm cert i should get HE tank with INRV.
    I deployed sunderer in Crown few times in was afk and i have erned 1-2 CR :D in 30 mins.
    I have spawned many soldiers.And i can tell you that is not CR-machine vehicle like HE tank or zephyr-liberator.
    20CR in 5min of bit of luck.

    And resources are precious for people who use it.
    If you are pilot you like air resources if you are like light assaut you like infrantry resources
    if you are tank driver...
  10. Armchair

    Actually, 3 blocks of C4 will insta-gib a sunderer regardless of defenses.

    Blockade armor is pretty over rated IMO. People think it will turn the sundie into an invincible titan of health, but the bonus is only enough to stop another 1-2 heat rounds or rockets. The main edge it gives is that it protects by providing damage reduction, so it is easier for engineers to fight a DPS/HPS war against rocket bombardment.

    I still maintain that the toughest defenses I've seen have been centered around ammo sundies that have kept defensive vehicles in supply. The tanks obliterated any infantry that tried to sneak past, and the sundie kept them topped off on ammo.
  11. MarkAntony

    If you are a dedicated pilot or tank driver and your vehicle doesn't outlast your resource cost/timer you either own to little of the map, have just started to play or you are just bady bady bad bad.
    Infantry uses resources every time the throw a grenade, lay a mine, use a health pack etc. Your vehicle can be kept alive way longer than it takes for your resource pool to regenerate.
  12. RzeznikZLasu

    Oh god infantry respawn in 15s or can be revived in 1s so your
    Esamir Amerish sure, but when you try get in to the fight like in Indar you will be killed more often there are much more tanks lock on launchers aircrafts.
  13. MarkAntony

    Nope. Even on indar you can do it. Just don't overextend.
    The only problem is teammember blocking your escape. I just yell at those in local chat with a mixture of panic and anger which seems to get their attention.
  14. makrome

    oh my .. this still going ?
    So, explain to me why you REFUSE TO DEFEND YOUR SUNDERER, be it through mineguard (you dont't even have to stay around your oh so precious deployed sunderer) or other means all mentioned multiple times in this thread.

    Explain please

    [edit typos]
  15. RzeznikZLasu

    Mineguard don t give us protection from 2xC4 and granade luncher but only mines.
    I trying all time i don t refuse defending Sunderer man.
    I just don t like if Sunderer act like glass vehicle and can be blown up in less than 3s.
    I don t have nothing about that if engineer or light assault will take down it 12s by placing that explosives behind it but hell yea not by just throwing on them C4 or mines in < 3s.
    One get close if he have 12s to place C4 bomb or mine he deserve to kill that sunderer.
    I just try to tell you that blowing up sunderer faster than heavy tanks and bomber can took it down it seems to be broken to me.

    I tried it many times defend but it if somebody drive flash and makes ***** run on Sunderer its VERY hard to kill moving objects.
    Once i got orbital drop on sunderer engineer with invuablility put mines close in 4s :D ?
    10 people were shoting at that engineer and he blow up sunderer- haha granulations for him and broken mechanic.
    (That was on Crosswords) I saw such action few times :).
  16. MarkAntony

    If someone gets 2 C4 and a grenade launcher into your sunderer and no-one is repping it in between it deserves to die.
  17. quicKsanD

    Consider parking in a better spot
  18. Mustarde

    Mines actually feel very broken - when I think of planting a mine, it is a planned, strategic move to disrupt vehicles traveling on a likely pathway. Right now, you just throw them on the roof of a vehicle, watch them magically fall beneath the vehicle, get buried, activated and instakill said vehicle.

    Mines are basically being used the way c4 is intended to be used. Run up to a target, drop explosives, get clear and detonate.

    So I think the real issue isn't the design of the sunderer but the strange and arguably broken mechanic of tank mines
    • Up x 1
  19. makrome

    So you want it to be invulnerable (or close to it) vs. both types ?

    There might be some more time needed than 3 seconds, they don't really spawn right next to you.

    What about placing mines yourself to protect the assumed route that flash might take ?

    Tough luck there, granted, but tell that to the countless aircraft killed by droppods in a fraction of a second, and there might be a spawnbeacon not too far away to do so.

    Of all my deployed sunderers only 1 was killed so far by a single infantry, with C4, and i can just blame it on defense not paying enough attention. That LA earned it by managing to slip through and being able to drop his C4, he died before he could trigger it, but after he respawned he triggered his explosives.
  20. Xasapis

    The mines are working as intended. They are just not mines. Consider them an anti-vehicle specific explosive with proximity trigger. That's how this particular explosive works in the game.

    C4 taking out armor is a joke BF3 started. It shouldn't even scratch the paint of the actual vehicles.