Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Javiniceday, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Baffin

  2. VanuZuma

    Phazaar where are you getting your numbers? 50% have fps increase? Not even close, just look at the forums.
  3. Pat Cleburne

    Initially after the patch and hot fix the game ran like crap for me.

    But today it played brilliant. Did they slip in a ninja patch on me? I wonder?
  4. Katana

    YEAH! Don't roll it back because it works for this guy you inconsiderate turd burgers!

    the fat heap of us that it runs like a sack of **** for don't matter.
  5. Cookiepiledriver

    No, for the love of money, roll back the patch, because you won't see anymore if you keep going at this rate.
  6. Zanduh

    They are working on a fix for the weird lag spikes. I'm sure you'll survive a day or two without optimal Planetside 2
  7. Xandax

    FPS will be fixed automatically when there's much less players.

    Seriously though - roll-back is not likely, although it should be plausible and possible depending how their development and deployment process is. But it would be such a huge PR hit and cost them downtime that it's better to be "thank you for your patience" while trying to fix what ever mess they made in the code that can make the game literally unplayable for so many.

    Still - it's a rather big loose-loose situation and well..... I wonder how much patience the player base actually have. I know my own is limited as there's plenty of companies that want my money and my time.
    It's good being a consumer.
  8. Slyguy65

    Ya...but when.

    2 weeks from now...
  9. Slyguy65

    .......the game has yet to BE optimal...

    THAT IS WHAT THIS PATCH WAS SUPPOSED TO HELP WITH....holy lord the irony that is pouring from this thread.
    • Up x 1
  10. chilly154

    If you're suffering; it doesn't mean everyone els have to suffer.
  11. t31os

    You're assuming those with big performance problems are still logging on and playing for extended periods of time, that logic sir, is seriously flawed. If other players are affected to the degree i am, they will be putting in minimal amounts of time to the game, i've played less since the patch than i've put in on a single day when performance was stable(i.e pre-patch).

    I'm waiting patiently for a fix, i honestly don't mind if it takes a while, just so long as we're not talking like a month from now.. :)
  12. INFP

    Just wait for the FPS issues to be fixed. The actual content of the patch was pretty good if you subtract the bugs.
  13. Germanius_GER

    MY FPS are ****ed, your FPS are ****ed, but the game is working for most part of the players.
    So there will be no roll back.
    Witch is 100% understandable.
  14. Bruiserdog

    Yelling on the forums is not going to get the fix any faster. Just be patient. Obviously they are working on it from messages on server/tweets.

    Its like honking your horn at a red light at the car in front of you to go, makes no sense.
  15. MarkAntony

  16. Cl1mh4224rd

    After all, if you believe most of the folks on this forum, we've all been playing an absolutely terrible game for over two months already. What's a couple more days of slightly more absolutely terrible?
  17. SgtCrashdown

    FIX THIS LAGGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its horrible to play this game with these laggs!!!!
  18. Sharmanti

    98%? Wow, you are seriously lucky

    Patch made alot better, and more interesting, new sounds, better defences etc etc

    But it also made the game nigh unplayable, constantly dropping you to 10 fps or lower unless you mix with the ini file and succesfully find out what makes your computer stutter, seems to work in 50% of the cases to disable particles. But not for everyone.

    Patch ****** up the game. Because of the "optimization" we can barely play
  19. Phazaar

    It's an assumption I'm happy to discount, as our platoon numbers have remained the same since patch. Arguably there could be a secondary here though, in players returning to the game to try the new patch, I'll grant you.

    I completely agree; I don't think a developer should be working on anything else but getting this fix out.
  20. TintaBux