(Waterson) To all Vanu at ARC Biolabs Tonight...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Carl 99, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Carl 99

    Bloody good fight, you had that place buttoned up tighter than the crown and yet we got some great infantry fights.

    Ohh and sorry to anyone i annoyed with my prediliction for finding the oddest places to enfidle you from with my T16 from stupid distances :p. (i doubt i was really that bad even if i got a couple of epic positions).

    Anyway. gg everyone.
    • Up x 1
  2. Vortok

    Isn't Waterson the server with most of the TR that whined about ARC when it wasn't 2 inches from their warpgate?

    Wonder what the excuse is this time.
  3. Aghar30

    Yep, their excuse this time is that we took it when they weren't defending it. Which um its kinda obvious when people are going for it cause they have to get the spots near it. We just proved that even with the worst gate on indar VS can be a force to be feared, even with the lowest population. And to you carl, GF man, did you see the odam crybabies making up all kinds of excuses as to why they were losing?

    Oh and for those who will call us out on NC coming in to finish the cont neut, TR had 36% + on indar, VS had around 25%, so its rather pathetic you were not only pushed back to your gate, but lost the cont bonus as well.
  4. Carl 99

    I should have known this wouldn't stay civil.
  5. Vortok

    I always love the "you ghost capped it" excuse when talking about anything on Indar, especially stuff right next to a warp gate.
  6. saltyorange

    You know he was starting this thread off on a good note do you guys really need to come in here and **** it up? It was an awesome fight, well aside from when my frames would drop to the single digits every five minutes.
  7. Aghar30

    Oh no offense meant to you carl, and I apologize if it went south too fast it was an amazing fight.
  8. Accuser

    You proved that most of the TR on Waterson are incompetent zerglings... but that was pretty obvious to everyone.
    ARC Bio is still un-capturable if 2 squads decide to defend it, which makes it clearly OP.
  9. Carl 99

    Amen Salty. Crashes due to that didn't help eithier.

    @Aghar: Fair enough. I just didn;t liek the built in dig. But here's my take on what happened, (i'll try to be as fair as i can bearing in mind i missed a few cruical points thanks to a crash).

    Thing is their probably right, you probably did sort of ghost cap it. I crashed out, (and took my ushual 30 minute temper cooloff break), whilst we still had peris, but by that point indar pop figures where TR 11%, VS 23%, NC the rest. When i came back TR had capped continent and we had a mass brawl going with you guys at ARC. and the pop was a lot better. But based on the situation when i crahsed out i doubt stopping you taking it was a strategic priority, i was involved in a few pushes to get you out of the next one over, (highlands i think), before i crashed out and they where allways small compared to what we where throwing at the tower north of the WG and Peris. ARC just wasn't a strategic priority. But obviouslly once we lost everything the first one we wanted to clear was ARC.

    Obviosully i was out when ARC actually fell so i don't know the specifics of what happened, but based on the startegic priopratising going on when i crahsed i'd expect them to have sacraficed ARC given the choice between than and losing Peris/Giving up on the NC fight.

    The fight itself though was excellent, mostly becuase it's a sufficentlly defensive position to deter tanks and planes, but still lets them play a supporting role whilst giving plenty of places for some excellent infantry fights. Also cute sunderer hiding. What actually wen ton that caused it to fall, i never did figure out where the final push suceceded in going in.
  10. UzumakiW

    Bleh, need to get my desktop fixed soon to get back into these battles. Nice to see a thread dedicated to good sportsmanship and discussion between two factions on a fun battle, regardless of some bad apples coming in and trying to kill the good mood. Props.
  11. Slyguy65

    The new spawn rooms helped them A LOT being a mini fortress and all.

    Also, yaaa the entire indar VS were there...Aaaaand the NC and VS were **** about taking TR bonus away...as soon as we lost it.

    The NC moved to ARC...vanu left. We killed NC...now its neutral.

    Plus BNAT was there...I swear he aim bots the stories i have heard about his "2 shot".

    Sooo ya. Only reason they could even hold it cause they could lock on to our tanks from their spawn room...GG with lock-ons.

    But i digress I got over a hundred certs in my tank there, sooo its all good in the proverbial hood.
  12. ritual

    Before anyone starts whining about an NC VS alliance, I'd like to point out that we were fighting against the NC and the TR at peris the whole time, and the NC cut us off from our warpgate multiple times while we were holding ARC. When the continent was neutralized, the VS only had ARC and maybe one or two other hexes. We were fighting on both fronts.. just much more heavily against the TR.
  13. Aghar30

    you do know if all you had just rolled down the hill at the same time, we wouldn't have been able to hold it and get the continent neutral, if anything i hope you guys learned, you do not let your last stand fall.....EVER. And if it does, that becomes top priority to get back. Yes you got a **** ton of certs, so did we but seriously we gunned for arc bio right out of the gate, we didn't care about peris till we had arc bio. Sitting up on that hill may have gotten you a few extra certs, but you honestly lost the cont bonus by doing that, the plan the entire time was to hold arc bio at all costs, and well it was beautifully successful.
  14. Wargrim

    I liked all the TR prowlers sitting on the ridge where they couldnt even possibly hit anyone because of rendering distance, instead of all moving in in one big wave and ending the siege.

    I also liked how the VS dedicated almost their entire continent population to holding ARC Bio, while the NC where capping the entire continent. Pretty damn good job there NC. I think the VS were probably trying to pay us back for those 2 weeks where they did not have Indar and we held it, even when NC and VS pushed us back to Crater firing Range and attacked it in waves together. Well, congrats, you made it this time. Planning, dedication, alliances. Now lets see if we can take Indar back without allying with anyone...
  15. Aghar30

    We will fight you tooth and nail good sir, if nothing else you will know you have earned it if you take it back :D
  16. ({x})Kyoji

    I like how if we take Arc Bio we cheat using lockons through the spawn rooms or team up or whatever BS responses I have seen but when the TR fail to take Arc Bio it's because its an OP location. Holly flip floppity waffles batman! I think ODAM should stand for "O-DAM I just got owned".

    The VS were off capturing Amerish while messing around at Arc Bio. The NC captured a lot of territory but were quickly repelled once we had enough fun with Arc Bio.

    I salute the OP for being honest and providing a positive message rather than the random **** talking the rest of us do to each other half the time.
  17. Sinist

    You should report him. I have had a ticket open on him for awhile now.

    I have been waiting for SOE to answer it. I swear they are so daft when it comes to who cheats in this game. They are so disconnected with what happens on my server it makes me almost mad.

    He was even in kills with me a week ago, and his daily average was lower then mine.

    Now all of a sudden he averages 1000 kills a day and has surpassed me by 5000 already. Yet SOE probably is none the wiser.

    On top of that he plays outside of prime hours when there arent even alot of people on.
  18. Bnat

    I am the best. Get on my level nerds.