Inconvenience while running game trough Steam

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by DanGadelha, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. DanGadelha

    Hi there...

    I'm having the following error while running the game trough Steam:

    It happens whenever I click any UI buttons... choosing character, settings, etc... even buttons or links on the launcher itself.

    Now, I know It's Steams fault, since I can play the game if i don't do it trough Steam. (launcher shortcut)

    This issue started happening after I converted my windows 7 to win 8.

    It's not game-breaking or anything, but I'd appreciate if anyone have ideas on how it could be fixed.

    ;inb4 windows 8 sucks; (it doesn't.)

    Thanks in advance,

    • Up x 1
  2. ComradeWinston

    I get the same when clicking on any link on the launcher.

    *Playing on Win8 through Steam as well.
  3. DanGadelha


  4. ComradeWinston

    No one cares about our insignificant problem. :(
  5. Sledgecrushr

    There are no insignificant problems. I think thats what the problem is there are just so many issues that its hard to address them all right away. My suggestion, fire steam as your launcher and run ps2 through soe station launcher. Has worked for me since tech test and I think it will work for you too.
  6. ComradeWinston

    But... but... the internet is my world and Steam is my home.
  7. gobbybobby

    Did you fresh install Windows 8, or use an Upgrade disk. Maybe fresh installing the game would help if you only upgraded your copy of windows.