Connery TR, INDAR never fell

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Toshogu, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Toshogu

    Just like to report even with the happy hand shaking going on between the vanu and NC INDAR on Connery, indar never fell. @ one point around 5am we had all three continents. NC once again proving that even with their superior weapons, superior tanks, superior planes, even a 15%ish population advantage, and their alliance with the dirty Vanu. They will always be in last place. 666 may have numbers, but outside of a blind zerg they have no tactics.

    The Red Eye crew held NC and the Vanu off, sometimes only having only 2 territories. 6:20am roll around and the morning crew logged on. No doubt when I come home from work I will see NC and vanu pushed back towards their warpgates. The supposed advantage of the old TR spawn has been proven wrong again. NC on Connery have to just face the facts that their leaders and players are of the subpar variety and their mothers smell of elderberries.

    • Up x 1
  2. LiTo_SE

    Congratulations I guess?
  3. Toshogu

    I started out NC on connery, but after playing a week with them I realized the Connery NC players were all mouthbreathers. Especially the 666. I loved NC weaponry and vehicles and prefer them over all others in the game. Easier recoil control, pack a huge punch compensators for everything. Vehicles that can take a hit and dish it out etc. But they suck @ deploying sunderers, sometimes there would be whole 30min sections where there would not be a single sunderer on indar. planes always being flipped at WG, NC on connery attracted all the asshats. so I was forced to switch. Poor Vanu never have the population, so I settled for crappy TR with our ****** weapons.Low damage high recoil weapons, crappy mbt. only thing we used to have going for us was the quick *** mossies, but those got nerfed to hell. And yet we still manage to dominate. Why, just better teamplayers all around.

    NC on Connery will always be in last place until 666 gets disbanded and better leadership comes around.
  4. MangoPunch

    You guys were putting up a good fight with both NC and VS surrounding you. I guess the VS couldn't handle it, must be why they gave up and decided to push north into NC territory instead of helping NC take your last few territories.

    Your day will come. Connery Indar will be free from the TR.
  5. TheScapegoat

    Very close to 60 continual days of TR Indar ownership,