"Best" US East Servers for NC & TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sylvan, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Sylvan

    Not necessarily the most dominant or populous, but just in terms of having a variety of strong, organized outfits.
    I'm running Vanu on Mattherson & have been reasonably happy. But if I was NC or TR there I'd feel pretty lonely.

  2. CAPTBuckyOhare

    Jaeger is actually quite happy and healthy on most fronts. Seems like the VS recently pulled themselves together as before the Showdown they were rather scattered; their dual contest win actually came as an utter surprise to me as I had almost begrudgingly written them off from even attending. Now they seem organized and productive, which is good.

    TR, as usual, always have a presence. The fanboy draw and those with FPS bullet-hose preferences keeps the TR healthy and organized. It's not so much like the other servers however, TR aren't wildly overpopulated.

    Honestly, I consider Jaeger an NC server. The TR are good and organized, the Vanu take advantage of opportunities to one-up whichever faction is currently winning a continent, but the NC hold the population and a fair amount of the community here. We largely notice factions move around us (wisely, tactically) but we're not simply zerging either. Battles are always thoughtful and intense, regardless who enters first.

    I can honestly say that after hearing horror stories about the other servers, I'm actually worried people will realize Jaeger is about as awesome of a server you could ask for and the players who don't respect that kind of balance will come flooding in when the server tokens come out.
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  3. Dusty El Lion

    Soltech is well developed on NC and TR.
  4. UrMom306

    well put, its a pretty good server, i've noticed a steady rise in NC though.
  5. Razzyman

    I have to agree with Bucky here. I have posts in my outfits forums about how we're lucky to be on Jaeger. We have some great NC outfits (like the one Bucky runs) and some great TR outfits as well (I'm looking at you TRAF and TT6) and the result.of having some great outfits is killer battles. The leaders of many of our outfits are great as well, we're not afraid to stand and fight. As far as Vanu they have certainly made their presence much more well known now since the UES, but I haven't gotten to know many of their outfits yet (anytime we pick where to go it's usually after the TR) so I can't say much about them at this point, but overall Jaeger is awesome, usually well balanced.and some great outfits. Check us out :)
  6. Talizzar

    Mattherson has good pop overall.
  7. centurionvi

    Jaeger used to be balanced right down the line but in the last month or so VS has plummeted and NC skyrocketed. NC tends to enjoy a good 5-10% margin at prime time, they usually have 38-42% population, while TR sits in the low-mid 30's and VS in the high 20's-low 30's.
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  8. Yerk

    Just go to Waterson and Indar continent.
  9. Slywether

    All of my chars are on their respective low pop.

    Come to TR on soltech, we need you!!!!
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  10. flynn444

    I have an NC HA (BR20) on Jaeger and am really looking forward to the transfer tokens so I can move her off. It's like playing with a bunch of Keystone cops there.

    The difference is night and day with my VS characters on Connery.
  11. DankFist

    No it isn't. SolTech has population issues. What are you smoking?
  12. Dusty El Lion

    For populations issues the various factions sure seem pretty even, during prime time the biggest difference I've seen is VS maybe 5-6 points above everyone else.
  13. Kize

    I would agree at times it does. But overall all 3 factions are pretty balanced at prime time. Pretty much every night when I log in all 3 are in the 30s until I log out at the end of prime time. When server first launched Vanu were in the 40s every night but now that the faction is closer in line with the other 2 their population has dwindled to be somewhat fair and less mass zerg.
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  14. Deathcapt

    Matherson, Great Outfits on both, pretty much even pops most nights.
  15. Haterade

    Waterson is fun for TR. There's a good mix between smaller, tactically-oriented outfits and a zergfit if that's what floats your boat. You can always find a good continent if you are willing to bounce around the continents. Oh, and we don't have The Enclave.
  16. TwitchTheTerrible

    I would say Matherson has great NC and TR outfits, and both also have a lot of co-ordination going on between the outfits on that server.
  17. UrMom306

    yep i'm fighting the NC about 90% of the time, it's getting old...
  18. Shotgunjoe

    Sucks to be you then, joining TE saved me from quitting PS2 and allowed me to see what this game was really meant for in a large organized tactical sense. PS2 with TE is like playing an entirely new game, and that from a PS1 vet that has played PS2 since early beta.

    Btw, your name suits you perfectly, hate moar! :)
  19. Haterade

    I never said why it's good not to have The Enclave on the server. It could be that I don't like the drama between the pro-Enclave and anti-Enclave factions that everything Mattherson-related devolves into. Or it could be that the Enclave's leader is a racist idiot who abuses other players he doesn't feel are on his level. Probably a mixture of both, really.
  20. Linedan

    Mattherson is a good server for all three factions. VS have several large organized outfits who work well together, TR has one massive outfit (The Enclave) and a group of smaller ones who work together if not always with TE, and NC is on a bit of a resurgence with one big group (GOON) and a number of medium and small ones who are coordinating more closely now. Populations are usually within 5% of each other during prime-time, though Indar is the only continent that's usually anywhere near balanced...Amerish and Esamir tend to end up rotating between whichever faction decides to deploy a full outfit and ghostcap everything.
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