New changes put VS in bad light, show NC & TR are more flexibly.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TintaBux, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. NC_agent00kevin

    In /y chat, it seemed to me the most immature players were VS. They could not handle the slightest hint of criticism for their weapons, tanks and aircraft. As a bystander, I usually watched the chat without participating. In most of their minds', their success must be all skill and a superior sense of teamwork and organization across all servers and during the UES event, nothing more. The mere mention of a slight nerf and they got very defensive and almost always pointed to the NC Max, with its 5-10 meter effective range as a reason to not nerf anything they had. They were also very quick to personally insult anyone who dared to imply that they had a batter tank/aircraft/weapons.

    Thats just what I saw in chat. I play NC and I dont care. Our weapons are harder to use, sure - but Im not complaining.
    • Up x 2
  2. Inverness

    So this thread is about VS whining about something, but I can't actually tell what you're accusing them of whining about from your post.
  3. sosolidshoe


    Half the reason the Prowler and the Vanguard had such trouble climbing hills compared to the Magrider was that the constant flow of tears from NC and TR eyes turned the ground to mud beneath their treads.
  4. PanzerShrimp

    Has nothing to do with VS.

    If TR or NC had something so incredibly OP for the same amount of time, They would be going through the same drama.
  5. UzumakiW

    Suppose it's because I haven't been able to play the game in about a month due to my desktop going stupid on me, but I still have plenty of TRs and NCs whining about various things fresh in my head. Guess that means one thing:

    It isn't a faction based thing to whine. It's a player based thing. What a shocker.
  6. illgot

    what, you mean their Prowler that shoots like it had dual Saurons?
  7. AlienwareX

    I do agree with you, after the update i feel like i dont want to be vanu anymore, all weapons are weaker and "SLOWER" magriders are bugged.....if you dont trust us to go inside the game and give a try!
  8. Zenanii

    ANY faction that gets nerfed will whine, regardless of if it was needed/justified.
    As for NC and TR being more "flexible", despite getting pure buffs this patch I've seen quite a few whine threads from NC ("The buffs are not enough!") and TR ("Our deployed prowler is bugged!"). I think you're the one with the clearly biased opinion.