
Discussion in 'Player Support' started by spoonjarspoon, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. spoonjarspoon

    I LOVE THIS GAME. but i have a mac and am unable to play at home. a mac release is rumoured but an estimated realease date would be AWESOME
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  2. PlanetSnide

    Get bootcamp. I can run PS2 on my retina MBP with botcamp.
  3. redsteven

    I run PS2 in Windows 7 via Boot Camp, but I'd LOVE to play it natively in OS X, even if I had to turn down all the settings.
  4. spoonjarspoon

    whats "boot camp?" are you talking about a way to play planetside 2 on a mac? if you are then id love a step by step guide.
  5. redsteven

  6. ComradeWinston

    Why would any gamer so much as consider getting anything from Apple. They sell $1000 facebook machines, not serious hardware for a remotely sensible price.

    Anyways the game is buggy enough as it is, we don't need more resources diverted away from getting the game to a functional state.
  7. Scott Challis

    Lol, Mac. You aren't supposed to play games on macs, you are supposed to click around on Facebook with it at Starbucks. When I bought my Ford Ranger I did so knowing not to expect to be able to pull a 40 foot 5th wheel trailer with it. You chose trendiness over functionality and this is what happens.
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  8. McFly

    Dude stop hoping. They have S*** tons of problems to just get their windows client right. if you want mac version, well at least another 8 month.
  9. Talizzar

    Boot camp allows your MAC to load and run Windows. It works very well. The issue will be that my early IMAC has a Mobile ATI graphics card which is lousy for games and there is no way to upgrade it.

    Go buy or build a decent I5 rig and you will be happy.
  10. spoonjarspoon

    I didnt choose it for gaming. I chose it aftet balancing the pros and cons. It was only after i bought that i got interested in pc gaming. I regret it, but thats the way it turned out
  11. AdmiralArmchair

    The only way your going to be able to play this game is if you install bootcamp and get Windows 7 or 8 CDS (get 7) or buy a PC. Apple hasn't really supported gaming much for 2 decades and probably won't support PC gaming a whole lot in the future due to their focus on mobile. Like said above, this is what happens when you choose trendiness over functionality. Also, what kind of mac do you have? If you own a Mac Book Pro forget it, those things have embarrassing specs.
  12. Scott Challis

    There are no pros. The only positive difference between a mac and a PC is software. There are some popular software suites for macs if you edit/create media. There are comparable and superior options for the PC in this department. Mac hardware is years behind, the OS is less functional/power and has poor driver support, and the pre-packaged software is a joke. But at least it will help you get rid of that extra 1200 dollars you didn't need at the time of purchase. If I wanted to waste money, that would make for a lot of extra station cash.
  13. OutbreakMonkey

    DirectX. Google it. You will never be able to play any decent games natively on OS X because DirectX is proprietary Windows software.
  14. Scott Challis

    Dont worry, Halo 1 for mac won the mac game of the year award. Primarily for being the one game that came out for mac that year. :p
    And dont forget Q3 Arena!
  15. OutbreakMonkey

    Both were ported to the inferior OpenGL
  16. Klinkin

    So much Mac hate. I should point out a few things:
    1. Several major game companies make games for Mac as standard procedure, namely Blizzard, Valve, and CCP.
    2. MacBook Pros occupy a specific position on the laptop market; they have most of the power of dedicated gaming laptops, the size of a more portable, less powerful general consumer laptop, and access to some of the most powerful media creation packages out there. They're not the best at anything for their price, but they have a combination of features you can't get in many other computers.
    3. Actual SERIOUS gaming is done on a desktop. Admittedly, Mac doesn't make any good price-efficient desktops. A gaming laptop is a slightly more portable desktop with half the power for twice the price.

    As for a Mac client, SOE did actually promise one prior to release. It was with the usual "soon™," but we've yet to hear that they actually canceled or postponed it. Boot Camp is one solution, but it runs into...issues from time to time and generally isn't as powerful.
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  17. spoonjarspoon

    To clear a few things up. I bought a mac pro because of my job, it was about 6 months ago that i got into pc gaming, so i understand the hate. I believe that planetside 2 becoming availeble for mac useres will result in LOTS more people playing, and isnt that the point of an MMOFPS?
  18. Hydragarium

    God forbid people use OpenGL/AL/XX which can do exactly the same... good lord. What is it with ignorant people on these forums who try to fake their points...
  19. OutbreakMonkey

    So OpenGL can do audio, controller and network programming for gaming can it? Nope.
    What about Xbox porting? Nope.
    Name a single OpenGL port of a DirectX title (notice how DirectX always come first?) that looks as good. While the Source engine may be more efficient on Linux and OpenGL, it certainly does not look as good.
    OpenGL is great for 3D and CAD programs but it is yet to prove itself in gaming.
  20. Hydragarium

    Who said anything about OpenGL specifically? You need the entire package - that doesn't make it any less relevant just because it isn't an all in one solution. Or a worse alternative.

    Newsflash - This is a MAC discussion. At this point you are merely being an ignorant troll. Of course you can't use alternative API's on a locked platform - Windows however is not one such, nor are Linux or OSX.

    Entirely wrong - DirectX is not what makes your games pretty. It is the hardware features on the graphics card that do. Tesselation? Not a DirectX specific feature, PhysX? Not either. Open alternatives can make games that are just as "good looking" as DirectX is.

    Open__ is great, period. This has been a nice and educational post for you I'm sure - in the future please keep quiet if all you can provide is poor flamebait and possibly blind fanboyism.