So exactly how OP was spotting to deserve 2 nerfs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Quiiliitiila, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Quiiliitiila

    The title says it all... What is with the 2 recent nerfs to spotting? It's almost impossible to actually spot someone now, and to boot they even threw in a cool down if you spam the button trying to spot someone (who you can't really spot because of the nerfs).

    Has anyone REALLY found that spotting is or ever has been an issue? How bad could it've been to warrant such an incredible wallop with the nerf hammer?

    Just curious,
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  2. Costanza33

    For me it was good. Now it's broken. You can't spot three enemies in a row, or one sundy and one tank directly one after another: you must wait. I know it was intended to reduce or suppress spot-spamming, but now it's so limited that it became ridiculous. SOE guys, before incorporating this nerf, you should have done better by simply learning people how to spot; because IMO people generally NEVER spot... And you just broke a system that a minority of players were using wisely (and when I mean wisely I don't mean spot-spamming my spot button).
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  3. Quiiliitiila

    Agreed, I almost never see other players spotting, which is annoying when I'm shelling an area around the crown and I can see our troops dying, but not where to fire. I always used spot to call out enemies that were trying to outflank us or sneak into a base, now it seems this will no longer work...
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  4. Drsexxytime

    Because people were exploiting that system for the little XP it's worth via 3rd party auto-key spamming programs as well as an advantage of knowing where everyone and everything was at.

    Hence the cooldown especially.
  5. Ghosty78

    No issues spotting for me. Not seen any difference apart from having to make sure you aim correctly at the centre of the target to spot.
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  6. Frohike

    Spotting is really broken, on vehicles you have to get the crosshair in the middle of it thus it wont be spottable if half of the tank is behind a wall, though you can still see/shott/pee on it..(reminds me of a scene in Band of Brothers miniseries). Moving Infantry is almost impossible to spot at ranges of +100m. I was an Infi some hours ago on top of a hill on Esamir, so quite good spoting position to help our team, but I couldnt tag half of visible enemies nor a standing Sunderer...
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  7. Hinthus

    I only spot spammed when I was a gunner in a liberator (considering NO ground forces usually use it and a bomber who doesn't kill is a useless bomber haha) But I agree that it was good before. The spotting system was absolutely fine IMO, except maybe the distanec with which you could spot enemies. I mean if I can see that scythe, I should be able to turn to my guys and say "Hey, enemy aircraft at 2 o'clock". Just saying haha. And the render distance for allies was kinda bad (although you just don't fire on the enemy aircraft/tanks until you know it's not an ally. Simple fix really, don't be trigger happy!) But of course, this is just my opinion. Ever since UES, SOE just sorta...dropped the ball. I'm still a loyal customer and I understand that they're going to do stuff not everyone likes, but still, I've noticed a general consensus amongst the PS2 gamers that SOE is no longer living up to the standards they set for themselves. I hope they can bring it around because I really do enjoy PS2! (Although I cannot play it right now because I'm lagging hardcore on lowest settings D-: ) Thank you for reading :)
  8. t31os

    I never saw many people spotting before, i doubt i'll see anyone doing it now, and in the brief time i played this weekend it was a struggle to spot one enemy let alone anymore.

    Personally i didn't have any issue with how it was before and compared to now, i'd say it might aswell be removed.

    Why not instead of nerfing spotting, just remove the XP for spots? I'm one player who likes to spot alot, but i certainly didn't do it for the XP, i'm a team player, i like to make my team aware of incoming forces or sneaky infils, etc... etc...

    Nerfs should of came in steps(feedback would have followed after each step), too much too fast... imho...
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  9. 13lackCats

    The only issue I have with spotting is that it exists.

    It is terrible for a PvP game.
  10. ent|ty

    Now I can't spot someone 20 feet in front of me.
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  11. Jac70

    3D Spotting detracts from the game. It negates people who play in cover or use darkness to their advantage. People would just look in an area where there might be enemies and spam the [Q] button to get everybody in the area lit up. This change is good.
  12. tacticalretreat

    Spotting a sniper is almost impossible now, unless you know exactly where he sits.
  13. phreec

    It's a good change. It was far too easy to spot previously.
  14. Alewar

    The issue I have with it is that if someone is taking potshots at me and I follow the tracers back, and I see his head poking up over a ledge less than 50m away... I can't spot him. The whole point of spotting was to fill in for the verbal communication that you don't get unless you're playing with an organized group. Granted, it should have a lower radius than what it used to, and shadows, etc. should affect it to some degree, but this is absurd.
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  15. Quiiliitiila

    The only time I "spam the spot button" is when I know there are enemies in that location. It's a win/loose situation... I get what you are saying, but it's often easier to spam the spot button to show all them troops moving in behind the building than it is to type or yell in proximity chat (which most people don't seem to listen to).

    As has been suggested, I agree that the XP for spotting should've just been taken away. This recent patch has broken one of the better tools for those players that liked to play strategically. Now you have to resort to trying in vain to shout in prox chat where a group or sniper is, and dealing with the fact that most people ignore you.

    I never had a problem with spotting, if a sniper was shooting at me all I needed to do was follow the smoke trail back to the source. Then I'd spot that area and bam, sniper. If they were a smart sniper, they would've moved, and then I'd be killed while trying to spot their old position.
  16. Jadith

    Well, spotting made smoke and flashbangs completely worthless, so the change is a good thing. I do know many people had bound the spot button to left mouse button so they spotted whatever they were shooting at, now this cannot be done, which is a good thing. No longer see quite as many people spinning around on roofs spamming the hell out of q in an attempt at being a human radar dish, so their is that. No longer do I worry about sneaking around a corner, only to have a friendly pubby scare away my prey with the q spam.

    The experience was piddly, so it doesn't bother me it is gone. Sunderers and enemies can be hard to keep the spot going, this sucks, but I'm ok with it if it means I can use smoke again.
  17. Cinc

    Did any of you play this game? Spotting was, as a LA, an insta-gib weapon of death. I survive via hiding, you want to put a permanent red dorito above my head JUST because the guy that had .5 seconds left in his life clicked Q as i was shooting him?

    In most long-range engagements, this game deteoriated to Q spamming and firing at doritos. Besides for a red mark, you had NO IDEA what you were shooting at, and would of never seen it anyway.

    Q spotting was supposed to be a supplementary spotting feature, something you could resort to outside of typing it out. Rather, it quickly TOOK OVER. You would just sit back and spam an area with Q's and open fire on any moving object. You werent intelligently calling out priority targets, you were just wildly spamming.

    So ya, the nerf was well deserved. You can still spot vehicles fine, if your physically capable of doing more then looking in its general direction. Can you wildly spot infantry just to get helpful red doritios on everything? No.

    Its fine. Now move on with your life.
  18. SenorBeef

    Spotting was awful before. I could spend my time slamming the Q key constantly and see everything around me. Spot is supposed to be a "inform your teammates of something you're looking at" mechanic, not a "find everyone you can't see in an area" mechanic. It was horribly broken before and it made the gun less fun.
  19. Kylesal18

    Been seeing this too. Glad the first nerf happened about making the cone smaller, but I think that 1 degree is too small. Something like 5 degrees would be better. That would bring the spam down a little because you don't have to dead on the target to spot. Anyone know the exact cooldown is?

    Also, Quiiliitiila. Are you the same Quiiliitiila in Star Trek Online? Just curious if you were still playing that anymore.

  20. Quiiliitiila

    Well it sucks for those of us that actually used it as it was intended to be. Now, it's so useless it might as well be taken out of the game.

    Please don't suggest that everyone behaves the same way, I never sat back and spammed Q and shot at "doritos". I'm sorry that someone spotted you as they died, would you rather they had spotted you early on in the fight or would that have been unacceptable as well?

    This game is practically Ambushside 2, whoever gets the drop on the other player wins, hands down. Spotting helped me to prolong fights and have some nice back and forth gameplay instead of just "oh, that heavy shot me from behind again..." Plus it TRUELY was useful for pointing out the groups you legitimately found sneaking to flank you. Now you can't even do that!

    I apologize if I came across as rude or brusque, I'm just a bit frustrated.
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