Grenade Launcher "Fix"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FlayvorOfEvil, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. FlayvorOfEvil

    SOE claims that they fixed the grenade launcher by fixing the reload, giving it a flaccid arc and decreasing blast radius. Sure the grenade launcher glitches up less often now, but I still find myself with a locked grenade launcher when I need it the most. The flaccid firing arc just makes me waste more ammo and possibly team kill people. If we're going to get a heavier grenade, then increase the blast radius, not decrease it.
  2. Meh.

    Works great for me, it's the only thing in this whole patch that I had to say I love.
    I say leave it as it is.
  3. Absoluth

    It's not supposed to be an easy-kill attachment, but an option to be used in certain scenarios. The GL can 1-hit kill infantry. The least SOE could do was make it require a little finesse to be effective with it.
    • Up x 2
  4. TheScapegoat

    Direct hits are registering for me inside 10m, but no explosion damage. Maybe a bug but it's still effective in CQC.

    The new arc is great however, you can drop it much more effectively to people behind cover.
  5. Clonecenter-resident

    Finesse has nothing to do with it, There are no range markers for the elevations you have to aim at to hit things beyond 20 or 30m making it purely a guessing game. Besides that, the rounds travel very slowly, with the new arc your target is likely to move out of boredom before your round gets there, again, taking skill out of the equation and replacing it with luck. I seriously doubt anyone is going to stand still while grenades keep regularly landing closer and closer to them.