Can we PLEASE get the original color scheme for minimap and HUD?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Village, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Harganen

    Both colour options are terrible - both empire-specific and enemy-allies.
    Yesteraday in allies\enemies mode I saw an enemy lightning, appearing green on my minimap...
    Additionally, all textures with changeable color look...dirty. Regardless of what color you choose from palette, they all somehow look unpleasant.
    The worth thing is the fact that colour mode choice affects BOTH minimap and UI, which is VERY uncomfortable.
    For instance, as a TR I want to see point capture indicators as red, as my empire's colours. But at the same time I DO NOT WANT to see my teammates as red. For history of video-games red marks on the minimap and red name labels became associated with archetype of enemy, so when people see those, they automatically shoot them...

    It's not just a matter of habit, old colour system was more logical.

    PLEASE change colour system back - blue\red on minimap and UI, but faction specific capture indicators.
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  2. MasterCheef

    i think its better. i hated it at first too, but it makes more sense
  3. Village

    Yeah i have no idea why, enemies should be red with my scheme but an enemy below my scythe on scout radar was flashing green.
  4. Nighcall

    If you are going to use the faction color scheme it really helps to switch NC to yellow instead of blue because it is really hard to distinguish between purple and blue in combat.
  5. Costanza33

    Yeah, simply give us back our previous color scheme as a main thing; and propose an alternative option for your new one... And give us back the previous spotting system!!! It's garbage now.
  6. Nature

    You mean the spotting system that you can no longer spam it in the dark? Now you actually have to aim the target you are spotting.
  7. nArc

    I prefer the the old color scheme. Would like to have it as an option.
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  8. BarxBaron

    Yes but that still screws up the MAP/CAP POINT colors.

    I want my old map/Caps to show green for allies (TR) blue for NC, purple for vanu............and let all the enemy doritos be RED.

    Right now if you choose custom: TR green, NC and Van red and red..........all nme doritos are red............but now their cap points, terminals, etc. are all red..........

    I want the old way as a possibility.

    They need to SEPERATE the dorito colors and the map/cap point colors and leave it as an option.
  9. Phazaar

    Completely agree with the OP. I'd prefer the ability to change the colour of EVERYTHING individually, even if it was via .ini settings or whatever. But I much prefered the old settings. Also, they didn't have the bug where Scythes keep appearing in Green/Yellow -_-

    Seriously?? I think it's only Vanu that comes out on top here.

    Right now, if you're Vanu, TR can be Red (doesn't clash with any squad colour), and NC can be blue (doesn't clash with squad colour).

    If you're NC, VS are the same colour as charlie squad. There is more or less no colour that you can set them to that does not look almost exactly like another key colour (unless red, which is tres boring).

    If you're TR, the same problem above occurs.
  10. Costanza33

    I know I have to aim to spot someone, I was already doin' it with the previous system. The problem for me is not that I can't spot-spam anymore (in the dark or the light I don't care), it's just that it became impossibru to spot three different enemies in a row. When you detect three sneaky enemies movin' together from your location, you can spot one of them but you're ****** for the two others... Exact same thing with the vehicles when you (for example) want to spot one lightning and one sundy entering a base permimeter: you can't do it as quick as you want cause there is a delay between each spotting...
  11. Faark

    NC's blue is equal to the former non-squad-teammate. So currently also NC profit by not getting shot by Vanus^^

    I really would like to get the old color setting back. At least optionally for all of us who were used to it and want it back!
  12. Stormlight666

    Exactly. The TR took a pounding after the patch as TK'ing shot through the roof due to the Red targets above our heads.
  13. Stormlight666

    I made another thread asking for this same thing. After all it's nice to know if your TR base is being CAPPED by that lone VS ghosthacker who just turned C purple, or if that NC zerg that was racing around is finally heading your way and it's going Blue.

    While still having Blue being friendlies and Red being enemies on the mini-map and the overhead doritos.
  14. NoXousX

    I think this was their terrible attempt to help colorblind players. There needs to be more color options for it to work (capture nodes, terminals etc)
  15. Canaris

    new UI colours are horrible and counter intuitive
  16. Madmojo

  17. R3D3

    I want the old colour sheme back and the green vehicle health bar, at least in the options
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  18. PhyskoGerbil

    I want it back the way it was! It wasnt broken it was working fine it DIDNT NEED CHANGING! haha Why change that when there are REAL bugs that need attention? Not to mention the "Hotfix" seems to have broken almost every vehicle and aircraft in the game except the magrider... and alot of the infantry weapons to, Id call that a small teething issue...
  19. PhyskoGerbil

    Hahaha Im double posting here because I just played for a few mins and shot down a friendly red mossie and killed several friendly red engies >.< Id say that went BEAUTIFULLY haha :D Also the lock-on sound appears to be broken haha
  20. Vortok

    The UI color scheme update makes trying to play as a Medic that heals people instead of only going for Revives really irritating. The health bars don't stand out now, and I tried a few different colors. Blends in with their name too easily. Not seeing a red health bar under an enemy is also strange... but making everything red makes me think TR is in the area.

    They did say this is the first step, and more UI/color customization is in the works though.

    Would like to be able color health bars differently. Being able to do regular infantry differently from a MAX/vehicle would be great as well. For both Medics and Engineers that are on foot.